Chapter 275: Grandpa Qin Returns

In front of Zhan Nianbei, Qin Xiaobao never regarded himself as a girl.

Like a female warrior, she worked hard to defeat Zhan Nianbei and tried every means to throw him down.

She has worked hard for a long time, but she has been circling in circles without any substantial progress.

At first Qin Xiaobao was not very anxious, thinking that she had plenty of time to spend with Zhan Nianbei, but now she doesn't think so.

Time passed before she knew it, and she had to find a way to throw Zhan Nianbei down and "eat" him.

These days, she has watched a lot of [*****], and learned a lot of provocative skills from the heroine, so today she can use Zhan Nianbei to practice.

She feels that her learning ability is very strong. As long as Zhan Nianbei is thrown down, Zhan Nianbei will be wiped out by her.

However, before she started, Zhan Nianbei grabbed her and threw her to the other side of the sofa with one move of both hands.

Qin Xiaobao gritted his teeth angrily, and cursed: "Zhan Nianbei, you bastard, can you be lighter?"

Zhan Nianbei glanced at her and said, "Zhong Kun is coming soon. If you want to be a wife or mother, please find him. I think he won't mind."

"Cut..." Qin Xiaobao gave him a hard look, rolled his eyes, and had a new idea, "Zhan Nianbei, do you know what medicine these people gave me?"

According to her experience just now, this kind of medicine will only make people drowsy, and should not cause much harm to people, so this kind of medicine is most suitable to deal with Zhan Nianbei.

As soon as Qin Xiaobao's eyeballs rolled, Zhan Nianbei knew what was going on in her mind. He said, "go back with Zhong Kun obediently, and don't think about random things."

"No. I want to sleep with you." Taking advantage of Zhan Nianbei's inattention, Qin Xiaobao pounced on him again, but his movement was too fast, and she missed it.

Qin Xiaobao wanted to say something else, but the doorbell rang loudly, it seemed that it was that damned ignorant light bulb Zhong Kun who came.

Zhan Nianbei went to open the door. Sure enough, Zhong Kun appeared outside the door. After greeting Zhan Nianbei politely, he said, "Polaris, I'll pick you up."

Qin Xiaobao grabbed the pillow on the sofa like Zhong Kun threw it, and said angrily: "Zhong Kun, how can you be so stupid. You have been with me for so many years, don't you know what I'm thinking?"

Zhong Kun must know what Qin Xiaobao was thinking, but Zhan Nianbei called him to pick him up, so it was impossible for him not to come.

Besides, Zhan Nianbei is also Qin Xiaobao's little uncle in name, if there is any relationship between them, it will be too messy.

Qin Xiaobao reluctantly left with Zhong Kun, took a step forward and gave Zhong Kun a sharp look that could kill someone.

Zhong Kun lowered his head and didn't dare to say a word. If he spoke at this juncture, he would definitely be severely beaten by Qin Xiaobao as a punching bucket.

As soon as she got in the car, Qin Xiaobao's cell phone rang. She picked it up, and when she saw the two words displayed on the screen of the cell phone, she laughed happily: "Grandpa, it's so late, are you still up?"

"Grandpa hasn't seen Xiaobao for a long time. I miss Xiaobao so much that I can't sleep." Grandpa Qin's kind voice came from the phone to Qin Xiaobao's ears.

"Grandpa, it's Xiaobao's fault."

Hearing Grandpa Qin's voice, Qin Xiaobao also felt that he was so unfilial. A few days ago, he promised to go back to the United States to see his grandpa, but he didn't go back. All his thoughts were devoted to chasing Zhan Nianbei.

"Silly boy, you are grandpa's pistachio, how can you be bad."

"Grandpa, Xiaobao hasn't filmed a movie these days. I'll ask someone to book a plane ticket, and I'll fly back to the United States to see you tomorrow."

"Little Treasure doesn't need to go to the United States if he wants to accompany his grandfather, just wait in Jiangbei."

"Grandpa, have you come to Jiangbei?"

"Grandpa still has some things to deal with. After finishing, he will go to Jiangbei to stay for a few days."

"Grandpa, since you are coming to Jiangbei, let me tell you a good news in advance."

"What good news?"

"Three years ago, we thought that the dead sister-in-law came back alive. Although she lost her past memory, it is a good thing as long as she comes back."


"Grandpa, don't you think this incident is miraculous? You said that sister-in-law's body had been cremated, how did she survive?"

"Xiaobao, grandpa has been out of business for many years, and grandpa can't figure out these things. But since your brother cares so much about your sister-in-law, it's a good thing that she can come back."

"After my sister-in-law came back, my brother smiled a lot. He won't reject people thousands of miles away like before."

Grandpa Qin: "Your sister-in-law has recovered her memory?"

Qin Xiaobao shook his head: "I haven't recovered my memory yet, so I don't even know me."

"Well, I see." Grandpa Qin sighed, and said, "It's getting late, you should go home quickly, and go to bed early when you get home."

Qin Xiaobao: "Grandpa, how do you know that I haven't come home yet?"

"..." Grandpa Qin paused for a moment, and then said, "I heard it from the voice. Besides, you little brat won't stay at home to sleep so early."

Of course he wouldn't tell Qin Xiaobao that he was sitting downstairs in Zhan Nianbei's car and watched Qin Xiaobao leave.

After finishing the call with Qin Xiaobao, the person Grandpa Qin asked to meet also arrived.

He asked the driver to open the door, and Zhan Nianbei sat next to him in the back seat.

Grandpa Qin asked, "How is the matter I asked you to investigate?"

Zhan Nianbei said, "I have no clue."

Grandpa Qin said: "If we don't find out about this matter, we can't get rid of Jane Zhengtian. If Jane Zhengtian doesn't get rid of it, that secret may be announced to the public at any time. "

Zhan Nianbei must understand the seriousness of the matter, but it is not so easy to find out what has no clues.

Grandpa Qin added: "Nowadays the Internet spreads so fast, if the news leaks out, no matter how hard you and I try, we won't be able to fill that hole."

Zhan Nianbei said, "I will work hard."

If Jane Zhengtian registers an email address at random and writes a regular email, it is possible to expose the news after his death.

There are many methods similar to this, and Zhan Nianbei can't ask the information technology department to investigate, this matter itself has a certain degree of difficulty.

But no matter how difficult it is, he will do his best to investigate for the person they want to protect.

As long as they find a way for Jane Zhengtian to expose the matter, it will not be difficult for all of them to deal with Jane Zhengtian.

At this time, Jane Zhengtian was still having sweet dreams, dreaming that he had obtained the money, power, and glorified the lintel of Jane's family.

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