My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 279: Always Soft-hearted

Chapter 279: Always Soft-hearted

Along the way, neither Jian Ran nor Qin Yue spoke.

Jian Ran stared directly at the front of the car, her face was calm, but her heart was full of indescribable entanglement and irritability.

If it wasn't for Xiao Ranran's presence, if she didn't want to hand over the Children's Day gift to Xiao Ranran herself, she thought she might not follow Qin Yue back to his home.

Qin Yue didn't make a sound either, because he hadn't thought of how to explain to Jian Ran the dirty water that Jian Zhengtian poured on him. More precisely, he couldn't explain to Jian Ran.

If Jian Ran doesn't want to take the initiative to tell him, but he brings it up, it's not telling Jian Ran that he eavesdropped on her.

"Jian Ran, is there something on your mind? Tell me if you have something to say." In the past, when the two of them got along, she always tried to break the silence, so he will do it in the future.

Jian Ran still looked ahead, as if she didn't hear Qin Yue's words.

Qin Yue was a little helpless, so he didn't ask any more questions. When the car arrived home, he heard Jian Ran quietly asking: "Qin Yue, we used to get along... well?"

Jane doesn't know what's wrong with her?

When facing Jane Zhengtian, she is always calm and rational, and her mind can think normally.

However, when facing Qin Yue, her mind was in a mess, and she couldn't harden her heart and blame him without distinguishing right from wrong.

She was even willing to believe that Qin Yue followed and eavesdropped on her just to understand her every word and deed and help her recover her memory as soon as possible.

But if he really thought so, why couldn't he tell her clearly?

In the end, she didn't want to pay attention to Qin Yue because he blamed him for violating her privacy without her permission.

"Jian Ran -" Qin Yue forcibly pulled Jian Ran into his arms and hugged her tightly, grabbed her hand and placed it on his heart, "I don't know if it's good in your heart? I just know My heart is empty when you are not by my side."

His heart is empty, so why not hers.

It's just that she still can't let go of the grudge in her heart, or she hasn't figured out how to raise the matter of stalking and wiretapping with him.

Jian Ran lightly rubbed against Qin Yue's chest, raised her head to look at him, and said, "Let's go in. It's so late, Xiao Ranran should wait."

"Okay." Jian Ran didn't want to continue the topic, and Qin Yue didn't want to chase after her again. He went to hold her hand again, but Jian Ran didn't hide anymore, so he held it tightly, not intending to let go.

When I got home, Lie was playing children's games with Xiao Ranran, a very childish hide-and-seek game, Lie also played with Xiao Ranran, without the slightest bit of boredom.

Seeing such an indifferent big boy playing hide and seek with Xiao Ranran, Jian Ran couldn't help but look at Lie twice more.

She has been living in Nuoyuan for a while, and she has never heard Lie say a word.

If she didn't know from Ranran that brother lie can talk, and can talk a lot, Jian Ran would think that he really can't talk.

The big boy is indifferent and defensive to everyone, and only when he is with Xiao Ranran can he see the tenderness in his eyes and his occasional smile.

Xiao Ranran has no brothers and sisters, and Jian Ran feels relieved to have such a big brother who loves her by her side.

"Father, sister..." Xiao Ranran, who was hiding behind the sofa, didn't care that Brother Lie was still looking for her, so she got up and ran towards them.

Qin Yue opened his hand to pick up Xiao Ranran, but Xiao Ranran threw himself into Jian Ran's arms instead, making his outstretched hands empty.

Jian Ran caught Xiao Ranran's small body flying towards her, kissed her forehead, and said softly, "Of course, have you had dinner yet?"

"Of course I'm full." Xiao Ranran touched her belly, then pointed to Lie who was standing upright beside her, "Brother Lie ate with Ranran."

"Well. Our Ranran is really good." Jian Ran smiled politely at Lie again, "Thank you for accompanying Xiao Ranran."

Lie didn't answer.

Xiao Ranran looked at Lie with a sweet smile, and said in a soft voice: "Brother Lie is going to sleep, but of course he is going to sleep too."

Hearing Xiao Ranran's order, Lie responded, nodded and went upstairs to his room.

Jian Ran rubbed Ran Ran's head and said, "Ran Ran, Brother Lie is very good, isn't he?"

"Hmm..." The little guy nodded repeatedly, and said innocently, "Brother lie plays with Ranran, and eats with Ranran. Ranran likes brother lie."

Jian Ran smiled with satisfaction, and said: "If you like Brother Lie, then treat Brother Lie better, and treat Brother Lie as your own brother."

"Okay." Xiao Ranran didn't quite understand what her brother meant, so she nodded obediently.

The mother and daughter sang together, completely ignoring Qin Yue behind him.

Although he was completely ignored, Qin Yue had no complaints. What could make him happier than their mother and daughter being by his side at the same time.

Jian Ran helped Xiao Ranran take a bath, put her on the bed, and said softly: "Of course, let Dad play with you for a while, my sister has to do some things."

Qin Yue grabbed Jian Ran who was about to leave: "Jian Ran—"

Jian Ran smiled at him: "I'll help Xiao Ranran iron her clothes, and I'll be back in a while."

He knew she was angry with him, so he was so worried, worried that she would never come back. In fact, even she herself didn't know why, she really couldn't get angry with him.

Jane went to collect the clothes to dry, ironed them with an iron, and then went back to the room.

In the room, Xiao Ranran was rolling happily on Qin Yue's body, laughing while rolling, but very happy.

Seeing their father and daughter, Jian Ran couldn't look away for a moment, her heart softened.

Seeing them, Jian Ran thought of many things again.

Thinking of how Qin Yue accompanied her to detoxify these days and took care of herself meticulously. His intentions were so obvious, how could she not see it.

I saw that no matter how busy he was every day, he would take time to spend with his daughter.

How could such a man be the heinous villain that Jane Zhengtian said he only wanted his daughter and didn't want her.

Jian Ran took a deep breath and said, "Of course, my sister made some new clothes for you, can you try them?"

"Okay." Xiao Ranran rolled down from Qin Yue's body and replied happily.

Qin Yue took the clothes from Jian Ran's hand and said, "You've worked hard, I'll do the changing. I can't let you do everything, it seems that my father is so useless."

While talking, Qin Yue has skillfully taken off Xiao Ranran's pajamas, and then quickly helped Xiao Ran put on the skirt.

The bubble princess dress made of pink fabric didn't look special when worn on her body. Jian Ran tied the belt embroidered with colorful butterflies on Xiao Ranran, and the sense of layering came out instantly.

"Of course, do you like it?" Jane asked cautiously. After asking, she found that her mouth was dry from nervousness, and she was so afraid that the first gift she gave to her daughter would not be liked by her.

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