My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1870: Childhood Sweethearts, Falling into a Trap (2)

Chapter 1872: Childhood Sweethearts, Falling into a Trap (2)

At the request of the person who wanted to commit suicide and his family, Zhao Ziqian went up to the rooftop alone. At a glance, he saw Zhang Qiyuan, half of his body already lying outside the railing. He said hurriedly: "Zhang Qiyuan, we are only looking for you to cooperate with us in investigating the Zhang couple." I don't want to do anything to you. As long as you cooperate with us in the investigation, we will bring you back the same way we brought you in. Don't be excited, don't do anything stupid. You have to know that our lives are only for you. One thing, I don’t regret taking the medicine.”

Zhang Qiyuan said: "Captain Zhao, you are stupid, don't think everyone is as stupid as you."

Zhao Ziqian: "Okay, okay, I'm stupid. Can you come over first and let's have a good talk?"

Zhang Qiyuan added: "You tried every possible means to find me and check my whereabouts, just because you want to attack me. If I go back with you obediently, who knows how you will deal with me, maybe you will blame me for killing people." .”

Zhao Ziqian frowned instinctively, thinking that Zhang Qiyuan's idea was too extreme, but he still persuaded him patiently: "We handle the case in accordance with the law, and we will never let a bad person go, nor will we wrongly accuse a good person. Zhang Qiyuan, you have to believe us Law enforcement officers. If you have something to say, don’t use such dangerous methods.”

Zhang Qiyuan said: "Don't lie to me. If I don't use this method to attract public attention, I will have to be at your mercy."

"Okay, okay, let's not propose anything for now. You go back to the safe area first. If you have anything to say, let's say it in front of everyone. Can I not take you back to the police station?" Zhao Ziqian was afraid that Zhang Qiyuan would jump, and repeatedly Give in, "Zhang Qiyuan, even if you think your own life is not important, please think about your wife and children. How will they survive if something happens to you?"

Mentioning the child, a trace of reluctance flashed in Zhang Qiyuan's eyes, but this slight reluctance was quickly suppressed by other emotions.

"My life is nothing. If I die, the mother and daughter can still live well." He roared loudly, as if to give himself courage.

Zhao Ziqian said again: "Zhang Qiyuan, even if your wife is able to support your children, do you have the heart to let your children lose their father at a young age?"

Zhao Ziqian sincerely wanted to persuade Zhang Qiyuan to come back, but Zhang Qiyuan suddenly laughed, a bit eerie: "Captain Zhao, I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still so brainless."

"Zhang Qiyuan, what do you mean by this?" The panic attack before going upstairs came again, making Zhao Ziqian's brain unable to think for a while.

"What do you mean? What do you mean by asking me at this time?" Zhang Qiyuan smiled sinisterly, "Can't you see that I set up a trap for you to jump into today?"

Set up a bureau!

Zhao Ziqian slowly discovered that he had indeed missed important clues. If he had thought faster, he would have detected anomalies in the crowd's discussion and discovered that Zhang Qiyuan and his wife were deliberately inciting the crowd, but he did not.

Zhao Ziqian moved his hands and wanted to use his mobile phone to record, but he heard Zhang Qiyuan say again, "If you dare to turn on your mobile phone to record, I will jump from here, and I will make you bear the crime of murder that you will never be able to get rid of. "

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Ziqian held the phone tightly. This passive feeling was too bad. If he had reported the situation to Hang Jin earlier, would the situation be different now?

So if Hang Jin encounters such a situation, how will Hang Jin deal with it?

With Hang Jin's temperament, if someone threatens him, he will just let the person jump down, and he can also help the person collect the body.

But Zhao Ziqian is Zhao Ziqian. After all, he is not Hang Jin. He also wants to tell Zhang Qiyuan to jump quickly, but he does not have the courage, cannot open his mouth, and cannot bear the charge of "murder".

"Captain Zhao, actually the person I am digging a hole to bury is not you, but your current captain Hang Jin. What a pity, who asked you to rush forward." Zhang Qiyuan looked at Zhao Ziqian, his smile became more sinister, "Go back and tell me this My surname is Hang, I did return to Jiangbei on August 15th, and I did not go home, but you should never know what I did in the past two days. Maybe I went to kill people and cut them into pieces, but. You bring evidence to accuse me of murder."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Qiyuan jumped from the rooftop of the 28th floor. He jumped so decisively that he seemed to have no nostalgia for this world and seemed to be escaping from something.

Zhao Ziqian was so angry that he punched the wall: "Fuck you."

Zhang Qiyuan's jump immediately caused uproar in the city. The streets and major news websites were hotly discussing it, and the impact was quite bad.

The most common rumor on the Internet is that the investigators wanted to find a scapegoat to quickly close the case, which led to Zhang Qiyuan jumping off the building.

Moreover, because of the inflammatory speeches of several marketing accounts, the public's dissatisfaction with the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment suddenly hit like a flood.

When the masses cannot hear their real voices, any explanation is so feeble. In desperation, the superior authorities decided to appease the masses first and not allow the negative impact of this incident to continue to expand.

The superior department took immediate action, and the official statement suspended Zhao Ziqian and several other investigators before finding out the truth of the incident. The speed was so fast that Zhao Ziqian had already been invited to Jiangbei General Administration before he had time to report the situation to Hang Jin.

When Hang Jin arrived at the Jiangbei General Administration Bureau, it was already too late. The official statement had been sent out, and it was a foregone conclusion that Zhao Ziqian and others would be suspended for investigation.

This decision also made Hang Jin not even give Lao Han face. He rushed directly into Lao Han's office, pointed at the bridge of Lao Han's nose and asked: "If you suspend Zhao Ziqian and others, you don't know to ask me first." Opinion, he is mine now, anyone who touches him will be in trouble with me. "

Making this decision, Lao Han was also helpless: "My captain of the Hangzhou Battalion, do you think I want to suspend Zhao Ziqian and others? The impact of Zhang Qiyuan's jumping incident is quite bad. If this matter is not handled well, not only Zhao Ziqian will be suspended, but also Zhao Ziqian will be suspended." You Hang Jin will also be suspended, and I may not be able to keep this position. Do you know the seriousness of this matter? "

"Suspension, do you only care about your position?" Hang Jin was still angry, "Suspension is good, then you can suspend my job and our entire Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment staff. Whoever has the ability will solve this case."

Hang Jin has always been like this. Old Han knew that he would never compromise if he tried hard with him. Therefore, the only one who could compromise in front of Hang Jin was him as a leader: "This time it is your men who are being plotted. "Now that things have reached this point, we can only stabilize the mood of the people before we can proceed with the follow-up work."

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