Chapter 266: Find the reason

I don't know how long it took, it was so long that it seemed that time had stopped before Qin Yue ended this sweet deep kiss.

Jian Ran leaned into his arms with a blushing face, her little heart was beating non-stop, she lowered her head and dared not look at him.

How could this man stop her from speaking in such a way? Did he treat her like this before?

Seeing such a shy and cute Jian Ran, Qin Yue was in a good mood. He lowered his head and kissed her on the face, then hugged her tightly in his arms, and called her name in a low voice: "Jian Ran——"

"Huh?" Jian Ran softly snorted, lying on Qin Yue's chest, still not having the courage to look up at him.

Qin Yue pressed his jaw against the top of her head, rubbed it lightly, and said: "Whether you can remember the past or not, you just need to remember that I am your husband and Xiao Ran is your child. We are all your dearest Solid backing."

Jian Ran raised her head from his arms, met his firm and soft gaze, and said softly: "Qin Yue, I can't remember the past, so I can't trust you 100%, do you understand?"

Before she found out that she was being poisoned, every time she saw her father, she had the same gaze, so kind and gentle, caring and considerate for her everywhere.

She was so scared, afraid that Qin Yue would be like his father, treating her well on the surface, but carrying her behind... She could bear one betrayal, but she didn't know what would happen to her again.

If she encounters such a blow of betrayal before she regains her memory, she thinks she will go crazy.

"It doesn't matter. No matter how long you wait, I will wait for you." It doesn't matter that Jian Ran trusts him 100% soon, as long as he protects her well and doesn't let her get hurt.

He always said it didn't matter.

He always said he would wait for her.

He always said to make her trust him.

From the first time I saw him back in Jiangbei, he was always by her side silently protecting her.

When she had a nightmare, he would pull her out of the nightmare.

When she didn't even know that she was suffering from drug addiction, and he was by her side to accompany her to detoxify.

When she was helpless, he would always appear by her side immediately and tell her - Jian Ran, I'm here!

Jane, I'm here!

What a simple four words, yet so reassuring.

Jian Ran quietly took a breath, nodded: "Well, I will work hard."

She will try her best to get back the memories of the past, and strive to return to their father and daughter as soon as possible, and go back as Qin Yue's wife and Xiao Ranran's mother, instead of going back as Jian Ran who has no past.

The heavy rain continued, and there was still thunder from time to time. The weather was very bad, but it didn't affect Qin Yue's good mood at all.

Time seemed to return to the time when he and Jian Ran were just married. After dinner after get off work, Jian Ran would sit in the living room and watch TV dramas for a while, while he was busy working in the study.

Although the two of them seldom talk, they know each other is by their side, and that person will definitely show up whenever they need it.

Qin Yue in the study was not busy with work, but was reading an email, which was sent to him by Xiao Qinghe.

Xiao Qinghe said in the email that a group of them found out that there was an injected medicine that could make people lose their memory.

This medicine is used by the military of country A to deal with military spies. After a few injections, the body will be greatly stimulated, and it is possible to die or lose memory.

After the injection of this drug, those who did not recover their memory within three years had less than a five percent chance of recovering their memory after three years.

The military of country A conducted an experiment with captured spies. There were 16 people in the experiment, 8 people died, and 8 people lost their memory.

The percentages of death and amnesia are 50% each. In other words, as long as one is injected with this drug, there is a 50% chance of death.

Among the eight people who lost their memory, they were divided into two groups to conduct experiments separately.

The four people in group A helped them retrieve their memories within three years. Two of the four recovered their past memories, and two lost their memories permanently.

The four people in group B instilled another kind of memory into them within three years, and helped them retrieve the past three years later, but none of them retrieved the past memory.

Qin Yue's good mood collapsed instantly after reading this email, his eyes looking at the computer screen were as sharp as Shura's rebirth, and the hand holding the mouse almost crushed the mouse in his hand.

If it is confirmed that the old man used this kind of medicine to Jian Ran back then, then it is conceivable that Jian Ran went to the gate of hell, and life and death were on the line.

Qin Yue still remembered Jian Ran saying that she had a serious illness three years ago and lay in the hospital for a whole year.

In other words, the reason why she lay in bed for a year and lived a life that was worse than death was because of the injection of this medicine.

Just when Qin Yue was engrossed in his thoughts, the phone on the desk buzzed and vibrated a few times, and he picked it up to answer it: "Is there anything else you want to say?"

Xiao Qinghe's voice came from the mobile phone: "Mo Zhi, none of us can be sure whether Jian Ran has been injected with this medicine, so everyone can easily drug her. If you want to be 100% sure, I miss you You have to find your respected grandfather."

"Regardless of whether she was injected with this drug or not, you first think of a way to restore her memory. Make sure whether she has been injected with this drug, and I will do it." After leaving the words, Qin Yue hung up the phone.

Holding his mobile phone, he dialed another phone number, and said coldly, "Liu Yong, ask someone to invite the old man to Jiangbei immediately."

After finishing everything, Qin Yue left the study to find Jian Ran.

Jian Ran had already taken a shower and fell asleep, but because she hadn't completely quit her drug addiction, she couldn't fall asleep at all.

She turned on the air conditioner to about fifteen degrees, and then covered herself in the bed. The temperature in the room was very low, but she was still covered in cold sweat, and the thin pajamas on her body were already soaked through.

She was very uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that she wanted to destroy everything when she saw it, but she tried her best to control herself, she didn't want Qin Yue to worry about her anymore.

It has been several days without taking medicine, and she has survived these days with Qin Yue's company, and she also believes that she will be able to persevere and quit drug addiction.

When Qin Yue returned to the room, he saw Jian Ran shivering on the bed wrapped in a quilt, his heart ached again, and the voice of calling her name was hoarse.

"Jian Ran—"

"Qin Yue, don't come here, get out quickly." She didn't want him to see her inhuman appearance, and she didn't want to leave a bad impression in front of him.

Qin Yue walked to her side in two steps, embraced her together with the quilt, and said softly: "Jian Ran, don't be afraid, I will accompany you."

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