My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1876: Childhood sweethearts, love murder? (1)

Chapter 1878: Childhood sweethearts, love murder? (1)

But Chi Yangyang got into the case. She pushed up the heavy glasses frame on the bridge of her nose: "There was a rape and murder case in Xiaoshan City five years ago. At that time, because the first crime scene was not found, the suspect only admitted the rape and denied the murder. . Because the police had no strong evidence to prove that the suspect committed the murder, they were unable to solve the case. It took two years to bring the murderer to justice. Hang Jin, if this case develops in the same direction as that case, then we will. I’m very passive, and I may not be able to bring the murderer to justice even after a lot of time and effort. Do you understand my worry?”

"I understand your worries, but you have to eat." Hang Jin put the rice in a bowl and pushed it in front of her. "Eat first and then discuss the case with me, otherwise I will let you go home and rest."

Upon hearing that he wanted her to go home to rest, Chi Yangyang's lips turned white with anxiety: "Hang Jin, I'm not quarreling with you... As the captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment, you have the obligation and responsibility to find out as soon as possible Murderer."

"Little four eyes..." Hang Jin looked at her, his always domineering and careless eyes shining with many things that Chi Yangyang could understand and couldn't understand, "I am the captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment, and at the same time I am also your man, your legal husband, do you understand my worries? "

Chi Yangyang was a little confused, but she seemed to understand that Hang Jin was caring about her and was afraid that she would work so hard that she would forget to eat and sleep... Thinking of this, she smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was too focused on the case and didn't pay attention to my physical condition. In the future, I I will try my best to correct it and not worry you again.”

"Then eat quickly." Hang Jin added another dish to her bowl. "Your worries are not unreasonable. I will send another group of people to search for the body dumping site with the three groups of people."

"Well, okay, okay... let's eat quickly and continue working after eating." Chi Yangyang took two bites of rice quickly, and after eating, he looked up at Hang Jin and smiled.

Her smile made Hang Jin feel uneasy again. He cursed quietly: "You little idiot, I will deal with you one day and make you cry and beg for mercy."

The case in Xiaoshan City five years ago was also a sensation. Hang Jin didn't know about it, but he had heard about it. After being reminded by Chi Yangyang, he believed that it was necessary to do preventive work and solutions to the possible development direction of the case. He would never allow the murderer to run away under his nose.

The results of Zhang Baoguo's DNA test report came out soon. The results showed that the DNA extracted from the vaginal secretions of the deceased Chen Sisi completely matched Zhang Baoguo's DNA.

In the face of irrefutable evidence, Zhang Baoguo could only confess honestly.

He said hesitantly: "Captain Hang, I, I admit that I did have sex with the deceased Chen Sisi, and it was not just once, but many times. But she and I were in love with each other, and it was nothing. force."

"Love in love? When we didn't find out about you before, why didn't you take the initiative to tell our investigators that you and the deceased had a relationship in love?" Hang Jin looked at Zhang Baoguo with a sudden look on his face. Yi Leng said, "Then tell me, how do you two fall in love?"

"The main reason why I didn't speak out before was because the relationship between me and her was always shady, and I was also afraid that my wife would know about it, so..." Zhang Baoguo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and explained, "I said it before , my wife works in another place, sometimes she comes back once on weekends, sometimes once every six months.”

Zhang Baoguo glanced at Hang Jin secretly. Seeing that his expression did not change, he said again: "Captain Hang, you and I are both men, and we all know some things. Do you think that I, a man in his prime, can't survive all year round?" Normal married life, I felt empty in my heart, but the young and beautiful college student Chen Sisi happened to appear in my sight, so she and I came together. "

"Who the hell is a man with you? Who the hell understands you? If your wife is not at home, you can find another woman. Then why did you get married in the first place?" Hang Jin just doesn't understand what those cheating men are. What do you think? Even though you are married to a wife and you are still flirting with women, why did you get married in the first place? Doesn't being married to a woman mean that you are willing to stay with the other person and be loyal to the other person?

Zhang Baoguo was a little confused by Hang Jin's yelling. He thought that Hang Jin, who was also a man, would think the same as him. He never expected that Hang Jin's reaction would be so big. Didn't he have the experience of eating food in a bowl and thinking about what's in the pot? ?

But Hang Jin knew that this was not the point, so he quickly collected his emotions and said, "Continue to explain the situation between you and Chen Sisi."

Zhang Baoguo said cautiously: "Chen Sisi and I established a relationship within a week of each other. Later, she said that she was about to graduate from college and wanted to find a lighter job, and asked me to arrange her to our company. Only then did I know that she was approaching me. It was for a purpose. At first I refused to help her arrange work, but she wouldn't let me touch her if I didn't agree. You think it's too difficult for a normal adult man to hold back, so I had no choice but to nod and agree. Arrange her to work in our park.”

Hang Jin asked, "continue."

Zhang Baoguo added: "The employees in the company's relatively easy positions are doing well, and they are related to each other to some extent. I can't fire them and arrange Chen Sisi to work in the company. I can only find a way to open the conductor who often makes mistakes, and then arrange Chen Sisi to work in the company." work in company."

Hang Jin: "There's more."

Zhang Baoguo said: "No more."

Hang Jin added: "How was your relationship after Chen Sisi joined your company?"

Zhang Baoguo said: "Our relationship has always been good."

Hang Jin: "So, you can't kill him."

Zhang Baoguo added: "She and I are lovers, that's true. Our relationship is stable, that's true. I didn't kill anyone, that's true."

Hang Jin added: "But Chen Sisi is not satisfied with the current job. She also complains that this job is more tiring than a cow, but she earns less than a cow. How can she not tell you anything? She didn't let anyone know. Can you help her find a better position?"

Zhang Baoguo's eyes flickered, and Hang Jin emphasized: "Say."

Zhang Baoguo added: "She had to ask me to assign her to the finance department, but you all know that the people in the finance department must be people whom the boss trusts very much, and I am not the only boss of our scenic spot. I can't change her just because I said so." But Chen Sisi refused to listen and said that I was deliberately trying to dodge, so she had a big fight with me again. "

Hang Jin: "What then?"

Boss Zhang scratched his head nervously and stammered: "Then, then she scolded me for being useless and said a lot of unpleasant things. She also said that I would never be allowed to touch her again in the future, so I touched her in anger, probably She left around nine o'clock the night before yesterday, and I haven't seen her since."

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