My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 278 Asking about the past

Chapter 278: Asking about the past

Jian Ran remembered jokingly asking Qin Yue before if he was spying on her, and his answer at that time was - yes!

He also asked her if she wanted to catch him?

Her answer was - yes.

At that time, she thought he was joking with her, and she still felt inexplicably happy in her heart, but now thinking about it, she was only trembling.

Jian Ran closed her eyes, clenched her fists, and tried her best to calm down. After a while, she tied the amulet back around her neck.

This is the first gift her daughter Xiao Ranran gave her. Even if the person who ordered Xiao Ranran to do this has ulterior motives, she still wants to keep the amulet by her side.

After putting on the amulet, Jian Ran said, "Please continue to send me to Jian Ling's clothing studio on Fuxing Road."

Qin Yue wanted to follow and monitor her, so she let him monitor.

She wants to see, what does he want from a person like her who has no past?

Not long after, the car stopped in front of Ling Feiyu's studio. The car stopped steadily, but Jian Ran didn't get out of the car. She raised her eyes and quietly looked at the driver's face from the rearview mirror.

She wants to ask who the driver is? She wondered why he knew that Qin Yue had put a bug in the amulet? Why tell her?

As if knowing that Jian Ran had these questions, the driver handed Jian Ran another note and said, "Go slowly, get out of the car and be careful."

Jian Ran got out of the car, opened the note, and saw that there were two sentences written on it - it doesn't matter who I am, and it doesn't matter why I tell you. It is important that you see the people around you.

Two simple sentences, it's useless to read them, without revealing any news that Jian Ran wants to know.

When Jane turned her head again, the taxi had disappeared, as if the person who just gave her the note had never appeared before, but was only imagined by her.

Jian Ran relaxed her facial expression, tried her best to look happy, and then walked towards Ling Feiyu's studio.

Ling Feiyu was communicating with the designer about some design issues, while Jian Ran was listening and didn't make a sound to disturb her.

It wasn't until Ling Feiyu finished his work that he turned around and saw her: "Of course, how long have you been here? Why didn't you call me?"

"Just arrived." Jian Ran smiled.

Ling Feiyu warmly gave Jian Ran a hug, and said: "It's dinner time now, I invite you to dinner."

Jane nodded: "OK."

Ling Feiyu asked Jian Ran to go to a nearby hot pot restaurant that they used to go to. In more than three years, the hot pot restaurant has taken on a new look. The waiters have changed again and again, but no one knows them.

After Ling Feiyu asked Jian Ran for her opinion, she ordered some dishes that Jian Ran liked before, and then started talking.

She said, "Of course, how are you and Mr. Qin doing recently?"

Jane nodded: "Very good."

If she didn't accidentally know something today, she and Qin Yue would be fine.

Every night, I take Xiao Ranran to share the bed, and every morning when I open my eyes, I can see Qin Yue sitting by the window reading the newspaper. It's like the life of an ordinary couple.

Ling Feiyu said with relief: "Of course, I am also happy for you to see that you can get along well."

Jian Ran smiled and said, "I don't have any memories of the past. The two of us still can't get along like before. This is my regret."

Jian Ran came to Ling Feiyu today because she wanted to know about the past, so while chatting, she brought the topic to memory.

Ling Feiyu said again: "Of course, I can understand your mood. Just like the two of us now. Although we are sitting and chatting together, I can feel that you have not let go, and I am careful with you."

Ling Feiyu has always been straightforward, she can say whatever comes to her mind, especially in front of Jian Ran, she doesn't have to hide her true temperament.

She was careful with Jian Ran, because she was worried that saying the wrong thing would irritate Jian Ran and scare Jian Ran away.

Jian Ran pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "Didn't you say that I am your best friend, you can say whatever you want, don't be careful, maybe I will remember something?"

"You're right." Ling Feiyu nodded, and then said, "Ask me anything you want to know, and I promise to tell you everything I know."

"I don't know what I want to know?" Jian Ran smiled apologetically, "If you don't dislike me, please tell me about my past, as detailed as possible."

"How could I dislike you." Ling Feiyu gave Jian Ran a dissatisfied look, and said, "Even if I dislike Cheng Xuyang from my family, I won't dislike you."

Every time Ling Feiyu said a word, Jian Ran was watching her eyes, and every time she spoke, she would make eye contact with Jian Ran without flickering, and it could be seen that she didn't seem to be lying.

Ling Feiyu was talking about the past very seriously. He knew exactly where his family lived, which school he went to, elementary school, middle school, and university. He explained everything clearly, and Jian Ran silently remembered it.

At the same time, I firmly remembered the Jane Xin who was said to be hateful and pitiful by Ling Feiyu.

If there is no way for her to get back to the past quickly with a good memory, then will Jane Xin become a breakthrough for her to get back her memory?

Jian Ran had this idea in her heart, but she didn't say anything, and finished the hot pot meal with Ling Feiyu happily.

When the hot pot was half eaten, did Qin Yue call and ask where she was?

He knew where she was, but he still pretended to ask her, and Jane also cooperated without revealing it.

When going downstairs, Jian Ran saw Qin Yue waiting for him for the first time. He was leaning against his very bright Bentley car, looking at a certain place quietly, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

The people passing by him would just look at him a few more times, and some even went to strike up a conversation with him, but no one got his favor, and left angrily after making fun of themselves.

"Mr. Qin, your Jane is here, what are you looking at?" Ling Feiyu waved to Qin Yue and shouted loudly.

Qin Yue looked over, and promptly hid the complicated emotions in his eyes, nodded politely to Ling Feiyu, then looked at Jian Ran: "Are you full?"

Jane nodded: "I'm full."

Ling Feiyu said very wittily: "It's getting late, that idiot Cheng Xuyang must still be at home waiting for me to eat, so I won't accompany you guys."

"Fei Yu, be careful on the road." Jian Ran said.

Ling Feiyu just turned around and was about to run, when she heard Jian Ran's caring words, she hugged her hard again: "Of course, come on! I believe you can do it!"

"En." Jian Ran smiled at her.

Watching Ling Feiyu walk away, Qin Yue stretched out his hand to hold Jian Ran, but as soon as he touched her fingers, Jian Ran threw her away.

Jian Ran took the lead to walk to the car without saying a word to Qin Yue.

Qin Yue only thought that she might believe the sewage that Jian Zhengtian poured on him, but didn't know that Jian Ran knew that he was secretly following and eavesdropping on him.

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