My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1886: Childhood Sweethearts, I Know You Can’t (2)

Chapter 1888: Childhood Sweethearts, I Know You Can’t (2)

Hang Jin asked, "What will you do?"

Chi Yangyang did not hesitate at all and answered decisively: "First of all, I have to make my attitude clear. I will not let myself meet such a scumbag in my life, so this thing will not happen to me. I You don’t need to think about how to do it. But your question is a hypothetical, so I will tell you, if it were me, I would let the scum go as far as possible and never appear in front of me.”

"What a heartless woman!" Hang Jin really believed that his little fourth son would be able to do it if he could say such a thing. It seems that he will have to be nicer to her in the future, otherwise she will decisively let her go someday. If he gets lost, he has no choice but to get away.

"Unfeeling?" Chi Yangyang suddenly smiled, "Hang Jin, if what you said today is to test me, then you don't have to. If one day in the future, you don't want to live with me anymore, just tell me , I will go away by myself, far away from you, and will never appear in front of you again. "

Upon hearing Chi Yangyang's words, Hang Jin's face immediately changed. Just when he was about to speak, Chi Yangyang said before him: "But I know there won't be such a day, and I know you won't, because you are really You like me, right?”

After these days, Chi Yangyang gradually felt how much he liked her.

But what to do?

She seemed unable to like him the way he liked her, unable to spend all her thoughts on him.

But she will try.

Try to love someone!

Try to make your life less bleak!

Try hard to keep your life alive!

But she will be afraid, afraid that one day he will leave her forever like other relatives, regardless of her feelings.

Will Hang Jin know it?

Thinking of this possibility, Chi Yangyang felt that the tip of his heart was trembling.

"I have to be blind to like a little idiot like you!" After saying awkward words, Hang Jin even opened his brows. He couldn't help but raised his hand to touch her head and whispered. , "Little idiot!"

His little idiot finally got some enlightenment and slowly understood his thoughts.

But looking at her like this, why is she so flustered and confused?

He asked worriedly: "Xiao Siyaner, what's wrong?"

"You must remember what you promised me, otherwise you will never see me in your next life." She asked him to remember that he would stay with her for the rest of his life, and he must remember it.

If someone she can't bear to leave leaves her again, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on anymore.

"What nonsense!" Hang Jin rubbed Chi Yangyang's head into his arms and said domineeringly, "Don't say you can't escape from my hands in this life. You can't escape from my hands in the next life or the next life." Heart."

"And you should immediately ask someone to find out if there are any used syringes in the deceased's home. If the syringe can be found and fingerprints can be found on the syringe, then when the test results come out, we can basically identify the murderer." Hang Jin While talking about the two of them, Chi Yangyang changed the topic to the case, which made Hang Jin very annoyed.

But what comforted him was that Chi Yangyang was still in his arms. Her bag was buried in his arms and rubbed like a kitten, which made Hang Jin's heart as soft as a ball of cotton.

Chi Yangyang listened to his steady and powerful heartbeat and greedily breathed in the warm breath that only belonged to him - it's so good to have him by your side!

A few hours later, the laboratory team received the results, which showed that the liquid remaining on the scalp of the deceased was a tranquilizer.

Hang Jin also asked people to find discarded disposable medical syringes in the garbage dump downstairs of the deceased's house, and extracted the remaining liquid in the syringes and the fingerprints on the syringes.

The laboratory team determined that the liquid remaining in the needle tube had the same composition as the liquid found at the needle hole on the scalp of the deceased. They were both stabilizers. After comparison by the technical department, the fingerprints on the needle tube exactly matched the fingerprints of the deceased's grandfather.

At present, the cause of death of the deceased has been confirmed. It was due to the excessive injection of diazepam, which caused the vitality of nerve cells to decrease, the heartbeat to slow down, and finally the heartbeat stopped beating and died.

So the top priority now is to find the suspect and question him.

As a forensic doctor, the interrogation of prisoners naturally did not fall on Chi Yangyang, but because this time the murderer was likely to be the murderer's grandfather, Chi Yangyang applied to Hang Jin to observe, and Hang Jin approved.

All the interrogation work was ready, and Xiao Chen and Xiao Jia were responsible for the interrogation. Hang Jin took Chi Yangyang to watch in the monitoring room.

Xiao Chen put the evidence on the table and said, "Zhang Jicai, could you please explain why the syringe with the same ingredients as the tranquillizer liquid that caused the death of the deceased has your fingerprints on it?"

With the evidence in front of him, Zhang Jicai panicked: "I, I..."

He and I couldn't find a suitable excuse for a long time. Maybe he didn't expect that the police would insist on asking for an autopsy, and they also found the crime tools that he had thrown away long ago.

Xiao Chen slapped his hand on the table and said sternly: "Be honest."

"Yes, I killed the person, but I had my own reasons for killing her." Zhang Jicai said in a high-sounding voice, without any regrets for killing the person. "She is a loser. Just because of her existence, my daughter has no There is no way to have a second child, but there is no way to kill her son. As a result, her husband's perfume has stopped, and he has never had a good attitude towards her. "

Xiao Chen thought he had some troubles. Damn, that was the reason for opening his mouth. He was so angry that he wanted to rush forward and kick this ignorant old guy to death: "What the hell are you in this age? You still favor boys over girls. Your family has the throne." Do you want to inherit?"

When Hang Jin in the monitoring room heard this, he immediately looked sideways at Chi Yangyang and saw that she was biting her bloodless lips tightly, and her hands hanging by her sides were clenched into fists.

Hang Jin immediately understood Chi Yangyang's anger, quickly held her hand, and comforted her softly: "Xiao Siyan, don't be angry! Don't be angry!"

Several other people in the monitoring room immediately looked over, with the word "gossip" written all over them. Is Hang Jin, who just spoke so softly, really their captain?

Aren't they just blinded?

When they still wanted to continue eating melon, Chi Yangyang, who realized that this was at the workplace, quickly put away his emotions, took his hand out of Hang Jin's palm, took two steps aside, and pulled away from Hang Jin. distance.

When Hang Jin saw this momentum, he became angry: "If everyone doesn't work hard, what are you looking at?"

The others quickly lowered their heads.

In my heart: This is their captain.

The case was solved so quickly, but Chi Yangyang's heart felt like a thousand pounds weighing on her, making her breathless.

When getting off work, Chi Yangyang took the initiative and said: "Hang Jin, please call Brother Yuan Bo and Brother Zhang to ask if they are free? If so, let's make an appointment to get together at Sister Feiyang's farm."

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