My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1863: Childhood Sweethearts, Celebration Banquet

Chapter 1865: Childhood Sweethearts, Celebration Banquet

After two days of hard work by everyone, the case of the rotting corpse was successfully concluded.

During lunch time, someone excitedly suggested: "Dear handsome guys and beauties, our case has been handled so smoothly this time. Shouldn't everyone go out to celebrate?"

Someone immediately answered: "Yes, yes, it's time to celebrate. After all, Team Hangzhou handled the first case so beautifully when our team came to our team. We must celebrate it well."

But another voice came out: "But I also heard people say that the captain of Team Hang is not justified in his name. He relied on his family connections to step on others to get the position."

As soon as these words came out, the whole team fell into silence.

This news is true, and many people even thought so.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

It took a few seconds before someone broke the silence: "Yes, someone said that. Many of us have thought so. It's not because Zhao Tou was demoted too suddenly, the Hangzhou team came too suddenly, and everyone has no confidence in Hangzhou." I don’t know much about the team’s capabilities, so this misunderstanding occurs.”

It is indeed because of these reasons.

Everyone was silent again, and it was also after a while before someone said: "This time, if Captain Hang hadn't led the corpse case, we definitely wouldn't have been able to find the real culprit and solve the case within two days, so celebrating this time is definitely necessary. Yes, actually we all find an opportunity to say sorry to Team Hang!"

Another person said: "If everyone doesn't have any objections, let's make an appointment to have a small party, and invite the Hangzhou team to attend. If you need to apologize, apologize. I guess the Hangzhou team won't care about what happened in the past."

Someone else then suggested: "That's a good thing. None of us deliberately want to feel sorry for Team Hang. It's all caused by misunderstanding. Let's make an appointment to talk about it. Don't mention the previous things again."

Several people asked at the same time: "But who will invite the Hangzhou team?"

"This..." Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one stands up, and no one can see a suitable person who is qualified to invite Hang Jin.

"The case has just been concluded, and the summary report that should be written has not been written yet. Are you just standing here and planning to brag to the sky?" Zhao Ziqian's voice suddenly came from behind everyone, and everyone was very excited when they heard it. Suitable candidates.

Everyone turned to look at Zhao Ziqian, with a flattering and flattering smile on their faces: "Old Zhao, Old Zhao, you came at the right time. You came when everyone needed you most."

"Need me? Are you sure?" Zhao Ziqian couldn't believe that this group of people really needed him. When he was the captain, no one had any sense of their need for him, not to mention that he is no longer the captain.

Everyone nodded in unison: "We are very sure that there is no one more suitable than you, Lao Zhao."

"Why is there no one more suitable than me? What are you talking about?" Anyone would be uncomfortable being stared at by a group of people and saying some incomprehensible words. Now Zhao Ziqian is not only uncomfortable, but also always feels that he is about to fall into the tiger's mouth.

Several people immediately stepped forward and surrounded Zhao Ziqian: "Old Zhao, Team Hangzhou has just arrived and our team has handled the first case so beautifully. Do you think we should celebrate it?"

"Although the Hangzhou team may not like this, it is also a way to enhance the relationship between the whole team." Zhao Ziqian nodded, suddenly feeling that these boys were somewhat sensible.

Everyone laughed and said: "Captain Zhao, the task of inviting Team Hang will be left to you."

"I..." Zhao Ziqian suddenly realized that these guys had already made up their mind and were waiting for him to jump into the hole they dug. "If I go, the Hangzhou team may not be rewarded. You should choose someone wiser. "

Everyone helped Zhao Ziqian by beating his back and pinching his shoulders. If they could, they would like to kneel down and hug Zhao Ziqian's thigh: "Old Zhao, if you go to the Hangzhou team and you don't want to be rewarded, then we won't even be able to show him the favor." No one can see you. A man as responsible as you will definitely not let everyone down."

You won’t be disappointed!

Zhao Ziqian thought of a person. Hang Jin would definitely not refuse if she said it, so he cleared his throat: "Okay, you have decided on the time and place of the celebration party, and I will handle it for Team Hang."

Of course, no surprise, the person Hang Jin wants to find is Chi Yangyang.

He sneaked into Chi Yangyang's office when he was sure there was no one: "Yangyang, everyone wants to ask me something. I can't make up my mind, and I want to ask for your opinion."

"Me? Old Zhao, are you asking for my opinion? Have you found the wrong person?" In addition to his forensic knowledge, Chi Yangyang didn't think he had the ability to give Zhao Ziqian advice.

"It's not just you, it's a matter that all colleagues voted for, and of course you have to be counted." At this point, Zhao Ziqian looked outside carefully to make sure there was no one, and then said, "This case is so settled. Beautiful and timely, and the Hangzhou team has just arrived, and everyone wants to have a small celebration party, where a team of people will get together to have a meal, drink, and keep in touch with colleagues at higher and lower levels. If we have a harmonious relationship, wouldn’t it be easier for everyone to work together in the future? Do you agree?”

"Old Zhao, this is a good thing to promote the friendship of colleagues. Naturally I will not object." Zhao Ziqian said this. Can Chi Yangyang say he disagrees?

If she disagrees, she will be the villain who destroys the harmonious relationship between her colleagues. If she agrees...she also knows that Hang Jin doesn't like to attend such so-called celebration parties.

"Yangyang, I feel relieved when you say that. The task of inviting the Hangzhou team will be left to you, just after get off work today. I have discussed the specific time and location with everyone, and will send it to you later." Listen. When Chi Yangyang agreed, Zhao Ziqian couldn't say he was relieved. His old face was finally saved in front of his colleagues.

"Me? Lao Zhao, this won't work." Chi Yangyang looked embarrassed. She knew that Hang Jin didn't like this kind of party, so she definitely didn't want to persuade him. Because she knew that if she went to persuade Hang Jin to persuade him, he would still go after saying he wouldn't go. In this way, the last person in trouble was Hang Jin. She didn't want Hang Jin to be in trouble, so she said, "Old Zhao, Hang Jin likes to go against me the most. Ask me to tell him about this. He will definitely If you don’t want to go, you’d better find someone else.”

"Yangyang, you have the best relationship with Team Hang. As long as you talk to him nicely, he will definitely listen to you. Besides, our entire team's hopes are pinned on you, how can you refuse so easily? You are kind and kind-hearted. , You will definitely not refuse, right? That's what we agreed." After saying that, Zhao Ziqian was about to run away, but he never expected that he turned around and hit a wall of flesh.

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