My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1882: Childhood Sweethearts, Grandpa Chi passed away due to illness

Chapter 1884: Childhood Sweethearts, Grandpa Chi passed away due to illness

If you don't say it now, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to say it again in the future.

The old man has lived for such a long time and has seen everything he should see, eaten everything he should eat, and played everything he should play. He doesn't feel regretful about leaving this world. The only thing he can't worry about is his granddaughter Chi Yangyang.

Therefore, no matter how tired and painful he was and how much he wanted to give up, he was holding his last breath. He was waiting for his only relative in the world to arrive. He still had many things to say to her.

He used his last strength to hold Chi Yangyang's hand tightly: "Yangyang, my silly boy, don't be sad. You have to think like this, grandpa is not dying, but going to heaven to be with your parents. From now on. You should live a good life, your parents and I will watch you in heaven."

Chi Yangyang shed tears and shook her head desperately: "Grandpa, no, I don't want you to leave, I don't want you to leave me, I want you to stay with me forever."

"Silly boy, the people who can accompany you through life are not your parents, let alone this old man of mine, but your pillow." The old man looked at Hang Jin, "Hang Jin, just leave Yang Yang to You, from now on, from now on..."

Mr. Chi really wanted to finish a sentence in one breath, but his physical condition did not allow it. It took several seconds before he made a sound, "Please treat her well in the future and stay with her all the time. You must not leave like us." She left."

Hang Jin nodded heavily: "Old man, don't worry, I will do it."

Mr. Chi said again: "Yangyang, you must also promise grandpa that you will always stay with Hang Jin in the future. No matter what happens, don't break up easily."

Chi Yangyang cried until her nose and tears flowed together, but she nodded heavily: "Grandpa, I promise you."

Grandpa Chi took a lot of effort to hold their hands together: "Have a good life with Hang Jin in the future. Don't be sad because of grandpa's departure..."

"Grandpa, don't, don't... I don't want you to go, I don't want you to leave me, I just want you to stay with me. Please don't go, don't..." Even though Chi Yangyang cried so hard that her lungs and intestines were broken, but She still couldn't stop the disease from taking Grandpa Chi out of her world and disappearing from her life forever.

After Grandpa Chi left, Chi Yangyang held a funeral for the old man, because the old man did not like extravagance and waste during his lifetime, and because the funeral was simple, the only people who came were close relatives and close friends of the old man.

During the funeral, Chi Yangyang's mood seemed to be quite stable, and she took good care of the relatives and friends who came to attend the old man's funeral. Everyone looked at her with sympathy, but she didn't seem to need it.

After the funeral, Chi Yangyang came to her parents' tombstones and knelt down on her knees: "Dad, Mom..."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, her tears kept running and burst out of her eyes again. She wiped away her tears and said again: "It's because Yangyang was unfilial and didn't take good care of grandpa. But I know that grandpa is such a good person. He I will definitely go to heaven to meet you. From now on, you will be together and live a good life, but you must not forget Yangyang. When you are free, you must often entrust Yangyang with dreams, and let Yangyang know that you have not forgotten Yangyang... Let Yangyang know that Yangyang does not have nothing in this world..."

"Dad, Mom..." Chi Yangyang choked, holding the stone tablet tightly with both hands, so hard that her fingers bled, but she seemed not to feel the pain, and she became stronger and stronger.

Hang Jin, who came later, rushed over and pulled her back into his arms: "Chi Yangyang, what nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean you have nothing? In your heart, I am not even worth anything?"

Hang Jin is not angry that he is not in Chi Yangyang's world, but that she tortures him like this.

Chi Yangyang didn't have the strength to speak, but the tears flowed more and more and she couldn't stop.

"Chi Yangyang, I said, I will accompany you in this life. You must know clearly that without the old man and your parents, you still have me." Hang Jin looked at the tombstone in front again and said solemnly, "Dad "Mom, I am Hang Jin, the child you have seen since childhood. Please don't worry. I will take care of Xiao Siyan from now on. Please also tell her that she is not alone in the future. She still has me."

She still has him!

Chi Yangyang knows that she still has him, but he is him, and her relatives are her relatives.

But Hang Jin always had his own way, no matter what, he directly pulled Chi Yangyang up from the ground: "Dad, Mom, I will take Xiao Siyan'er home today, and I will see you another day."

Hang Jin forcibly took Chi Yangyang home. After that, Chi Yangyang didn't say a word for several days. She seemed to have had her soul taken away and lived in a haze. Hang Jin tried his best to make her Even if he opened his mouth, he could not succeed.

In addition to Hang Jin, there is another person who is also very anxious, and that is Yin Nianxiao. She has been to the house several times and wanted to persuade Chi Yangyang, but Chi Yangyang hid in the corner of the bedroom and curled up into a ball. Yin Nianxiao was heartbroken: "Yangyang, yangyang..."

She called a few times, but Chi Yangyang didn't respond, so she had to go out and find Hang Jin: "Smelly boy, Yang Yang, it's really not okay for this girl to keep doing this. You must think of a solution."

Hang Jin's face was tense. In just a few days, Chi Yangyang lost weight, and his appearance was not much better. He scratched his hair irritably, which he had not taken care of for a few days, and suddenly thought of something in his mind: " I'll go to the bedroom, you go to the living room balcony and give me a call."

Yin Nianxiao asked, "What method have you come up with?"

Hang Jin: "How to make the little idiot speak."

Hang Jin didn't know if the method he thought of was available, but no matter whether it worked or not, he had to try it. It was better than no method at all.

Hang Jin entered the room, and as soon as he walked to Chi Yangyang's side, his cell phone in his trouser pocket rang. He thought to himself that his queen mother's work efficiency was indeed fast enough, but when he took out his mobile phone, he realized that the number that called his mobile phone was not Yin Nianxiao's but the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment.

In the past, Hang Jin would deliberately avoid Chi Yangyang when there were work calls. Today, he was trying to use Yin Nianxiao's help to pretend that a case had happened to attract Chi Yangyang's attention. At this moment, the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment called. Fortunately, he didn't have to act anymore and answered the phone directly: "What's the matter?"

Hang Jin repeated what was said there: "A murder occurred in Unit 1809, Building 9, Lihu Community, No. 99 Yanhu Road. The deceased was a fifteen-year-old girl..."

Hang Jin was talking when he saw Chi Yangyang, who had been curled up in the corner for a few days, suddenly stood up. Because she had been suffering from the same injury for several days, she felt dizzy as soon as she stood up and almost fainted to the ground. Fortunately, Hang Jin had already Being prepared, he grabbed her and said to the other end of the phone: "I'll be there right away."

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