My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1884: Childhood sweethearts, strange cause of death

Chapter 1886: Childhood sweetheart, strange cause of death

No injuries were found on the body, no signs of sexual assault, and no signs of poisoning. The specific cause of death was unclear, and the body needed to be brought back to the team for further autopsy.

However, as soon as Chi Yangyang made this request, he was strongly opposed by some of the girl's family members.

The person with the loudest objection was the mother of the deceased. As soon as Chi Yangyang's words came out, the mother of the deceased shouted angrily: "Everyone is already dead, what else do you want?"

What do they mean when someone dies? What else do they want?

These words made Chi Yangyang furious: "You were the one who called the police, right? You think it was right to call the police because the girl died abnormally, right? Now that everyone is dead, what else do we want?"

The mother of the deceased obviously did not expect that a seemingly soft and frail girl could have such powerful lips and tongue. She was stunned immediately, but then quickly answered: "What I mean is that the child has passed away, and people cannot be resurrected after death." . While we are grieving as a family, we also hope that she can keep her body intact and let her child leave this world with dignity and no regrets. "

Chi Yangyang said: "If this child died abnormally, then finding the murderer who harmed her is the only way for her to leave this world without any regrets."

The mother of the deceased was speechless for a moment. At this time, the girl's grandfather came out of the family and said sternly: "This person belongs to our family. As long as our family does not agree to the autopsy, no one can touch her."

Chi Yangyang said: "If the girl did not die naturally, we suspect this may be a murder, then..."

Before Chi Yangyang finished speaking, the old guy who was still talking about his old age yelled again: "I said, the person is a member of our family, and we are not allowed to touch her body, so no one can touch her body."

The old man looked at his son-in-law, daughter, and several other children who were standing aside, and raised his voice again: "Why are you still standing there? I protected Xiaoxiao's body. No one can get close without my permission."

The family members of the deceased present included the deceased's parents, the deceased's grandfather, and the deceased's three uncles. In total, there were four strong men of the right age. Hearing the old man's roar, the four men rushed towards Chi Yangyang at the same time.

"Stop all of you! Who the hell dares to take a step forward and try again." Hang Jin, who had just gone to other rooms to check the situation, saw this situation and shouted immediately when he returned to the scene.

Hang Jin's roar caused several strong men who were rushing forward to stop immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Hang Jin stepped forward to block Chi Yangyang's front, and glanced coldly at the troubled family members: "The police suspect that the girl died abnormally, and now they are taking her body back for an autopsy. We are informing you , I’m not asking for your opinion.”

Others were frightened by Hang Jin's aura and did not dare to speak or move. However, the deceased's grandfather relied on his age and was not afraid: "Which law stipulates that an autopsy does not require the consent of the deceased's family?"

Hang Jin said coldly: "Xiao Chen, Xiao Jia, since some people don't know which law stipulates that an autopsy can be performed without the consent of the deceased's family, take everyone back and have a good look at the law."

The deceased's grandfather was so angry that he coughed, and his children quickly gathered around him: "Dad..."

The mother of the deceased took courage and pointed at Hang Jin and said, "Captain Hang, right? I tell you that my dad has a heart disease. If you make him angry, you can't bear the responsibility."

"Xiao Chen, since the old man is sick, you should help take him to the hospital and take good care of him. He can't leave him for 24 hours." Hang Jin glanced at the deceased's mother twice. The whole family was concerned about the child's death. The sadness shown was too dramatic. They were crying so hard when they entered the house. It had only been a while now that no one was concerned about the girl's death. They all paid great attention to the girl's body. What secret is hidden?

He turned to look at Chi Yangyang, who looked calm, and whispered: "Did you find anything?"

Chi Yangyang shook his head: "It's just that there is no abnormality on the corpse. This is what makes people strange."

Hang Jin said: "You can go back and do the autopsy work with confidence, and give me the autopsy results as soon as possible. Don't worry about other things."

Chi Yangyang nodded: "Yes."

Hang Jin suspected that the deceased's death was related to his family members, and asked several family members to make alibi statements.

The most difficult person among the family members is the deceased's grandfather. Before he can be questioned, he has already pretended to be ill and was admitted to the hospital. It would not be easy for others to ask him for a confession, so Hang Jin personally I took on this difficult job.

When Hang Jin came to the hospital, the deceased's grandfather screamed so loudly that the patients in the next room had opinions about it. The doctors and nurses tried to persuade him, but he just didn't listen and kept screaming more and more. Loud.

Hang Jin first went to the doctor to understand the physical condition of the deceased's grandfather and confirmed that there was no major problem with his body. Then he came to the deceased's grandfather's ward.

Hang Jin sat next to the deceased's grandfather's bedside and said nothing. He just stared at the old man coldly with two eyes as cold as ice picks.

Hang Jin remained silent. As time went by, the deceased's grandfather felt his scalp numb. He sat up hard and shouted, "What on earth do you want to do?"

Hang Jin said with a smile: "Patients should not speak too loudly. It is not good for their health, especially those with heart disease."

The old man still said: "I ask you what exactly do you want to do?"

Hang Jin said: "I just want to ask you where you were yesterday and today and what you were doing? Is there anyone who can testify for you?"

The old man was extremely angry: "I am a family member of the deceased, not a suspect. I don't need to explain to you where I went and what I did."

Hang Jin nodded and stopped talking. He still looked at the old man with his cold eyes.

The old man gritted his teeth in anger and said: "At noon the day before yesterday, I went to the ancient city of Linshi with my sons, daughters and son-in-law to escape the summer heat. Because the child was in a practical class, I could only leave her at home alone. Yesterday She video chatted with us that night, but none of us expected that when we came back from playing for two days, we would find her dead in her own bedroom.”

Hang Jin said: "Who can prove it?"

The old man added: "We can all prove each other, and our driving records and accommodation records can be found."

Hang Jin asked again: "Who among you is the first to enter the house?"

The old man said without thinking, "My daughter is Xiaoxiao's mother."

Hang Jin stood up: "Thank you, old man, for cooperating with our work. If there is still need in the future, I will come to you again. I will not disturb your rest today."

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