Chapter 255: Of course I want my mother

Qin Yue walked up to Xiao Ranran and sat down, hugged Xiao Ranran into his arms, patted her on the back, and asked softly: "Of course, tell Dad, what is so sad?"

"Of course I don't want my sister, but I want my mother—" Xiao Ranran's face was flushed from crying, and her small body twitched non-stop.

Hearing that Xiao Ranran said that she didn't want her sister but her mother, Jian Ran silently withdrew her hand that wanted to touch Xiao Ranran, feeling very bitter in her heart.

After all, Xiao Ranran is a child, and the child's temperament can change as soon as it is said. This is what Jian Ran is worried about, but she didn't expect it to come so soon.

When Xiao Ranran went to school in the morning, she happily said goodbye to her, and when she came back at night, she cried and begged not to let her go.

Jane understands that what Xiao Ranran needs is her mother, and only her mother can give her meticulous love, not her irrelevant elder sister Da Ranran.

Jian Ran didn't want to make Xiao Ranran sad, she turned around and wanted to leave quietly, but Qin Yue grabbed her and dragged her to sit beside him: "Stay here, don't go anywhere."

His tone was domineering and helpless. Jian Ran listened, but she didn't hate it. She pursed her lips, nodded, and sat obediently beside him.

Qin Yue wiped away tears for Xiao Ranran, and asked patiently: "Ranran likes sister Da Ranran so much, and sister Da Ranran also loves Ranran very much, but if she talks like this, sister will be sad, you know?"

"Sister will be sad!" Xiao Ranran cried even louder. She didn't want her sister to be sad, but she was so sad that she didn't know what to do.

Qin Yue stroked his daughter's head, kissed her face that was flushed red from crying, and his voice became more gentle: "Well, as long as Ranran tells Dad why he is crying, Dad can solve all problems for Ranran, and Ranran doesn't have to be sad .”

Xiao Ranran sucked her little nose and said sadly: "Father and sister Da Ranran have a younger brother, don't want Ranran, but don't want a sister, but mother—"

When I came home today, sister Lingling told her that if Dad married sister Da Ranran, he would have a younger brother with sister Da Ranran. From now on, father would love sister Da Ranran and younger brother, and would not love her again. Mama's poor child.

Xiao Ranran feels very sad. She likes her sister so much, but her sister wants to take away her father and have a younger brother with her father, so she won't love her anymore.

Why does sister Da Ranran want to have a brother with her father? Why can you not love her? She didn't understand, so she was so sad that she kept crying.

The more Xiao Ran thinks about it, the more sad she feels. The big sister she likes so much doesn't like her. Thinking about it, she feels like she has been hurt ten million points.

Xiao Ranran didn't speak very clearly, but Qin Yue knew that someone must have said something in Xiao Ranran's ear, otherwise she wouldn't have said such a thing.

He stroked Xiao Ranran's head and said, "Ran Ran, you did something wrong, do you know?"

Hearing that she had done something wrong, Xiao Ranran was stunned and tears fell. Does it mean that her father doesn't want to love her anymore?

She doesn't have a mother, and her father doesn't want her anymore, she's so pitiful!

Qin Yue stuffed Xiao Ranran into Jian Ran's arms, and said, "Of course, listen to what Dad told you. Dad and sister Da Ranran will always love you, always love you, understand?"

Xiao Ranran didn't understand, she blinked her big watery eyes, and looked at Jian Ran who was holding her: "Will sister always love Ran Ran?"

"Xiao Ranran, I..." Jian Ran is not stupid, and of course she understands that Xiao Ranran must have taught her something behind her back.

It's just that she and Qin Yue have different positions. If there is something between her and Qin Yue, then it is very likely that Qin Yue's love for Xiao Ranran will be distracted. She doesn't want to deceive Xiao Ranran, so she doesn't know what she should do Answer Xiao Ranran.

"Don't sister love Ranran?" Jane didn't answer, Xiao Ranran felt that she was an abandoned child, how pitiful she was.

Qin Yue added: "Ranran didn't want sister Da Ranran just now, but sister Da Ranran was angry. If Ranran apologized to sister Da Ranran obediently, then sister Da Ranran would forgive her."

"Sister, of course I have to love my sister." As long as her father and sister love her together, don't let her become the poor child that Lingling's sister said, and don't become a child without a mother and a father. She also loves her father and Da Ran in her sister. of.

"Of course——" Jian Ran hugged Xiao Ranran tightly in her arms, choked up for a while and couldn't speak.

Seeing Xiao Ranran crying, hearing Xiao Ranran say that no one loves her, hearing Xiao Ranran say that she is a poor child, Jian Ran feels as if her child is being bullied, she is so distressed and reluctant.

"Okay, Da Ranran and Xiao Ranran are reconciled as before." Qin Yue opened his long and powerful arms and embraced their mother and daughter together, hugging them hard, "Da Ranran and Xiao Ranran are reconciled, let's go to eat first, After dinner, Xiao Ranran will take Da Ranran to play together, okay?"

"Okay." Xiao Ranran nodded vigorously, and felt a little embarrassed, so she hugged Da Ranran and kissed her, "Sister, Ran Ran loves you."

"My sister loves Ranran too." Jian Ran picked up Xiao Ranran, kissed her on the cheek, and went to the restaurant with Qin Yue.

After dinner, Qin Yue asked Xiao Ranran to take Da Ranran for a walk outside, while he asked the housekeeper to call all the servants in the house.

Qin Yue was happy and quiet, and there were only a dozen servants inside and outside Nuoyuan. At this time, they all called together, and everyone was cautious, not knowing what happened.

Ding Ling was even more cautious in taking care of Xiao Ranran, so afraid that what she said to Xiao Ranran would be known by the master.

Qin Yue's eyes swept over them one by one, and finally fell on Ding Ling, and said in a deep voice: "Xiangxiu, give her a sum of money, and let her go as far as possible."

Qin Yue never liked people who bit their tongues behind people's backs, especially if this person offended his wife, that was his minefield. No matter how loyal she was, he could no longer use her.

Ding Ling tremblingly said: "Sir, I, I..."

Qin Yue didn't give her a chance, interrupted her and continued: "I'll say it in front of you now, Jian Ran is the only mistress of this family, her words are mine, and whoever dares to treat her lightly, then don't Blame me for being rude."

Qin Yue doesn't like to talk to the servants at home, it's because he has such a cold personality, but he has never treated his subordinates badly.

Many of them have worked beside him for many years. He doesn't like to talk, but he is also polite and polite to them. He has never seen him lose his temper.

This is the first and only time.

They were transferred from the United States by Qin Yue after Jian Ran disappeared. They didn't know the former Jian Ran or Xiao Ranran's mother.

Now they understand how important this Jane is to their master.

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