My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 269 Fear of memory being distorted

Chapter 269: Fear of memory being distorted

Qin Yue pretended to be a blind date, Gu Nanjing's betrayal, Jian Zhengtian was the enemy who indirectly killed his alma mater...

These strange and terrifying things kept hitting Jian Ran's brain nerves, shocking her, frightening her, and disturbing her.

She looked at Ling Feiyu in shock, and it took her a long time to say: "Fei Yu, are these things you said true?"

Jian Ran has no memory of these things Ling Feiyu said, and she is very worried that these things are stories Ling Feiyu made up to deceive her.

She is very afraid that she will not be able to remember the past, and that her memory will be deliberately distorted. She is afraid of too many things.

Hearing Jian Ran's question, Ling Feiyu's heart ached, he hugged Jian Ran, and said: "Of course, I just deceive everyone in the world, but I can't deceive you."

In the past, the two of them were so close, they were good friends who talked about everything, and they would think of each other in everything, but damn it, Jian Ran had forgotten all about the past.

Ling Feiyu spoke very sincerely, but Jian Ran couldn't believe it completely. To be precise, she dared not trust anyone easily now.

She didn't believe in Jian Zhengtian, she couldn't believe in Qin Yue 100%, and naturally she couldn't believe in Ling Feiyu 100%.

Seeing that Jian Ran didn't believe it, Ling Feiyu became a little anxious, and said again: "Of course, I swear with my life that every word I said to you is true. If there is a half false word, I will die a terrible death .”

Jian Ran didn't want to deceive Ling Feiyu, she smiled apologetically, and said, "Fei Yu, I'm sorry! It's not that I don't want to believe you, but that I worry about too many things."

Not only did his father feed him poison, but he was also the murderer who indirectly killed his mother. These truths were too terrifying, so terrifying that Jian Ran didn't want to believe them.

During these three years, Jane Zhengtian was by her side, taking care of her, and accompanying her... In the blink of an eye, everything changed, how could she believe it.

As long as she doesn't think of the past for a day, Jian Ran can no longer believe what a person says 100%.

Ling Feiyu said again: "Of course, it doesn't matter. I can wait until you remember the past."

It's okay, I can wait until you remember the past.

What a familiar word.

Jian Ran still remembered that Qin Yue also said similar things.

Is it true that only people who really care about her can say such things and be so patient?

Because they really want her well, they can't bear to deceive her, and they won't force her, they will move forward or stop in step with her.

She still needs time to digest what Ling Feiyu told her just now, so she needs to calm down and think about it by herself.

Coming out of the studio, Jian Ran glanced at the scorching sky. The sun was shining on the earth, as if it could scorch people.

Jian Ran took two deep breaths to calm down.

Maybe it's because of too many things in the past two days, Jian Ran's mood is much calmer than before, and she can quickly regain her composure after hearing Ling Feiyu's words.

Jian Ran thought about it, and was going to choose some fabrics, go home and make clothes for Xiao Ranran, use other things to calm herself down, and then think about the way to go next.

"Jian Ran—"

Qin Yue's voice suddenly came from behind, and Jian Ran turned her head and met Qin Yue's caring eyes, smiled, and said, "Mr. Qin, what a coincidence, you are here too."

Everywhere she went, he would show up on time, and coincidences happened so frequently that she really wondered if he had installed a tracker on her body.

"What a coincidence?" Qin Yue walked to her side and rubbed her head, "I heard from Ling Fei that you are here, so I came here specially to pick you up and go home together."

It turned out that Ling Feiyu called and asked him to tell him. If he didn't say it, she might suspect him.

Jian Ran understands very well that she is in a bad state now, but she can't control her thoughts.

She smiled apologetically at Qin Yue, and said, "Mr. Qin, if you have nothing to do, then you can accompany me to a place."

Qin Yue nodded: "OK."

Jian Ran said, "You don't even ask me where I'm going?"

"As long as you ask me to accompany you, no matter where you go, I will accompany you." Regardless of whether it is a sea of ​​swords or swords, as long as she asks him to go, he will not have a single complaint.

Jian Ran: "What if I take you to sell?"

Qin Yue: "Then I want to see if anyone dares to buy me."

Jian Ran: "It's true, who has the money to afford our President Qin."

Qin Yue: "You."

"Me?" Jian Ran pointed at herself with surprise on her face.

Qin Yue added: "I'll give you President Qin for free, and I won't charge any money."

Jian Ran smiled and said: "People don't know how to cherish things that don't cost money, so Mr. Qin, you must not give yourself away for free."

Qin Yue said: "Then you can make a price at will, and it will be as much as you say."

Jane raised her hand, compared a two, then a five, and finally a zero, and said, "Mr. Qin, what do you think of this price?"

Qin Yue knew she was teasing him, but he also nodded: "Is the price too high?"

Jian Ran just learned some news from Ling Feiyu, her expression was too calm, Qin Yue didn't know how to persuade her.

If she wants to make trouble, he can make trouble with her.

Jian Ran took the initiative to hook his arm and said, "Mr. Qin, in fact, the two hundred and five is a tip for you. You should belong to me for free."

Qin Yue put his arms around her waist and said, "Listen to you."

Jian Ran took Qin Yue to the cloth market. She carefully selected a few pieces of cloth to make clothes for Xiao Ranran, which was also a Children's Day gift for the little guy.

After buying the cloth, Jian Ran wanted to go back to where she lived, because only the tools needed to make clothes were available at home.

Qin Yue said, "What tools do you need? I'll have someone prepare them now, and when I return to Nuoyuan, I won't lack any of them."

The big boss said such bold words, Jian Ran had no reason not to let him play handsome, so she told Qin Yue the tools to use.

When they returned to Nuoyuan, all the electric sewing machines were ready, and a small workshop was set up for her.

Jian Ran exclaimed: "Is this the legendary Sheng Tian's speed?"

Qin Yue shrugged: "Miss Jian, are you still satisfied with this speed?"

"I'm very satisfied, very satisfied." Jian Ran smiled at him, "Mr. Qin, I'm about to start work, so go and do your own business."

As a qualified fashion designer, Jane knows all the steps of fabric cutting, sewing, etc. It is not difficult for her to complete the production of a whole dress by herself.

She brought the sketches she had drawn before, started to work seriously and focused, and threw Qin Yue aside.

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