Chapter 204: A Family of Three

Jian Ran refused to go out to eat with him in her heart, but Qin Yue no longer insisted.

He sat down first and said softly, "Then let's sit down and talk about designing the dress."

Jian Ran nodded, sat down, took out a handwritten notebook, and said earnestly, "Mr. Qin, tell me your detailed requirements, and I'll make a record."

Seeing her so serious, Qin Yue seemed to see the previous Jian Ran again. When she was working, she always took it seriously and was never sloppy.

After so many years, she was able to hire a PM with a high salary as the chief designer in China, so it must be the result of her hard work.

"Mr. Qin?" Seeing Qin Yue staring at her but not speaking, Jian Ran tried to call him.

Qin Yue came back to his senses and said, "I don't know anything about design, and I can't say specific requirements. Why don't you give me your opinion, so I can refer to it."

Jian Ran thought for a while and asked, "then please tell me what your wife and children look like, Mr. Qin? I can make a basic judgment."

Hearing this, Qin Yue's mind flashed, and he said a little excitedly: "This is also very abstract in my description. Miss Asteria, if you don't mind, why don't you go back with me to see the child?"

In the design world, tailor-made is the most important thing. In the past, Jian Ran did not go to customers' homes less often. After thinking about it, she nodded and agreed.

Go see the child and measure the child's height so she can perform better too.

When she came to Qin Yue's car, she wanted to sit in the back seat, but felt rude, so she sat in the passenger seat.

Instinctively, Qin Yue wanted to reach out to help her fasten her seat belt, but as soon as she leaned towards her, she hurriedly moved to the car window and looked at him defensively.

Qin Yue reluctantly retracted his hand and said, "I used to drive, and my wife was in the passenger seat. She always forgot to fasten her seat belt. Just now I forgot that the person sitting next to me was not her."

The person sitting next to him was still his wife, but she forgot.

When Qin Yue said this, Jian Ran blushed a little embarrassedly, quickly pulled up her seat belt, and then smiled politely at him.

For more than half an hour, none of them said a word. They simply looked at the front of the car and admired the scenery on both sides of the waiting road.

Qin Yue's home is more luxurious than Jian Ran imagined. After entering the gate, it takes more than ten minutes to walk to the main building.

Qin Yue walked very slowly, specially matched her pace, and introduced her to the surrounding scenery while walking, which made Jian Ran feel that this man was a polite gentleman.

"Dad, you're back." Still a distance away, a small figure rushed towards Qin Yue.

Qin Yue caught her small body, hugged her and kissed her: "but tell dad, do you miss dad?"

"Of course I miss my father, and I'm hungry when I think of my belly." Xiao Ranran said and touched her belly, looking pitiful.

"Then let Aunt Ling give Ranran milk powder to drink, okay?"

"However, don't drink grandma, but it's an older child, and older kids don't drink grandma."

"I want to drink grandma and eat strawberries in the afternoon."

Seeing their father and daughter interact intimately, Jian Ran's heart also warms.

Jian Ran remembers, and remembers it very clearly, this cute and beautiful child she met a few days ago, her name is Xiao Ranran.

The father is so good-looking, no wonder he has such a beautiful daughter.

It's just that she vaguely remembered that that day Xiao Ranran told her that her mother was flying in the sky——

Thinking of this, Jian Ran felt a little sad in her heart, and her clear eyes fell on Qin Yue's face.

She remembered what he said today. He said that when his wife returned to him, he would put on her wedding dress with his own hands.

What the hell is going on?

Is Xiao Ranran's mother missing or not?

Thinking of such a young child without a mother, Jian Ran suddenly felt a little distressed, and she couldn't bear to look away from Xiao Ranran.

Qin Yue noticed Jian Ran's eyes and thought to herself, will she think of their child? Even if you think about it a little bit.

After waiting for a long time, Jian Ran still looked at Xiao Ranran, Qin Yue asked, "do you want to hug?"

"I, can I?" Jian Ran wanted to hug her very much.

"Of course, can I have a beautiful aunt hug you?" Qin Yue introduced Jane to her daughter.

Only then did Xiao Ranran look at Jian Ran, a child who never remembered anything, looked excited when she saw her: "Da Ranran?"

"Dad, my sister is Da Ranran, the sister she helped Ranran save."

"Xiao Ranran, it's nice to see you again." Jian Ran smiled softly and said.

When she said goodbye to Xiao Ranran that day, Jian Ran thought that the vast sea of ​​people would never meet again, but she didn't expect to see each other again after only a few days.

Qin Yue also understood that when he went to the park to pick up Xiao Ranran that day, his Da Ranran really came, but he just didn't want to believe it.

Xiao Ranran opened her small arm to Jian Ran and said softly, "Da Ranran hugs Xiao Ranran and doesn't charge any money."

"Xiao Ranran, you are so kind." Jian Ran took Xiao Ranran and hugged her in her arms, her heart was so soft. Such a beautiful and lovely child, I can't like it or not.

Looking at their mother and daughter, Qin Yue's eyes were so gentle that it made people melt. Just looking at their mother and daughter like this, he would be willing to watch them even for a lifetime.

"Sister, I want to take you to a place, are you willing?" Xiao Ranran likes Da Ranran, so she thought of a good place to share with her.

Jane nodded: "where are you going?"

"You follow Ranran, and Ranran will take you there." Xiao Ranran went down and held Jianran's hand, "sister, walk steadily, don't wrestle."

"Okay, my sister will walk steadily."

Xiao Ranran took Jian Ran for a few steps, and suddenly felt wrong. When she looked back and saw her father looking at them, she said, "Dad, you should also accompany Ranran."

"Okay. Dad will accompany Xiao Ranran together." Just as Qin Yue was waiting for Xiao Ranran to say so, he stepped forward and took Xiao Ranran's other hand.

He held Xiao Ranran's left hand, Jian Ran held Xiao Ranran's right hand, and the little Xiao Ranran walked among them, a beautiful and warm picture.

How much Qin Yue wanted time to stop at this moment, their family of three held hands and walked like this, and kept walking until their husband and wife grew old, and Xiao Ranran grew up slowly.

But when Qin Yue was imagining, Jian Ran took her hand back without a trace, and she felt very embarrassed to hold their father and daughter like this.

Xiao Ranran didn't notice that the right hand was released, but Qin Yue saw it right away.

Qin Yue suddenly felt that there was a grudge in his body, as if he was about to break through his defense line.

He really wanted to use a simple and crude method to directly carry Jian Ran home and never let her leave again.

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