Chapter 276: A Good Show

Because I want to take better care of Xiao Ranran, because I want to quickly retrieve the past memories, because I want to return to Qin Yue and Xiao Ranran as Mrs. Qin...

Jian Ran's perseverance in detoxification is stronger than anything else. After several days in a row, she has almost never been addicted to drugs again, and her mental state has improved a lot.

In two or three days, it will be the International Children's Day, and the clothes Jian Ran made for Xiao Ranran are also in the final stage.

Because it is the first time to make clothes for her daughter, it is conceivable that Jian Ran puts her heart into it. Every stitch and the first thread are her painstaking efforts.

She made two beautiful little skirts and a suit, so Xiao Ranran had more choices, she could be a beautiful little princess or a handsome tomboy.

Jian Ran took the finished product, looked at it again and again, and seemed to be able to imagine Xiao Ranran's cute appearance in these clothes.

Whenever she thinks that Xiao Ranran was born by her own pregnancy, Jian Ran's heart will be filled with unceasing sweetness and warmth.

She is not alone, she has her own child, Xiao Ranran.

Just when Jian Ran was engrossed in her thoughts, the mobile phone placed aside buzzed, and she came back to her senses and saw two words that were extremely familiar - father.

She really didn't want to answer this call, but after much deliberation, she also wanted to hear what Jian Zhengtian had to say to her, so she answered it.

When I connected, I heard Jian Zhengtian's extremely worried voice: "Of course, Dad is back. You are not at home or in the company. Where did you go? Dad is very worried about you."

If she didn't know about being poisoned, Jian Ran would definitely continue to be deceived by Jian Zhengtian's kind appearance.

In the past, every time she heard Jian Zhengtian's voice, she would feel that she was so happy, that she had lost her memory and everything, but there was still a father who cared so much for her by her side, giving her strength.

Now hearing Jian Zhengtian's voice, Jian Ran only felt that it was extremely hypocritical, and she didn't even want to say anything to deal with him.

"Of course, what's the matter? Why don't you speak? Is there something uncomfortable?" Jian Zhengtian asked a series of questions, all of which were concerned about Jian Ran.

Jian Ran took a deep breath and said, "I'm fine. What can you do with me?"

Jian Ran's indifference proved Jian Zhengtian's guess. A few days ago, Jian Ran called and talked about the medicine, probably because she already knew that morphine was added to the medicine he gave her.

Thinking about this, Jian Zhengtian said again: "Of course, Dad is back, shouldn't you go home?"

Jian Ran thought about it again and again, she should ask Jian Zhengtian face to face about some things, after a long silence she said: "I'll be back in a while."

Jian Ran washed and dried the new clothes she made for Xiao Ranran, and then tidied up briefly to go back to Jian Zhengtian.

When she went back, she was still at the door, and Jian Ran could smell the aroma of stewing soup, just like when she went home many times before.

When she smelled this fragrance before, she would feel so happy, but now she only has the feeling that Jane Zhengtian is trying to curry favor with her, instead of caring about her from the bottom of her heart.

But with Qin Yue, Ling Feiyu and others, she felt that they cared about her from the bottom of their hearts, and the feelings they gave her were completely different.

People say that women's sixth sense is very accurate, and Jian Ran also believes in her own sixth sense, just like she would feel very familiar with Xiao Ranran when she saw Xiao Ranran for the first time.

"Of course, I'm back." Jian Zhengtian greeted her.

"En." Jian Ran nodded, not wanting to say anything superfluous.

"Dad made your favorite soup, and prepared two dishes you like. You sit down for a while, and Dad will cook it before you can eat it." After explaining, Jane Zhengtian turned and went to the kitchen.

Jian Zhengtian seemed to be completely ignorant of Jian Ran's abnormal mood, and he was still as kind and kind as he had been to Jian Ran in the past three years.

It's not that he doesn't know that Jian Ran is already doubting him, it's because he knows the suspicion in Jian Ran's heart that he should do more tricks.

As long as Jian Ran doesn't recover her memory, he can seize any opportunity to use Jian Ran and use her to deal with Qin Yue.

Now it's not that he is going to take the initiative to admit to feeding the poison, but he has to wait for Jian Ran to ask him. As long as Jian Ran asks him, then he will have a chance to make Jian Ran believe in him again.

Jian Zhengtian filled Jian Ran with a bowl of soup first, and personally delivered it to Jian Ran's hands, saying: "Of course, I know you are not hungry, so drink a bowl of soup first."

Jian Ran didn't take the soup, she looked at Jian Zhengtian fixedly, and asked, "Why did you give me drugs?"

Jian Ran didn't call him, and her voice was cold. Jian Zhengtian knew that Jian Ran already believed that he was feeding her poison.

But it doesn't matter, he has already prepared for this matter.

Jian Zhengtian pretended to be heartbroken, and sighed a long time: "You know everything? Qin Yue told you?"

Before Jian Ran could speak, Jian Zhengtian said again: "I wanted to keep it from you, but it seems that I can't hide it anymore."

"Help me?" Jian Ran excitedly said, "Can you hide it from me for a while, can you hide it from me forever?"

Jian Zhengtian said again: "Of course, do you know why I gave you poison? Do you still remember that you were lying on the hospital bed for a year? "

Of course, Jian Ran remembered that during that time, she had trouble getting out of bed and walking, and her mind was not very clear. She felt that she had turned around from the gate of hell.

"Do you think it's really sick?" Jian Zhengtian shook his head, clutching his chest and said, "Of course, no, you're not sick. You were injected with a medicine."

Jian Ran was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What medicine?"

Jane Zhengtian gritted her teeth, her expression became more and more painful, and after a while, she said in a hoarse voice: "After being injected with that kind of medicine, there is a 50% chance of dying, and a 50% chance of losing memory. "

After hearing Jian Zhengtian's words, Jian Ran felt extremely shocked, and it took a long time to recover, and said: "So I will lose the memory of the past, it's not because I'm sick and forget something, but because I was injected with a medicine?"

At that time, she should still be pregnant with Xiao Ranran, or when Xiao Ranran was just taken out of her belly, who hit her hard?

Jane Zheng said loudly and authentically: "Yes."

Jane asked again: "Who is it? Why?"

"Because we are ordinary people, we are not worthy of the Qin family. The Qin family is just borrowing their belly to give birth to a child. After the child is born, you, a mother, will naturally have no use value." Jian Zhengtian burst into tears, and then gave She slapped herself hard, and said with tears, "Of course, in the final analysis, I'm still to blame, and it's useless to blame me, that's why you suffered such a big crime."

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