My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 245 Hitting until the end

Chapter 245: Hit till the end

Looking at Jian Zhengtian's disgusting face, Qin Yue said in a deep voice, "Liu Yong."

Hearing Qin Yue's words, Liu Yong immediately understood what Qin Yue wanted to do, stepped forward to grab Jian Zhengtian and punched him twice.

For these two punches, Liu Yong almost used his maximum strength to hit Jian Zhengtian's abdomen, which hurt so much that Jian Zhengtian seemed to have broken his ribs.

"Since you claim to be a villain, then I, a villain, will meet you." Liu Yong said, holding Jian Zhengtian with one hand, and punching Jian Zhengtian in the abdomen with the other.

"Qin Yue—"

Before Jian Zhengtian could say what he wanted to say, Liu Yong kicked again, causing Jian Zhengtian's legs to go limp, and he fell to his knees on the ground with a bang.

Liu Yongdao: "If I can't beat you to death, then how about mutilating you? Or force you to drink chili water or something."

"Qin Yue, it seems that I really overestimated your feelings for Jian Ran." Jian Zhengtian put his hands on his abdomen and sneered, "As long as Jian Ran knows what you did to me today, you will never forgive me in this life You, you still want her to come back to you?"

Liu Yong said again: "Then we have no choice but to let you have no chance to speak, then my Mrs. Qin will never know what happened today."

Jian Zhengtian talked for a long time, but Qin Yue didn't say a word to him, which made him even more annoyed, and shouted: "I'm talking to your master, when will it be your dog's turn to bark here?"

Liu Yong stepped on Jian Zhengtian's body: "Since you call me a dog, should I bite you a few more bites to be worthy of the new identity you gave me?"

Liu Yong waved his hand to let the other two subordinates control Jian Zhengtian, and he kicked Jian Zhengtian several times in a row, until Jian Zhengtian was scratching his teeth.

After a burst of beatings, Jian Zhengtian almost lost half of his life, lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment like a dying dog.

After being beaten, Jian Zhengtian still refused to admit defeat. He looked up at Qin Yue and laughed coldly: "I just ended the call with Jian Ran before I was arrested by you. I told her to cook tremella and lotus seed soup in the evening, etc. She came back to drink. If he didn't see and drink the lotus seed soup I made when he went back at night, do you think she would be suspicious?"

Qin Yue walked up to Jian Zhengtian, looked down at him condescendingly, and said, "Jian Zhengtian, what exactly do you want?"

"Hahaha..." Jian Zhengtian laughed loudly, tears streaming down his face, "Qin Yue, beat me to death here if you have the ability. Otherwise, don't think about me forgetting about today's matter."

Qin Yue knew better than anyone else what kind of small calculation Jian Zhengtian was using Jian Ran.

Jian Zhengtian is Jian Ran's only family member after she lost her memory. Even the slightest scratch on his skin would cause Jian Ran to be so worried that she would fidget.

If something happened to Jian Zhengtian, it would be like the sky falling to Jian Ran who has no memory.

Qin Yue definitely didn't want to see Jian Ran suffer any more harm, so how could she be willing to bear the pain of "losing a loved one" again.

Jian Zhengtian grasped Qin Yue's heartfelt love for Jian Ran, that's why he acted so recklessly.

"Want to die?" Qin Yue laughed suddenly, obviously he was smiling, but his eyes were sharp and terrifying, "Liu Yong, since Mr. Jian is so ignorant, you don't have to give me face, just do whatever you want."

Enduring the great pain in his body, Jian Zhengtian gritted his teeth and roared: "Qin Yue, you fucking dare to touch me again?"

"Is there anything I dare not do? Huh?" Leaving behind a cold sentence, Qin Yue turned around and strode away.

There are some things he didn't do, not because he didn't dare, but because he disdained them.

Since he was ten years old, he has followed his father in the business world, which is as cruel as a battlefield.

In this glamorous world on the surface, how dark it is behind the scenes is something that many people have never imagined.

How could Qin Yue not have some means to occupy an absolutely dominant position for many years in this world where people cannibalize people without spit out their bones.

It's just those means that he only uses to deal with his enemies.

In front of his relatives and friends, he is just like an ordinary person, just as a son, husband, brother, and father.

He also has relatives he values, a daughter he loves, and the wife he cares most about - Jian Ran.

Behind him, Jian Zhengtian's screams came into Qin Yue's ears, but he ignored them.

Some people just need to clean up, so let Liu Yong clean up the things that are not as good as beasts, then he will naturally be honest.

Therefore, when Jian Zhengtian saw Qin Yue again, he was already on the verge of death, and he didn't even have the strength to speak. How could he still see the arrogant appearance just now.

Liu Yong said: "Jane Zhengtian, if you have anything to say to our President Qin, just say it quickly, he doesn't have time to chat with you here."

Jian Zhengtian tried hard to open his eyes, opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to make a sound: "Qin Yue, you are ruthless, I admit it today."

Qin Yue stood beside Jian Zhengtian, standing straight and straight, like a god with a halo, sacred and inviolable.

Jian Zhengtian who was lying on the ground could only see his leather shoes. His leather shoes were polished brightly, without a trace of dust on them. It was the image Qin Yue had always given him, clean and fresh.

Qin Yue squatted down beside Jian Zhengtian, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Where is there so much nonsense, I just want to know three things. First, how did Jian Ran lose her memory? Second, what you just said What is the secret? Third, what exactly do you want?"

"Hehe..." Jian Zhengtian spat out a mouthful of blood with a sneer, and stared fiercely at Qin Yue, who is aloof and superior, "If you want to know why Jian Ran forgot everything, you should ask your good grandpa. That matter, everything It was planned by him alone, and no one knows better than him."

He clearly knew that Jian Ran's affairs had nothing to do with Grandpa Qin, and that Grandpa Qin was leading behind the scenes, but when he heard what Jian Zhengtian said, Qin Yue still couldn't help but twitch in his heart.

That was the person he had respected since he was a child, the person he regarded as a superhero when he was young.

Knowing that it was grandpa who took Jian Ran away from him, but he still had a little bit of fantasy, hoping that those were not real.

Fantasizing that someone else deliberately pointed the clue to Grandpa Qin, but Grandpa Qin didn't know anything at all. Qin Yue never once wanted to excuse his grandfather, but the truth is always so cruel.

Peeling off that glamorous coat, what he saw inside was so dirty and unbearable, which completely extinguished his hope.

Although Qin Yue's heart was full of twists and turns, he couldn't see the slightest emotional ups and downs on Qin Yue's surface. He asked again in a deep voice: "Then what is the secret you mentioned?"

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