My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1875: Childhood sweethearts, the domineering disease occurs again

Chapter 1877: Childhood sweethearts, the overbearing disease occurs again

The person in charge of the scenic spot is named Zhang Baoguo, a very contemporary name. Not only does his name have a sense of age, but his pot-bellied figure and half-bald head all fit the characteristics of a "boss" in his forties.

As the owner and person in charge of the scenic spot, of course he had to stand up when an employee was killed, and he acted very actively. He comforted the family of the deceased and actively cooperated with the police in investigating the case.

As soon as the investigators arrived, Zhang Baoguo served him tea: "Captain Hang, if you want to talk to anyone, just ask. I have already ordered the supervisors below to actively cooperate with you in investigating the case. If you know anything, you must honestly explain it and strive for it." Give justice to the dead as soon as possible."

"Boss Zhang, you better put away your expensive tea. We are all rough people and we are not used to drinking it. Don't waste it." Hang Jin looked at the shiny and humble boss Zhang, always feeling a little awkward. , on such a hot day, everyone wore short-sleeved shirts, but Zhang Baoguo wore a black long-sleeved shirt, neatly buttoned. The collar is not ventilated, and the cuffs are not ventilated either. "Boss Zhang, this long-sleeved shirt is so buttoned up, aren't you hot?"

As soon as Hang Jin said these words, Zhang Baoguo was obviously taken aback, and then said: "These are all work needs, work needs, otherwise who would be willing to dress like this on a hot day."

Hang Jin looked at Zhang Baoguo and asked in a serious tone: "Boss Zhang, where were you between ten and twelve o'clock the night before yesterday? What were you doing?"

Zhang Baoguo said: "I will accompany my children to do their homework from eight to eleven every night, and then take care of them to sleep before twelve o'clock. Of course, last night was no exception."

Zhang Baoguo answered very quickly, as if he had practiced it countless times beforehand, which made Hang Jin suspicious, but it did not rule out that he had this kind of routine every night. If he did this for a long time, it was not surprising that he answered quickly.

Hang Jin still looked at him: "Then can we ask your wife?"

Zhang Baoguo smiled awkwardly: "My wife works out of town and usually only comes home on weekends and holidays. She is usually not at home, so I am the one who takes care of our children."

Hang Jin asked again: "How old is your child? Boy or girl?"

Zhang Baoguo replied calmly: "My child is ten years old. He is a boy. He is a very sensible and intelligent child."

Hang Jin nodded: "Then please go back with us for a physical examination."

Boss Zhang panicked as soon as he heard about the physical examination. To be more precise, he panicked when Hang Jin grabbed him and asked him. The cold sweat on his forehead was so dense that it was easy to be discovered.

Zhang Baoguo stammered: "Wha, what kind of examination?"

"It's just a routine physical examination." Hang Jin patted him on the shoulder, a little hard, which made Zhang Baoguo hiss in pain and hurriedly stabilized himself.

Hang Jin added: "Boss Zhang, as long as you don't do anything wrong, you don't have to worry about anything. You can come out as you go in, but if you conceal the truth, the consequences will be completely different."

Zhang Baoguo took two steps back: "I don't want to have a physical examination."

Hang Jin said: "At present, I suspect that it is related to Chen Sisi's death, and I need to collect evidence from your body. You can't help but say no or not go."

Then Hang Jin asked people to take Zhang Baoguo back to the criminal investigation detachment and handed him over to forensic doctor Chi Yangyang.

In fact, Hang Jin didn't want Chi Yangyang to collect evidence from other men's bodies.

Damn, any old man strips naked and lets his mistress see him. The key is that his figure is so bad. What if his mistress has a psychological shadow after seeing it?

Soon, Hang Jin had an idea. Once the case was solved, he would wash his eyes for Xiao Si'er to let her know how good the men in her family were.

Fortunately, when Chi Yangyang inspected Zhang Baoguo, she was looking at a specimen. Apart from routine inspections, she didn't take a second look at Baoguo.

This makes Hang Jin very pleased.

After all, Boss Zhang's body is so fat, which is completely incomparable with Hang Jin's standard figure with eight-pack abs.

But for some reason, Hang Jin still felt a knot in his heart. This knot made him follow Chi Yangyang back to her office after collecting evidence: "Forensic Doctor Chi, let me ask you something."

"The extract has been handed over to the laboratory department for processing, but the results will only come out in three hours at the fastest. If you ask me now, I can't give you the answer." Chi Yangyang thought that Hang Jin came to her office because she was eager to know about Zhang Baoguo The result of the in vivo evidence collection, he replied without looking back.

Hang Jin raised his eyebrows and said displeased: "Who told you this?"

Chi Yangyang finally looked back at him: "Then what do you want to ask me?"

What to ask her?

He wanted to ask...forget it, with such a greasy male body, his little fourth child would definitely have no idea: "I just want to tell you, let me know immediately when the results come out."

"Okay." Without giving Hang Jin a single extra word, Chi Yangyang went back to work.

Hang Jin took the document from her hand and said, "Come with me to dinner now, and leave the rest aside first."

"I'm going to take advantage of these three free hours to find some more clues and narrow down the scope of your search for the murderer." Vaguely feeling that Hang Jin's face was changing, Chi Yangyang hurriedly added, "The key is that you're not hungry yet."

She hadn't slept a wink all night, and she hadn't eaten a single meal for more than ten hours since she received the case. She still dared to say that she wasn't hungry. If she continued like this, she would almost turn into a skeleton.

Hang Jin emphasized: "Xiao Siyan, please listen clearly. It is me who asked you to accompany me to eat, not whether you are hungry. Do you understand?"

Chi Yangyang: "..."

This man's "domineering disease" has occurred again, which is really troublesome: "Okay, sir, I will accompany you to dinner first."

Chi Yangyang had just finished the autopsy and had a living body evidence collection soon. He felt a little uncomfortable. Hang Jin took it upon himself to order a few green vegetables. Even the soup was mustard greens and tofu soup. It was said that it had the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying.

He called in advance to make a reservation. When he arrived at the restaurant, he gave the order and the food was served quickly.

He served Chi Yangyang a bowl of mustard tofu soup with rare consideration: "Little Siyan, drink a bowl of soup first to appetize."

Unexpectedly, Chi Yangyang not only did not reach out to take the soup he handed, but also did not listen to what he said, because she suddenly said: "If the person who sexually assaulted Chen Sisi was Zhang Baoguo, Zhang Baoguo also admitted that he sexually assaulted Chen Sisi, but he denied that he There is nothing we can do about murder, because we still have no direct and strong evidence to prove that Zhang Baoguo is the murderer, so we must find the place where the murderer dumped his body as soon as possible to truly solve the case. "

"Three groups of people are working hard to find the body dumping site. You don't have to worry about this." Realizing that he was brought into work by Chi Yangyang again, Hang Jin cursed in a low voice and said, "Don't mention work while eating, don't let me The young master is disgusting."

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