My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1883: Childhood sweethearts, young girl

Chapter 1885: Childhood sweethearts, young girl

Chi Yangyang stabilized himself, struggled out of Hang Jin's arms, and walked to the bathroom unsteadily. Hang Jin knew what she wanted to do, so he asked: "Xiao Siyan'er, what do you want to do?"

Chi Yangyang didn't respond, walked into the bathroom and started washing his face and brushing his teeth.

Hang Jin didn't stop her and turned around to go out of the room: "Queen Mother, prepare some food right away. Xiaosi will eat it soon."

The food was kept warm in the pot, just in case Chi Yangyang wanted to eat it. Yin Nianxiao hurriedly took out the food from the kitchen without asking any questions.

When Yin Nianxiao put the food on the dining table and Chi Yangyang, who had changed clothes, came to the living room, Hang Jin immediately grabbed her: "Eat something first before you have the strength to handle the case."

Chi Yangyang wanted to refuse, but when he saw Yin Nianxiao was there, he swallowed the words "I'm not hungry" back into his stomach.

The mother and son didn't owe her anything, but after her grandfather passed away, they had been by her side these days, thinking of ways to make her happy.

They really loved her as a family member, but she made them worry about her time and time again. Suddenly, Chi Yangyang felt a lot of self-blame and guilt in her heart.

She opened her mouth to say sorry to the mother and son, but before she could say anything, she saw Yin Nianxiao smiling kindly and gently: "Yangyang, people are made of iron rice or steel, and it is absolutely impossible not to eat. In the past, Hang Jin often told me that he had to eat well and have fun to be able to work mentally. I also disliked him for making excuses for his fooling around. Now that I think about it, he was actually right. You usually work on cases all night long. It’s a common thing that if you don’t have fun in your free time, you’re really not in a good state to work. We are all so young, so we can’t hold everyone back because of our health, right?”

"Auntie, I'm sorry!" After hearing Yin Nianxiao's words, Chi Yangyang felt that he should apologize to her. She was grieving the loss of her loved ones and they shouldn't have to worry about her.

"Yangyang, how can you say sorry to me?" What Yin Nianxiao wanted was for Chi Yangyang to untie her heart and get over the pain of losing her loved ones, but she didn't let Chi Yangyang apologize to her.

Chi Yangyang knew that his apology was too abrupt and might have frightened Yin Nianxiao, so he added: "Auntie, thank you! Thank you and Hang Jin for helping me all these days and worrying about me."

Yin Nianxiao held Chi Yangyang's hand: "silly boy, you are Hang Jin's wife, and I am Hang Jin's mother, which means I am also your mother. We are all a family, how can I say thank you. "

Hang Jin, on the other hand, has been staring at Chi Yangyang since she spoke, as if he wanted to stare into two holes in her face.

She spoke!

Finally spoke!

Although she said polite words such as sorry and thank you, it was still better than her being silent all the time.

Hang Jin immediately served a bowl of porridge to Chi Yangyang: "The Queen Mother is right, the three of us are a family, why are you so polite? Come and eat quickly. After dinner, there is something waiting for you to do."

Chi Yangyang looked up at Hang Jin, only to find that he looked haggard. It seemed that he was also in trouble because of her. She wanted to say sorry to him, but when she opened her mouth, she found that she was choked up and couldn't speak. So I had no choice but to open my arms and hug him hard.

He said silently in his heart: "Brother Jin, thank you for your willingness to stay by my side and give me the strength to move forward. Don't worry, your little four-eyes will learn to be strong in the future and won't worry you anymore."

Being hugged by Chi Yangyang suddenly, Hang Jin's body visibly stiffened, and his head was blank for several seconds. By the time he reacted, Chi Yangyang had already let go of him and sat on the chair.

Chi Yangyang took a sip of porridge. The porridge was made from green vegetables and had a little green fragrance, letting her know that there were still people in the world who really loved her and that she was not alone.

She lowered her head and quickly finished a bowl of porridge. Yin Nianxiao, who was by her side, gave her another bowl in time and said gently: "Yangyang, eat slowly, don't choke."

Look, Yin Nianxiao really cared for her as if she were her own daughter. The fact that she could meet such a mother-in-law in this life must be a blessing that took several lifetimes of cultivation. She must cherish it and can no longer ignore the care of her elders.

Chi Yangyang looked up at Yin Nianxiao and smiled softly: "Auntie, I made you worry about me before because I didn't think carefully about many things. In the future, I will put myself in my shoes and try not to make you worry about me. "

"Yangyang, look at you kid, you said the wrong thing again. Auntie likes you, so she will care about you and worry about you. If you don't let Auntie worry about anything for you in the future, Auntie won't even feel like you It's necessary to exist, isn't it? From now on, you can do whatever you want, and don't think about adding burden to us. "Yin Nianxiao's purpose is to make Chi Yangyang live happily and freely, rather than thinking about others everywhere. You can't do this, you can't do that.

Because she knows that sensible children are really heartbreaking.

"Eat quickly, the food will be cold again if you don't eat." Hang Jin picked up the vegetables in time and put them in Chiyang's bowl, interrupting the conversation between the two women, mother-in-law and mother.

Chi Yangyang was full without eating much.

Hang Jin and Yin Nianxiao didn't force her to eat more. She was much better now that she could eat.

Before going out, Yin Nianxiao warned: "You brat, I will prepare your party before going home today. If you can get off work on time, you must let Yangyang eat more."

"Well, I know!" Hang Jin gave Yin Nianxiao a hug before going out, thanking his mother for always being so helpful at critical moments and never bringing any resistance to his feelings.

After going out, Chi Yangyang stopped talking again and kept her head lowered. Hang Jin didn't know what she was thinking.

After getting in the car, Hang Jin wanted to speak to break the silence, but didn't know what to say. Just when he was a little annoyed, Chi Yangyang spoke: "The victim in today's case was an underage girl?"

This woman really only thinks about the case.

Hang Jin felt a little sour thinking that no matter what he tried, he couldn't get her to speak. A simple case could attract her attention.

But he still nodded: "Fifteen-year-old little girl. Died at home. The family called the police after they found out when they got home."

Chi Yangyang didn't ask any more questions, and the two of them stayed silent all the way to the crime scene.

According to the investigators who arrived first, the body of the deceased was found dead in the bedroom at home by his family members who returned home at about 10 o'clock this morning.

Chi Yangyang came to the bedroom and first checked the body.

The girl's clothes were neat and clean, and her face was calm. If it weren't for the absence of heartbeat and body temperature, she would have looked like she was asleep.

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