My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1887: Childhood sweethearts, only do this to you

Chapter 1889: Childhood sweethearts, only do this to you

"I'm looking for you. How dare those two bastards be unavailable?" Hang Jin knew clearly that as long as he spoke, Xie Yuanbo and the others would have to come back as soon as possible, even if they were on the moon.

"Forget it, let's not go to the farm. Let's go to Charming to sing, dance and drink. I called Sister Feiyang and asked him and Brother Zhiyang to go into the city." Chi Yangyang took out his mobile phone and made a call. Lan who received the call Feiyang readily agreed.

So, several friends who had been playing together since childhood put down their work and rushed to the famous entertainment venue "Charming Color" in Jiangbei.

Everyone used to be regular visitors here. Later, Ye Zhiyang and Lan Feiyang opened a farmhouse in the suburbs. Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang also registered their marriage, so everyone came less often. But because of their special status, this top entertainment venue A dedicated suite was reserved for them.

When Zhu Zhangfan walked into the door, he saw a girl doing a striptease enthusiastically in the middle of the dance floor. The scene was very exciting.

He looked at Xie Yuanbo: "Didn't Fourth Brother say that we are not allowed to come to a place like this? Why did he call us again today? Could it be that Yangyang still hasn't figured it out yet and Fourth Brother is planning to give up on himself?"

Xie Yuanbo rolled his eyes at him: "I would rather believe that a sow can climb a tree than that the fourth brother will give up on Yang Yang."

Zhu Zhangfan said: "I was just joking. Of course I know that the fourth brother cannot give up on Yangyang. I guess it must be Yangyang's offer to come here to play, and the fourth brother can't refuse."

Xie Yuanbo sighed: "Women are really troublesome creatures. I will never touch them in my life, lest I end up like my fourth brother."

It's really pitiful and sad to think that Hang Bawang, who was so overbearing and so arrogant that no one looked down upon him, was eaten to death by a woman...

"Haha..." Zhu Zhangzhan sneered, "Don't touch women? So when I called you last night, the woman talking next to you was a shemale?"

Xie Yuanbo said: "Okay, I admit that I used the wrong word. I don't want to have a girlfriend in this life."

Zhu Zhanfan added: "Lao Xie, let me remind you, your behavior of two people sleeping together and going their separate ways after sleeping must not let Yangyang know, if you let her mistake her for a man You are such a thing, otherwise the fourth brother would have to skin you."

Xie Yuanbo said dissatisfied: "What do you mean by someone like me? I want talents and money, but I can't find many even if I hold a lantern."

Zhu Zhangfan said: "Then look at our fourth brother, who is not better than you? Has he ever gone out to do anything in the past 20 years?"

"Can you please stop comparing me with Fourth Brother?" Xie Yuanbo thinks it's unfair, "Our Fourth Brother is not a normal man to begin with, plus he has Yangyang. Although Yangyang's girl doesn't have a good emotional intelligence, she is pretty and pretty. Likeable.”

After saying this, Xie Yuanbo always felt that something was wrong, and suddenly felt a chill in his back: "Amitabha, I just talked nonsense, please don't let fourth brother know."

Zhu Changchang slapped Xie Yuanbo's shoulder heavily with his hand: "I see your skin is really itchy."

During the conversation, the two arrived at the door of the Chunhua Qiuyue private room on the eighth floor. The waiter at the door opened the door considerately for them: "Mr. Xie, Mr. Zhu, please come inside."

"Thank you!" When they entered the room, they heard the singing of girls, and they knew that Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang had arrived earlier than them today.

Hang Jin sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and his posture was lazy, but it did not affect his handsome appearance at all.

His eyes never left Chi Yangyang on the concert stage for a second, so much so that he didn't even see Xie Yuanbo enter the room.

Chi Yangyang on the small singing stage held the microphone and sang very seriously, and her singing voice also had a softness that belonged to her.

"My dream says don't wait

Let the light reflect the tear-stained pupils

Reflect the rainbow that I most want to have

Take me to the sky with you

Because you are mine..." Just as he was singing to the climax, Chi Yangyang suddenly stopped and waved to greet the two who entered the room, "Brother Zhang Zhan, Brother Yuan Bo, you are here. "

"Yeah, it's here... Yangyang, keep singing and ignore us." Zhu Zhanfan and Xie Yuanbo felt deeply that they had come in at the wrong time, and then they felt two eyes that were so cold and murderous.

Why did their fourth brother call them here if he only wanted to live in a world of two?

Besides, if they had known what was going on inside, they would rather squat outside for half an hour than dare to come in.

Chi Yangyang got off the stage and sat down next to Hang Jin. Hang Jin immediately handed her the water and she took a few sips: "Brother Yuan Bo, I heard that you went on a blind date two days ago. How was it? How about it?”

Blind date!

Hearing this word, Xie Yuanbo's heartbeat seemed to skip a beat. He waved his hands in panic: "I was forced by my family to go through the motions. Look at me, a handsome young man, and I went on a blind date. What's the matter? It’s so embarrassing to go out, don’t mention it again.”

Chi Yangyang, who was slow, didn't realize that Xie Yuanbo didn't want to bring up this topic very much, and continued: "But I just heard on the phone from Sister Feiyang that you and your blind date were able to chat, and then the two of them went to book a room."

Auntie! You really don’t want to open any pot! !

Xie Yuanbo felt that he was about to be killed by two looks: "Hahaha... No, it's nothing. Don't listen to Feiyang's nonsense. How could I do such a thing."

"Brother Yuan Bo, I know I can't control your personal feelings, but I still want to say a few words. If you don't plan to live with one person for the rest of your life, then be more restrained and take responsibility for doing something wrong. Even if You may not be so willing, especially if you are still a man. "I think a few months ago, she drank too much and slept with Hang Jin. Even though she was very reluctant to marry Hang Jin at the time, she still registered with Hang Jin for a lifetime of freedom. get married.

Everyone understood the meaning of Chi Yangyang's words. Hang Jin, who was sitting silently next to him, frowned: "Xie Yuanbo, please pay attention to me. If you dare to let down any girl in the future, I will steal you." skin.”

"Fourth brother, I was wrong, and I will definitely change it in the future." Xie Yuanbo quickly admitted his mistake, but he was saying in his heart, "Fourth brother, I am wronged! I was wronged! We are all adults, and I am willing to do something indescribable for your love. What's going on? If you want to vent your anger, you can take out anyone who messes with you. Why bother with me? "

"Who was wrong?" Lan Feiyang opened the door and followed, followed by Ye Zhiyang carrying large and small bags.

"Sister Feiyang..." Chi Yangyang stood up immediately and rushed over to give Lan Feiyang a big hug, "You're here."

"In order to see you little girl as soon as possible, I hung up the phone and rushed here without any delay." Lan Feiyang held Chi Yangyang's head and felt distressed to see that she had lost weight again, "I brought it with you if you like it. The stir-fried vegetables are all in the thermos. Now, let your brother Zhiyang prepare them for you. Eat more and gain some meat. I feel bad looking at you, let alone my fourth brother."

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