My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1862: Childhood sweethearts, can’t help themselves

Chapter 1864: Childhood Sweethearts Chapter, I Can’t Help Itself

"You guessed it right. We did find the real murderer." Hang Jin smiled coldly and said, "The murder weapon my colleague found was a tie. That tie was at Liu Jipin's house, and the murder place was also at Liu Jipin's house. 's living room.”

"Let me tell you, the murderer is not me, but that bastard named Liu." Zhuang Shiqiang was relieved and sat in a relaxed posture, "But you still believed his words and cast doubt on me. But you are also on official business. Government office, I don’t blame you, you can let me go home now.”

"I'm sorry!" Hang Jinpi said with a smile, "I'm afraid you won't be able to go home for decades."

"I didn't kill anyone. If you don't let me go home, what else do you want to do with me?" Zhuang Shiqiang thought for a while and then asked, "Did you take advantage of Liu Jipin and try to blame me for the murder?"

Hang Jin said: "Tell me, are Liu Jipin stupid?"

Zhuang Shiqiang: "He is definitely not stupid, he is also very cunning."

Hang Jin: "Since he is not stupid, why didn't you destroy the evidence when you said he killed someone? He also left the murder weapon in the closet at home. Didn't he make it clear for my colleagues to find it as evidence to prove that he committed the murder?"

Zhuang Shiqiang: "Maybe he thought you couldn't find his head at all, or he thought you would never find the body of the deceased, so he was so unscrupulous."

Hang Jin asked: "You threw the body on the rooftop, right?"

Zhuang Shiqiang: "I said I didn't know there was a corpse in that bag."

Hang Jin: "It was precisely because you didn't know that the bag contained a corpse. When you went to the rooftop to clean it a month later, the bag was torn and the corpse rotted. Only then did you know that it was a corpse, so you reported it to the police. So It sounds reasonable.”

Zhuang Shiqiang couldn't help but said: "Captain Hang, what do you mean by this?"

Hang Jin added: "You say you are uneducated, but you know that surveillance videos can only be kept for a month at most."

Zhuang Shiqiang looked panicked, but he still pretended to be calm: "I'm not a technician, and I have no knowledge of surveillance. How could I know."

Hang Jin said: "My colleague just checked. You browsed a question on a certain website's social account a month ago. How long will it take for the surveillance video to be automatically covered? How dare you say you don't know this?"

Zhuang Shiqiang: "Why do you say that I have browsed this question?"

"Of course, let the evidence speak for itself." Hang Jin pointed to the big screen on the wall, "See for yourself."

"I...even if I read this question, what does that mean? Can it prove that I killed someone?" Zhuang Shiqiang was so anxious that he wanted to stand up, but his legs were a little weak, but he did not stand up.

"I have interrogated so many prisoners, and you are the first one who looks bad and has a tough mouth." Hang Jin pointed to the big screen on the wall again, "This is the person you saw a month ago when the crime happened." Surveillance video of entering Liu Jipin’s home that day.”

"How could it be? The surveillance video will not be automatically covered in a month, so how can I still be there..." As he spoke, Zhuang Shiqiang suddenly calmed down again. He said, "I said I would go there three days a week. Liu Jipin helped him with cleaning work at his house, so what’s the surprise in the video of me showing up at his house?”

"According to what you said, there is really no surprise, but the deceased also went to Liu Jipin's house on the same day and never came out again." At this point, Hang Jin paused deliberately for a few seconds before continuing, "The most important thing is It was Liu Jipin who didn’t go home all day, but came home the next night.”

Hang Jin's words made Zhuang Shiqiang take back what he wanted to argue, but soon Zhuang Shiqiang found another excuse: "Even if what you said is true, can it prove that I killed the person? Captain Hang, you have to be realistic when handling the case. Evidence, not conjecture.”

"Thank you, Mr. Zhuang, for reminding me." Hang Jin slapped his palm on the table and said sternly, "Dander found on the tie that strangled the man that matched your DNA. How do you explain this?"

"I, I..." Zhuang Shiqiang was so anxious that he stuttered for a long time before finding a new reason, "I told you that I would clean Liu Jipin's house three times a week, and traces of me can be found in his house. Not surprisingly."

"Well, you are right. None of this can be used as ironclad evidence of your murder, but you want to know what evidence points directly to you as the murderer?" Hang Jin asked calmly.

"You can't find evidence that I killed someone." As soon as he said it, Zhuang Shiqiang realized that he had let it slip, but he was not afraid. With his words alone, Hang Jin still had no way to prove that he killed someone.

Hang Jin said slowly: "Liu Jipin is fifty years old this year, and his son is only ten years old this year. There were rumors that he was infertile, and then he had another son for some reason. Our criminal investigation detachment was very curious about this news, so We found Liu Jipin’s ex-wife and asked her to cooperate with us in conducting a DNA test on her son. The results were unexpected, but also reasonable.”

When Liu Jipin's son was mentioned, Zhuang Shiqiang's emotions exploded instantly. He almost roared: "Liu Jipin's murder is his business. Why are you going to check on his son?"

But Hang Jin still told the facts calmly: "Mr. Zhuang, you are so angry because that child is your biological son. Don't deny it, you can't deny it. Not only did Ms. Qian personally admit your relationship, we also gave You and the child took a paternity test, and the result is that you have no other relationship except that you are father and son."

Zhuang Shiqiang: "..."

Hang Jin said again: "The day before the incident, Liu Jipin went to find his ex-wife and son again, and beat them both. You knew about this, so you said you were going to kill Liu Jipin, that beast. "

"Yes, Liu Jipin is a fucking beast! He has the ability to come to me, and he always bullies mother and son. What kind of men are they? I have long wished to kill him with my own hands." When it comes to the mother and son, Zhuang Shiqiang can no longer Unable to hold on anymore, "Twenty years ago, I accidentally discovered that Liu Jipin planned Li Yanyan to jump off the building. I was originally going to call the police. After Liu Jipin learned about it, he personally sent his wife to my bed..."

Tears slowly appeared in Zhuang Shiqiang's eyes: "Xiao Qian is a good woman, but she has no choice but to obey Liu Jipin. Liu Jipin has used her to control me these years."

Hang Jin asked: "You have a grudge against Liu Jipin, why do you want to kill others?"

Zhuang Shiqiang said: "I didn't want to kill anyone. That person came at the wrong time. I set up that game for Liu Jipin, but when I found out that the person who came back was not Liu Jipin, it was already too late..."

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