Chapter 268: Finding Clues

Qin Yue has something to do, so it's really boring for Jian Ran to be alone at home.

She watched TV dramas for a while first, but she couldn't find a good TV drama, and maybe her heart was not on TV dramas at all, so she didn't like watching anything.

After turning off the TV, she wanted to do something else, but she didn't know what she could do for other things.

As soon as she stopped, Jian Ran would think of her father, Jian Zhengtian, and wonder why he would feed her poison?

He would think about why Jian Zhengtian didn't want to tell her that she was actually Qin Yue's wife when he saw Qin Yue clearly?

The more she thought about it, the more Jian Ran felt that these things were very strange, like a net, tightly netting her, making her breathless.

If she wanted to get these answers, it would definitely not work to ask her father, Jane Zhengtian, directly, and she didn't know whether the answers his father gave her were true.

He knew that she had no memory of the past, so he could make her believe it by picking out a random story.

So now Jane feels that there is only one way for her to go, and that is to find a way to remember her past. Only by finding the past can she answer all the doubts in her heart.

After she has a strong idea to get back her past memories, Jian Ran won't just wait and do nothing.

She already had an idea in her mind, and she wanted to learn more about her past from more people and things. Getting in touch with all aspects should touch her past memories more.

Among the few people who should be familiar with, Jian Ran first chose Ling Feiyu.

Ling Feiyu is a good friend of "Jian Ran" for many years, and she should be the clearest about Jian Ran's past.

When we went shopping together last time, Ling Feiyu left Jian Ran's phone number and also told her the address of the studio, so it was not difficult for Jian Ran to find Ling Feiyu.

Jian Ran went out, took a taxi and went straight to Ling Feiyu's studio.

Seeing Jian Ran appearing at the door of the studio, Ling Feiyu couldn't believe what he saw, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and after several confirmations, he finally confirmed that Jian Ran was truly standing in front of her.

She stepped forward and gave Jian Ran a hug, and said excitedly: "Stinky girl, why did you come to see me suddenly? Did you miss me?"

Jian Ran didn't remember Ling Feiyu's memory at all, but when she saw Ling Feiyu, she would feel very kind, like a friend she had known for many years, the kind of familiarity down to the bone.

She obviously didn't think of anything, but Jian Ran nodded her head: "Fei Yu, do you really think I'm your best friend, Jian Ran?"

"What do you think?" Ling Feiyu dragged Jian Ran into her office and yelled loudly, "You are my best friend, we were classmates in high school and college, and we came to Jiangbei from Kyoto after graduation to open a studio together , have experienced a lot of things together, this feeling cannot be replaced by anyone, including your Mr. Qin and my Mr. Cheng."

"But—" Jian Ran was a little embarrassed, "But I don't have any memory of what you said. I don't know if I am the person you know. Even the name Jian Ran feels strange to me. "

"It doesn't matter if you don't know." Ling Feiyu grabbed Jian Ran's hand and said firmly, "Of course, as long as I'm here, it's fine for you to know anything. I promise to help you recall the past memories together. "

Jian Ran: "Fei Yu, I really want to thank you, but I don't know how to thank you."

"Don't thank me. If you really want to thank me, you should quickly remember the past and return to Mr. Qin and Xiao Ranran as soon as possible." Mentioning Qin Yue and Xiao Ranran, Ling Fei Yuyu also looked distressed, "Of course, do you know? I never knew that a man..."

Speaking of this, Ling Feiyu suddenly choked up, she didn't know what words to use to describe the feeling of seeing Qin Yue after she recovered from her injury.

She just felt that Jian Ran's departure would cause far more terrible harm to Qin Yue than she had imagined. It was so terrible that she couldn't describe it.

In Ling Feiyu's mind, Qin Yue has always existed like a god, an unattainable figure, but after Jian Ran left, she found that Qin Yue is a human being, an ordinary person.

He has flesh and blood, feelings, and love, just like many ordinary people, there is no difference at all.

Of course, there is no difference between these, Ling Feiyu refers to Qin Yue's feelings, but in terms of career and status, Qin Yue is still the leader of Sheng Tian who can overwhelm the sky with one hand, and the big boss that many people fear.

Jian Ran added: "Fei Yu, just tell me if you have anything to say."

"However, Mr. Qin is really a very good husband, so good that I don't even know what words to use to describe him." Ling Feiyu sighed and said, "At the beginning I found out that he was an imposter. When someone else came to have a blind date with you, I once suspected his purpose of approaching you, and even observed him secretly."

After a pause, Ling Feiyu continued: "It wasn't until later that he said something to me that completely changed my view of him."

Jane asked: "What did he say?"

Ling Feiyu thought for a while and said: "I forget the specific words, but it probably means that he is your husband, so he will protect you and prevent you from being hurt."

Jian Ran: "..." This really sounds like something Qin Yue would say.

Ling Feiyu said again: "Of course, you don't know. After I saw Mr. Qin, I was so glad that Gu Nanjing betrayed the relationship between you. If that scumbag didn't betray you, where would you meet him in this life?" To a man as good as Mr. Qin."

Speaking of Gu Nanjing, Ling Feiyu still had a dissatisfied expression on his face: "Gu Nanjing and Jian Xin, they are a perfect match, and in the end Gu Nanjing deserved to die in Jian Xin's hands."

Ling Feiyu spoke more and more vigorously, completely ignoring Jian Ran's expression and Jian Ran's eyes.

She just wanted to quickly help Jian Ran get back her past memories, but she didn't know that such a quick way might backfire.

Ling Feiyu went on to say: "Of course, these things are actually nothing. The most important thing is that I heard that you were with Jian Zhengtian. I was so scared that I was stupid. I was so worried that he would hurt you. The most important thing is How can you be with a murderer who indirectly killed your mother."

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