Chapter 267: Love him

"Qin Yue, I..." Jian Ran was afraid, she was so afraid that she would not be able to make it through, and she was so afraid that this feeling of powerlessness would swallow her up.

This feeling of powerlessness, irritability, panic, helplessness...

Countless perceptions are pulling Jian Ran hard, and she tries hard to restrain the influence of these feelings on her, but the effect is not great at all, and she will soon lose control of herself.

"Jian Ran, it will be the weekend in two days. Then we will take Xiao Ran out for a walk together." Qin Yue tore off the quilt wrapped around Jian Ran, hugged her directly in his arms, and separated his attention. Ways to relieve Jian Ran's pain.

"Okay." Jian Ran nodded and responded weakly.

Qin Yue kissed her forehead, and said: "Then let's think about it together and see where is better to take Xiao Ranran?"

Jian Ran didn't answer, not because she didn't want to answer, but because she used all her strength to restrain herself, and she didn't have any extra strength to answer Qin Yue's question.

"Jian Ran, do you think we're going to the amusement park? To the resort? Or where?" Seeing Jian Ran's pain, Qin Yue's heart seemed to be ripped open, bleeding profusely, but he didn't show it at all.

At this time, he is Jian Ran's greatest reliance, so he can't panic or get flustered. He has to stabilize Jian Ran's heart and let her understand that it is definitely possible to quit drug addiction.

Qin Yue added: "Xiao Ranran has always been cute and sensible, and is very considerate of her father. She will love her mother very much in the future."

Hearing Xiao Ranran, Jian Ran's heart throbbed fiercely. She pursed her lips and said, "Qin Yue, you must take good care of Xiao Ranran. She doesn't have a mother anymore. As a father, you must love her more Some, give her the love of her missing mother, love her well, and don't let anyone bully her."

Qin Yue hugged Jian Ran even tighter, and said: "I will tell Xiao Ranran that her mother will come back and love her more than her father, so your affection for her cannot be replaced by anyone ...Jian Ran, you must understand. "

"Jane, when your health is better, our family of three can do many things together. With you, Xiao Ranran, and me, just thinking about it, I feel very happy."

Qin Yue talked too much in one breath, but Jian Ran couldn't hear clearly, her mind was in a daze, and all kinds of messy voices rang in her ears.

These voices seemed to be beside her, and seemed to be far away - she was so flustered, confused, and scared, but in the end she didn't seem to be so scared anymore.

Gradually, Jane didn't know anything, and fell asleep in the painful struggle.

When she woke up again, the time had passed from night to day.

It may be that she was tossed by drug addiction for too long last night, her head was still aching, she was groggy, and she couldn't tell where she was.

She opened her eyes, and the sunlight came in through the thick curtains, allowing her to see the situation in the room clearly.

Qin Yue, who was wearing a white shirt, stood by the window, standing straight and straight, looking into the distance, like a static statue.

Looking at his back, Jane suddenly felt that his back was so lonely. He stood there alone, so lonely, as if no one could walk into his heart.

During the days when Jian Ran "died", was Qin Yue always like this?

Obviously knowing that "Jian Ran" is no longer in this world, but she is waiting and looking forward to it every day, hoping that "Jian Ran" can return to their father and daughter.

Jian Ran suddenly felt that she could understand Qin Yue's state of mind.

She didn't know her past and was afraid of panic; Qin Yue might just lose it but didn't want to believe it, looking for hope in the cracks of despair, but lost hope again and again.

At this moment, Jian Ran hopes more than ever that she can retrieve her memory, the memory that belongs to Qin Yue, so that she can stay by his side and tell him what he said.

——Qin Yue, don't be afraid, I will accompany you!

Go back to their father and daughter, go back to him, rely on each other, and never leave again!

Qin Yue suddenly turned around, met her probing eyes, and said softly, "How long have you been awake?"

Jian Ran didn't like this depressing atmosphere, so she smiled and said, "I've been awake for half an hour, but you haven't found me. You're so preoccupied, what are you thinking? Could it be someone else's house? girl?"

"I got it right. I was really thinking about a girl just now." Qin Yue strode towards Jian Ran, and said as he walked, "I miss that girl's smile, I miss that girl's voice, I miss that girl's voice." Everything. Just as I was thinking about it, I saw the girl when I turned around. So the girl in the dream, should you give Mr. Qin some benefits? "

Qin Yue leaned in front of Jian Ran, and it was very clear what kind of welfare he wanted.

Jane looked at his handsome face, he was really good-looking, his facial features were so perfect that no one could pick out any flaws, he belonged to the type that he would never forget after just one glance.

Back in Jiangbei, after seeing Qin Yue once, she firmly remembered his appearance, and she could never forget him.

Jian Ran was so nervous that she swallowed a mouthful of saliva, she clenched her fist quietly, approached cautiously, and kissed the corner of his lips: "Mr. Qin, are you satisfied?"

"Can I say I'm not satisfied?"

"Of course not."

"What a domineering woman." Qin Yue nodded her nose, and said, "Clean up, I'll wait for you for lunch."

"Lunch? Did I sleep so late?" Jian Ran didn't know what happened last night, and she didn't know why she slept so late.

Qin Yue: "It's still early for dinner, so it's not too late at all."

Jian Ran: "Your joke is not funny at all."

The feeling of this man is completely different from his appearance. When he is not talking, he feels like a cold and handsome man. When he speaks, he feels warm.

Maybe it's like what Qin Xiaobao said, Qin Yue is extremely cold to everyone, only Da Ranran and Xiao Ranran will show his gentle side to him.

Jian Ran is so glad that she is Qin Yue's Da Ranran, not a substitute.

Mengke Star City was the residence of the two of them when they were newly married. Qin Yue and Jian Ran decided to live here temporarily, reliving the past and helping Jian Ran remember the past.

After lunch, Qin Yue answered a phone call, and there was something that he had to deal with personally.

He wanted to leave, it would be boring for Jian Ran to stay here alone, and he wanted to send Jian Ran back to Nuoyuan, but after careful consideration, he still let Jian Ran stay here.

He didn't go out for a long time, so he just came back early to accompany Jian Ran.

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