Chapter 256: Be My Girlfriend

Although it is said that children's tempers come and go quickly, some words still have a great impact on them.

Especially when I went to the kindergarten during this time, I saw that other children had mothers, but my own mother didn't know where they flew to. Xiao Ran was also very puzzled.

The little aunt said that when she grows up, her mother will fly back. She feels that she has grown up now. She is more than three years old and is a big child, but why hasn't her mother flew back yet?

Xiao Ranran blinked her big blinking eyes, looked at Jian Ran, and asked innocently: "Does sister know where Ran Ran's mother flew to?"

I didn't expect Xiao Ranran to ask such a question suddenly, Jian Ran was slightly taken aback, she was so distressed that she didn't know how to answer.

She thought about it seriously, squatted down beside Xiao Ranran, held her face, and said seriously: "Ranran's mother flew to heaven, and she may never fly back. But mother will definitely watch in heaven Watching Ranran, watching Ranran grow up healthy and happy."

"Mom will see Ranran!" Xiao Ranran asked excitedly.

In Xiao Ranran's memory, she doesn't know what her mother looks like or what a mother is. She only knows that children have mothers, and she should also have a mother.

"Yes." Jane nodded, and hugged Ranran, "In addition to mother, Ranran also has father, aunt, uncle, and many people who love Ranran."

"But there is a younger sister, and there is brother lie..." Xiao Ranran looked back, and sure enough, she saw brother lie who had been following her.

Brother lie told her that he would protect her all the time and help her fight off all the villains, so she was not afraid of anything.

"But do you want to play with brother lie?" Jian Ran saw Xiao Ranran's mind and asked thoughtfully.

Xiao Ranran nodded her head hard, and said softly, "Of course I want to play with brother lie."

Jian Ran let go of Xiao Ranran, rubbed her head, and said softly, "Then go."

"Okay." Xiao Ranran turned around and ran towards her brother lie. Her little legs were not very wide, but she was already at her fastest speed.

The big boy opened his arms to catch the little Ranran, hugged her up, rubbed her head gently, turned around and left with Xiaoran in his arms.

Looking at their backs, Jian Ran couldn't bear to look away for a long time.

"What are you thinking?"

Suddenly, Qin Yue's deep and sexy voice came from beside his ear, pulling back Jian Ran's thoughts.

She turned her head and smiled at him: "where did you find such a big boy? I think he is really kind to Xiao Ranran. "

After Jian Ran stayed in Nuoyuan, she met the big boy several times. She never heard him say a word, nor saw him smile. She always had a cold face, but just now she saw the big boy talking to the little boy. Ran smiled.

Although the smile is not obvious, Jian Ran still sees it. It is also a good thing to have such a big boy guarding Xiao Ranran.

Qin Yue said: "I didn't find that, but Xiao Ranran found it by herself."

At the beginning, Qin Yue was not very relieved to hand over Xiao Ranran to the care of an unknown person, and people had been secretly watching Lie.

After a period of observation, it is confirmed that Lie really has no other intentions and is willing to stay by Xiao Ranran's side just to repay Xiao Ranran's life-saving grace.

He felt that his daughter was quite accurate in seeing people, and he could save a little worry in the future by finding a loyal guardian so quickly.

"Xiao Ranran found it by herself? She's still so young, where can she find it?" Jian Ran continued to ask, without realizing that she was taking too much care.

"Don't talk about Xiao Ranran." Qin Yue held Jian Ran's hand and said softly, "How about walking with me?"

Jane shook her head: "I'm so sleepy. I want to rest early."

I don't know why, I took a nap for two hours at noon, and it's not too late now, why is she so sleepy again.

Not only sleepy, but also weak all over, the sudden irritability and uneasiness that came suddenly last night gradually came to my heart again.

But fortunately, she has Xiao Ranran and Qin Yue by her side, so that she can suppress the fear and irritability in her heart.

"It's still early, go to rest later." Qin Yue said again.

Jian Ran didn't know why she was in this situation, but Qin Yue knew, so he wanted to take her for a while to distract her, and not let her bear the pain of drug addiction attack alone.

But he is very clear that that kind of drug addiction is not so easy to quit, and Jian Ran still needs to endure it for a long time.

"Jian Ran—" Qin Yue grabbed Jian Ran who was about to leave, and hugged her while pulling her hard, "Stay with me."

"Qin Yue, I, we haven't formally dated yet." She always felt that the steps of dating shouldn't be so fast, but she couldn't control her behavior.

She came to live in someone's house before she had a formal relationship, and she was hugged and hugged. A good girl should not be so casual.

Qin Yue pushed her out of his arms, held her shoulders instead, looked at her and said seriously: "Jian Ran, promise to be my girlfriend, okay?"


How could this man be like this? She said that he immediately asked her to be her girlfriend before she had a formal relationship.

Should she agree, or should she not?

Once again, her body betrayed her again, and her thoughts were still entangled, but she nodded heavily to Qin Yue.

As soon as Jian Ran nodded, Qin Yue leaned over and kissed her fiercely, his lips and teeth collided, and he led her into their beautiful world of two.

Jian Ran instinctively wanted to hide, but when she thought that she had already nodded to be his girlfriend, it seemed a bit hypocritical to hide, so she cautiously tried to respond to him.

After a long kiss, when Qin Yue let go of her, seeing Jian Ran's blushing cheeks, he couldn't help being in a good mood, then lowered his head and kissed her face hard, then pulled Jian Ran into his arms and hugged her: "Jian Ran , you are mine again."


The word "you" used by Qin Yue.

Many coincidences are reminding Jian Ran again.

Not long ago, she heard Qin Yue talk about his dead wife. When he came back from a business trip, his Jian Ran was gone, and what he saw was a box of ashes.

So is there a possibility?

Qin Yue's Jane didn't die, but she forgot all her previous memories, and was taken to another place by her father, hiding her name, so Qin Yue couldn't find her?

Her memory also began when Qin Yue lost his wife, and her abdominal injury also seemed to be caused by a caesarean section.

Is she really that "Jane Ran"?

Is it the dead wife that Qin Yue thought was dead?

If she is really that Jian Ran, then why did she leave Qin Yue?

Or who made her leave Qinyue?

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