My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 205 Xiao Ranran receives Da Ranran

Chapter 205: Xiao Ranran receives Da Ranran

Qin Yue stopped, clenched his empty left hand into a fist, and narrowed his eyes with dark tides surging.

He was angry, not at her, but at himself.

If he had always been by Jian Ran's side back then, those people would not have had the chance to implement their plans, she would not have been taken away from him for three years, and she would have never forgotten him and the child.

Xiao Ranran also realized that something was wrong, let go of her father's hand, walked to Jianran's side with small steps, and held Jianran's hand with her small hand: "sister, but holding you, won't you? wrestling."

Jian Ran held Xiao Ranran's small hand, smiled and nodded.

"Of course, then you are responsible for playing with your sister. Dad still has some things to do and won't accompany you." Qin Yue said.

Xiao Ranran is willing to be close to Da Ranran, and Da Ranran is also willing to be close to Xiao Ranran, then he will let them mother and daughter be alone everywhere.

Without him by their side, Jian Ran should be able to let go a little, and maybe Xiao Ranran can remind Jian Ran of some things in the past.

"Okay, Dad." Xiao Ranran nodded her head hard and said softly, "Xiao Ranran can take care of Da Ranran."

Qin Yue rubbed her head: "Dad believes in you." Looking at Jian Ran, he said softly, "I have something to do, I'll be back later."

Jane smiled and nodded.

"Dad, go get busy." Xiao Ranran took Jian Ran's hand and walked forward with small steps. Without her father by her side, her mood was not affected at all.

When Qin Yue walked out of the sight of the two of them, Xiao Ranran immediately grabbed the braid on the top of her head and looked at Jian Ran with expectation and pride: "sister, do you think Ranran's braid looks good?"

The two braids on Xiao Ranran's head that are tied like horns are not very good-looking to be honest, and even a little messy, but Xiao Ranran looks cute and cute, which makes her more agile and attractive.

But it couldn't damage the child's self-confidence. Jian Ran nodded against her will and smiled softly: "It's beautiful."

Hearing others compliment her on her good-looking braids, Xiao Ranran said proudly, "Dad's braids for Ranran."

Jian Ran was stunned... She couldn't imagine how a man like Qin Yue would comb his children's hair?

I made up for the picture of Qin Yue combing her hair clumsily... Jian Ran just felt that the picture was too beautiful and couldn't bear to look directly at it, but it was very warm and sweet.

His wife must be very happy, right? To have such a loving husband.

Thinking of this, Jian Ran couldn't help but laugh, she was a little envious, but it was only envy.

Seeing Jian Ran's beautiful smile, Xiao Ranran couldn't help but threw herself on Jian Ran's thigh and blinked her big watery eyes: "Sister, are you happy?"

The words are clear, the tone is soft, and with her big eyes, it is so soft that she wants to be hugged and chewed. Not to mention pigtails, such a cute child should be given a world to her.

Jian Ran couldn't help pinching Little Loli's face: "Happy."

"Dad is also happy!" Xiao Ranran replied.

"Ah?" Jane was puzzled.

"Dad is very happy!" Xiao Ranran paused and added, "I am happy today."

"Oh?" Jian Ran blinked: "Not happy before?"

"Before, before... Dad missed Mom. Today, there is Da Ranran, Dad is happy! "


Children are innocent, they can say whatever they want.

But Jian Ran felt that something was wrong... But she didn't meet Qin Yue only once, so there shouldn't be other reasons, right? It's just kids talking nonsense.

"Where's your mom?"

However, Jian Ran couldn't help but ask.

"Mom is flying in the sky~" Xiao Ranran opened her hands and fanned it up and down like little wings, "Dad and Ranran are waiting for her to come back."

What Xiao Ranran said was cute and innocent, but when Jane heard it, she felt very uncomfortable.

She couldn't help rubbing Xiao Ranran's head: "Xiao Ranran, who told your mother to fly in the sky?"

"Little aunt told Ranran." Xiao Ranran blinked and pointed to the sky, "Little aunt said, my mother accidentally flew far away. When Ranran grows up obediently, her mother who flew in the sky will come back."

Jian Ran squatted down in front of Xiao Ranran, pinched Xiao Ranran's pink face, and said softly, "Xiao Ranran, Da Ranran still wants to hug you, okay?"

Xiao Ranran opened her arms and threw them into Jian Ran's arms: "Da Ranran hugs it casually, and Xiao Ranran doesn't charge any money."

Jian Ran held Xiao Ranran in her arms and hugged her hard. She didn't know why. When she heard Xiao Ranran talk about her mother, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Xiao Ranran pointed to the small house in front and said happily, "sister, that is the paradise for Ranran and her sister."

"So Xiao Ranran wants to take Da Ranran to see your paradise?"


Jian Ran carried Xiao Ranran to the paradise.

This is a small independent building next to the main building, a pink cartoon house, as seen in the cartoon.

"Sister, come in." Xiao Ranran enthusiastically dragged Jian Ran into her little castle and entertained Jian Ran like a little host.

It's not that she has never met strangers, but she is not so enthusiastic about every stranger, and she won't tell everyone anything, especially she won't allow others to enter her fairy tale kingdom.

She entertained Jianran so warmly, not only because Jianran helped her save her sister, but also because she liked Daran very much.

Xiaoran's fairy tale kingdom paradise is actually a miniature version of the house, and every item in the house is a miniature version.

There are simulated restaurants, simulated rooms, and simulated small orders, which is convenient for Xiao Ranran to learn to take care of herself.

Every ornament in the house is very delicate, and it can be seen that the people who arranged it all have the intentions.

Xiao Ranran pulled Jian Ran and introduced her around, blinked her big watery eyes, and asked, "sister, do you like it?"

Jian Ran nodded: "I like it. I really like it. "

Xiao Ranran added, "Dad made all these."

Listening to Xiao Ranran's soft and glutinous voice, inexplicably, Jian Ran felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Looking at Xiao Ranran's eyes became more gentle.

Xiao Ranran's father loves Xiao Ranran very much, and Xiao Ranran is also very cute and sensible, but there is no love in the world that can replace maternal love.

"Sister..." Xiao Ranran tugged at the corner of Jianran's clothes, and there was something good she wanted to introduce to Jianran.

"Xiao Ranran, can my sister kiss you?" Jane asked.

Jian Ran wanted to kiss Xiao Ranran's face for a long time in her heart. After thinking about it for a long time, she mustered up the courage to speak out without anyone else.

Who knew that just after her voice fell, Xiao Ranran came over and slapped her face: "Ran Ran's sister."

Suddenly kissed by Xiao Ranran's soft lips, Xiao Ranran left a small saliva mark on her face. Jian Ran only felt that her heart was softened and melted...

She held up xiaoranan's face, carefully and carefully kissed xiaoranan's face, and then rubbed xiaoranan into her arms.

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