My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 244 Capture Jane Zhengtian

Chapter 244: Capture Jane Zhengtian

During the day, the temperature in Jiangbei City is very high.

Jian Zhengtian just made a phone call with Jian Ran, saying that at noon, he would make tremella lotus seed soup and put it in the refrigerator. In the evening, Jian Ran could drink it after get off work, clearing away heat and quenching thirst.

In order to better control Jian Ran in the palm of his hand, Jian Zhengtian has played the image of this loving father very well in the past three years.

After hanging up the phone, looking at the lotus seeds and white fungus he just bought in his hand, Jian Zhengtian couldn't help but feel a little more proud and confident on his face.

The old man of the Qin family and Qin Yue are both big figures in the moment, but so what, in the end they are still held tightly by him.

Just when Jian Zhengtian was proud, two men blocked his way, dragged him away without any reason, there was no need to worry that this was still a vegetable market, people were coming and going, everyone was watching them.

The white fungus and lotus seeds that Jian Zhengtian was carrying fell to the ground and scattered all over the place, but no one dared to stand up and speak out. Everyone hid far away, hanging on their heads as if they had nothing to do with them.

"Who are you?" Jane Zhengtian asked, but no one answered him, and soon he was dragged into the car, which started and flew out.

Everything happened so fast that before Jane Zhengtian could react, he was dragged into a closed room by two men.

Two tall and burly men pushed him hard, and he fell into a big somersault.

Jian Zhengtian got up, patted the dust on his body, looked at the two men, and said angrily: "Who are you from? Who sent you here?"

The two men gave Jian Zhengtian a cold look, closed and locked the door, turned around and walked away. They didn't say a word to Jian Zhengtian the whole time.

In a fully enclosed white room, once the door is closed, all relations with the outside world are cut off. The bright fluorescent lamp on the roof is all the configuration of this room.

Jian Zhengtian is also a person who has experienced big storms, and he knows that it is useless to just make trouble. The most important thing right now is to find out who kidnapped him, and what is the purpose of kidnapping him here?

He thought about it carefully, and the only ones who had made enemies with him and were able to brazenly kidnap people in Jiangbei were the old Qin family and Qin Yue.

Jian Ran is now under his control, and Qin Yue dare not act rashly, so the most likely person is the immortal Qin family.

As early as many years ago, that old man wanted to put him to death, but because he held the secret of the old man, the old man did not dare to touch him easily.

Besides these two people, who else?

Jian Zhengtian thought about it, but he couldn't think of anyone else. The most likely person who tied him up was that old Qin family guy.

The old Qin family was dissatisfied with him quietly taking Jianran back to Jiangbei, and wanted to use Jianran to blackmail Qin Yue, and had already warned him once about this matter.

If it weren't for the fact that the secret he held in his hands would be announced to the world immediately after his death, Old Qin would probably have had someone secretly kill him long ago.

After roughly confirming who the person who kidnapped him was, the little uneasiness and apprehension in Jian Zhengtian's heart also disappeared with the wind.

He looked around again, and sure enough, as he expected, there was a small surveillance camera next to the light tube on the roof.

Because the camera was too small and inconspicuous, he didn't even notice that he was being monitored when he checked the room for the first time.

Looking at the camera, Jian Zhengtian smiled coldly and said, "Old Mr. Qin, don't forget that if something happens to me, the secret you want to hide will be made public immediately. At that time, the injured Who it is, you know best."

In the monitoring room, Qin Yue narrowed his eyes when he heard Jian Zhengtian's words, and there was a sharp chill in his eyes. It made perfect sense why Jian Ran fell into Jian Zhengtian's hands three years ago.

It was a play directed by his grandfather, and finally he handed over his Jian Ran to that beast, Jian Zhengtian.

Before, when Jian Zhengtian brought Jian Ran back to Jiangbei, Qin Yue wondered if there was any relationship between his grandfather and Jian Zhengtian.

Now it is 100% sure, but what is the secret that Jane Zhengtian said? What kind of secret would make his grandfather threatened by Jane Zhengtian?

"Boss Qin..."

Just as Liu Yong spoke, he was interrupted by Qin Yue waving his hand. He motioned to continue listening, to see if he could learn more secrets from Jian Zhengtian's mouth.

But Jane Zhengtian is such a cunning person.

Although he suspected that the person who kidnapped him here was the old man of the Qin family, but he didn't see himself, so he couldn't be 100% sure before he knew how to leave a way out for himself. Only by living well can he achieve his goal, so he has always regarded his life as very important.

If the old man of the Qin family and Qin Yue are going head-to-head, he is definitely not their opponent, so he must make good use of the pawns in his hand.

"Boss Qin, it seems that Jian Zhengtian won't call himself out." After observing Qin Yue for a long time, Liu Yong took the initiative to break the silence.

Qin Yue stared at the electronic screen with eyes like sharp arrows, and his sharp eyes seemed to be able to kill Jian Zhengtian through the electronic screen.

He took a deep breath and walked out first, followed closely by Liu Yong.

When they came to the small room where Jian Zhengtian was being held, Qin Yue stood still, and Liu Yong immediately asked the guards to open the door.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Jian Zhengtian looked back almost immediately, and when he saw clearly that the person standing straight outside the door was Qin Yue, Jian Zhengtian smiled: "Good son-in-law, that's how you invite your father-in-law. If this makes me My good daughter Jian Ran saw it, she should love me so much. "

Qin Yue snorted coldly, and looked at Jian Zhengtian's smug face with a half-smile. If it wasn't for Jian Ran not recovering his memory, it would be a daydream that Jian Zhengtian could stand here and talk to him well.

Jian Zhengtian looked around, and said: "But you didn't do anything to me after all, and I don't care about you as a junior. If you let me go, I will pretend that nothing happened today."

Qin Yue still didn't speak, but stared at Jian Zhengtian's body with two menacing and frightening eyes like falcons, which made Jian Zhengtian's back feel a little chilled.

However, he held Jian Ran's most useful chess piece in his hand, and Qin Yue wanted to tear him apart, but he was just thinking about it, and he didn't dare to do anything to him.

Qin Yue didn't speak, but his aura was so strong that Jian Zhengtian had no choice but to keep talking to embolden himself.

He said again: "You don't speak, are you dumb? Or didn't you think of how to plead guilty to my father-in-law?"

"A villain like you, it's not our turn to talk to you, Mr. Qin." Liu Yong stood up and said for him.

"You say I'm a villain, so I am a villain, but what can you do with me as a villain?" Jian Zhengtian dared to make such wild remarks because he knew that Qin Yue would not dare to do anything to him.

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