My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1885: Childhood sweethearts, I know you won’t (1)

Chapter 1887: Childhood Sweethearts, I Know You Can’t (1)

At the same time.

Xiao Chen was also questioning the mother of the deceased: "Ms. Gao, please tell me where you were before the incident? Who were you with? What were you doing? What time did you get home? Who was the first person to discover the deceased? "

Not surprisingly, Xiao Chen got the same answer as Hang Jin got from the deceased's grandfather. Their family went on a trip the day before yesterday and came back today to find that the deceased had died at home.

Ms. Gao's words were very fluent and smooth, without a trace of emotion. It felt like an endorsement. People had to suspect that these words had been spoken smoothly before and had been rehearsed many times.

After recording the confession, Hang Jin also came back from the hospital. Xiao Chen did not forget to tell Hang Jin his doubts.

Hang Jin didn't show any abnormality after listening. He just nodded lightly and said, "I understand." Then he went to the forensic department to find Chi Yangyang.

He walked outside Chi Yangyang's office. Because the door of the office was ajar, he first looked inside and saw Chi Yangyang immersed in work.

She has not yet gotten over the pain of losing Grandpa Chi, but as soon as she received the case, she seemed to be a completely different person, so decisive, brave and strong, so strong that it makes people feel heartbroken.

Hang Jin knew that the reason why Chi Yangyang worked so hard was because she was still thinking about her parents' murder. As long as her parents' murder was not solved, she would not have a day's rest.

"Team Hang, are you looking for Dr. Chi?" Xiao Li, who was holding documents in his hand, suddenly spoke from behind Hang Jin, "Dr. Chi just finished the autopsy and is in the office now. Why don't you go in?"

Hang Jin didn't answer, but gave Xiao Li a cold look. Xiao Li was so scared that he hurriedly stepped back and said inwardly: "I, I shouldn't have done anything wrong. Why does Captain Hang look at me like he wants to eat?" me too?"

Then Xiao Li discovered that Hang Jin was not staring at him, but at the document in his hand. In an instant, Xiao Li seemed to understand Hang Jin's thoughts and said hurriedly: "This is the information that Dr. Chi asked me to find. She I need it urgently. I have something to do. Captain Hang, please bring it to her for me."

In a panic, Xiao Li handed the document to Hang Jin, and Xiao Li ran away.

Hang Jin took the document and knocked on the door twice solemnly. When he heard Chi Yangyang say please come in, he pushed the door open again and said, "Forensic Doctor Chi, this is the information you want to check. Xiao Li has something to do, let me Bring it to you.”

"Put it here." Chi Yangyang responded without raising his head.

Hang Jin felt that he was completely ignored and was unwilling to accept it. He wandered in front of Chi Yangyang's desk. However, without attracting her attention, he sat directly on Chi Yangyang's desk and said, "Can I take a look?" What information is this?”

Chi Yangyang didn't even respond this time.

Hang Jin opened it straight and saw the word "Jiang Zhen" on the first page, which made him a little unhappy to the extreme: "What is this?"

"Teacher's manuscript." Chi Yangyang finally looked up at Hang Jin, but in a faint voice, "He gave it to me when he left the Cangshan detachment. It records some of the strange cases he has encountered as a forensic doctor over the years. case. I found that today’s case was similar to a case he solved many years ago, so I found it and looked at the details.

Before Hang Jin could say the next word, Chi Yangyang handed a document to Hang Jin and said, "During the autopsy, we found three very small needle holes in the head of the deceased, and another needle hole in the head of the deceased. I have taken a sample of the remaining light yellow liquid and handed it over to the laboratory team. When the results come out, we will be able to determine the specific cause of death."

Hang Jin is not worried at all because Chi Yangyang is involved in the autopsy work. His mind is now filled with the eyesore of Jiang Zhen: "What does this have to do with your Jiang Zhen's manuscript?"

"When I read his manuscript before, I remembered that he had encountered a similar case. I found it and checked to see if there are any similarities." Chi Yangyang looked at Hang Jin and found that he frowned and was very unhappy. Could it be Is he jealous?


Chi Yangyang was stunned by the two words that suddenly flashed in her mind. She had never understood why Hang Jin was so dissatisfied with Jiang Zhen before. Could it be that the real reason was because of her?

If this is the case, Hang Jin, a man, must be too small-minded. She and the teacher have a superior-subordinate and teacher-student relationship, and the teacher has no interest in her. Could it be that Hang Jin is even jealous?

It's incredible.

But this unbelievable thing made Chi Yangyang's heart beat several times quickly. She quickly covered her chest to calm herself down. What were she thinking about during work hours?

She immediately changed the subject: "Did you ask anything during your interview over there?"

"Everyone's words are exactly the same, almost every word is correct." Hang Jin's expression was still dissatisfied, but he still spoke.

Chi Yangyang: "So you think their confession is false?"

Hang Jin: "Do you think so too?"

Chi Yangyang shook his head: "Just wait a little longer. We'll know when the test results come out."

Hang Jin: "What are the records in Jiang Zhen's manuscript?"

Chi Yangyang said: "There was a middle-aged man who died suddenly at his lover's home. Many people thought it was a sudden death. Later, the teacher's autopsy found that he had been injected with too much tranquillizer. This kind of drug can be injected in small amounts. To soothe the nerves and relieve the mood, too much injection will cause the vitality of human nerve cells to decrease and then stop. After the teacher came to this conclusion, the investigators asked the mistress of the deceased for questioning. The mistress knew that the matter was exposed and panicked. He explained what happened. It turned out that the deceased went to her that day to break up with her because his wife found out that he had someone outside and wanted to divorce him. However, he actually did not want a divorce and had to break up with his mistress. Before getting married to his mistress, he kept telling her that he had no relationship with his wife at home and that he had long wanted a divorce, and he would get divorced sooner or later. The mistress found out that she had been cheated, so she became murderous after the passion that night. After falling asleep, she gave the man a tranquillizer to create the illusion that he died suddenly of excessive sexual indulgence. However, the medical examiner spoke for the deceased. "

Hang Jin did not ask about the case in depth, but looked at Chi Yangyang steadily: "Do you think a man who deceives other people's feelings like this deserves to die?"

Chi Yangyang said: "Hang Jin, as the captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment, you shouldn't ask such questions."

Hang Jin: "Okay, let me ask, if you were that woman, would you do this?"

"No!" Chi Yangyang shook her head decisively, "It's so stupid to sacrifice the rest of your life for a man who has deceived you from the beginning. He is hopelessly stupid!"

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