My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1871: Childhood Sweethearts, Suspension and Investigation

Chapter 1873: Childhood Sweethearts, Suspension and Investigation

Of course Hang Jin understands these principles, but he is still angry that his most effective assistant was suspended without any reason.

Speaking out is not only embarrassing, but also a failure of his duties as a new leader.

Seeing that Hang Jin's emotions were under control, Lao Han continued to say earnestly: "Since Zhao Ziqian has been suspended, your responsibility will be even greater. What are you going to do next?"

Hang Jin said: "Zhao Ziqian and others jumped into the pit dug by others. I can't bury them with soil. I will pull them out of the pit no matter what method I use. This is the principle of my life as Hang Jin."

Old Han nodded: "I can understand why you want to drag them out, but you can't do it arbitrarily. You have to find evidence to prove the innocence of Zhao Ziqian and others, otherwise the consequences will be more serious. Now is the Internet information age, and news spreads too quickly , which also makes it impossible for the general public to distinguish the truth from the false. Anyway, most people say this, so many people think so without even thinking about it. In the first game, we are already at a disadvantage, and you must be careful next time. , let no one make a fuss about you anymore.”

"Do you think I'm as stupid as Zhao Ziqian?" After throwing this sentence to Lao Han, Hang Jin waved his hand, turned and walked away, walked to the door and added, "Old Han, you can't hold me back at any time. hind legs.”

Old Han: "..."

Whatever this lawless brat said, he would definitely not be able to solve the case as soon as possible and let the truth about the mutilated corpse case come to light.

After walking out of the General Administration Building, Hang Jin reached into his trouser pocket and touched an A4 paper he had received not long ago.

The paper had been crumpled into a ball by him. Now he slowly opened it again and looked at the two lines of words printed out by the printer: "Young Master Hang, the big gift package I gave you this time is due to the pressure of public opinion. I will see you next time What it is, I don’t even know. Maybe it’s related to your most beloved baby.”

Yes, Zhao Ziqian jumped into the pit dug by the enemy, but the enemy was trying to win over him, and Zhao Ziqian just became his scapegoat.

Hang Jin was not afraid of digging a hole for him, but it was obvious that the other party knew where his weakness was. The last sentence directly poked at the most important weakness in his heart - Chi Yangyang.

Therefore, he had no time to waste any more time with them. He had to find those people hiding in the shadows as soon as possible to ensure that the person he cared about most would not be harmed.

Back at the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment, Zhao Ziqian and several other suspended people took off their police uniforms, but did not go home. They were all waiting for Hang Jin in his office. Hang Jin heard what the police said as soon as he returned.

His original plan to go to Chi Yangyang to see the situation changed and went back to the office directly. Seeing him appear, Zhao Ziqian and others all looked at him, all with self-blame in their eyes: " Team Hang, it was our incompetence that not only failed to catch the murderer, but we stupidly jumped into the hole dug by the murderer. "

"Knowing that you are stupid proves that you are not that thorough either." Hang Jin knew that these people wanted to hear that they were not to blame for this matter, but he still poured a basin of cold water on their heads. Showing no mercy, "You guys made such a big fuss and are now suspended. Leave this mess to me."

Zhao Ziqian especially blames himself: "I am the leader of our team. All decisions are made by me. It is also because I did not report the new clues I collected to you as soon as possible."

"Since it's a team of people, it's the team's fault. It's everyone's fault if they can't succeed." Looking at the mood of these people, Hang Jin knew that they might not be able to climb if they hit them with a few more sticks. When you get up, you have to say a few nice words to comfort and comfort, "You guys, don't look so sad. Since you have been suspended from your job, then go back and rest when you have time. After you have rest, I will work overtime when you come back." you."

As soon as they heard what Hang Jin said, they understood. Hang Jin didn't really blame them. The expression on his face finally looked better: "Captain Hang, we will definitely follow you from now on..."

"Don't just say flattering things, I won't accept your tricks." Hang Jin waved his hand, "You guys go back to bed first. Zhao Ziqian left me two questions to ask you."

After the others left, Hang Jin immediately said, "I know that the murderer today was prepared for you. Tell me clearly what else you know."

Zhao Ziqian wondered: "Captain Hang, how do you know this pit was prepared by the murderer for you?"

If he remembers correctly, he has not mentioned Zhang Qiyuan's conversation with him on the rooftop to anyone until now. Hang Jin may not be clairvoyant.

Hang Jin didn't hide it and handed the note he received directly to Zhao Ziqian: "I am not as powerful as you think, but I received this threatening letter."

After reading the letter, Zhao Ziqian understood everything he didn't understand. He said, "Captain Hang, who can be so arrogant? Not only did he kill people and cut them into pieces, but he also sent a threatening letter to you."

"Not a simple person." Hang Jin said this, but he didn't say it, because he currently has no clue as to who the other party is. Searching in his memory bank, he can't find the offending person who is so powerful. Maybe he is a drug dealer. That group of people, but he didn't have any evidence to point to that group of people, and he didn't even know whether the man named Brother Chen was fat, thin, old or young.

Zhao Ziqian knew that he would not get the answer he wanted from Hang Jin, so he spent a few seconds to sort out his thoughts, and then said in detail: "Today we found out that Zhang Qiyuan returned to Jiangbei on August 15th, and he chose He returned to Jiangbei without identification. He did not go home immediately after returning to Jiangbei. We don’t know where he went during this time.”

"Yeah." Hang Jin nodded and signaled Zhao Ziqian to continue.

Zhao Ziqian added: "We went to him immediately after discovering the abnormality of the matter. He seemed to know in advance that we would go to him again. When we arrived, he had already released unfavorable news for us and was already lying on the rooftop. Wait. After I went up, he first talked to me a few words, and then asked me to tell you that this trap is aimed at you, and he said that we will never know whether he is the murderer. "

Hang Jin asked: "Do you think he is the murderer?"

Zhao Ziqian said: "After I came back, I checked all Zhang Qiyuan's study and work records. He did some hard work. He had never been exposed to anatomy, and his work had nothing to do with it. It is obvious that he is such a precise dismemberment technique." Impossible."

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