Chapter 281: Goodbye Jane Xin

Kyoto, the capital of a country, is as prosperous as you can imagine.

Looking up, there are towering skyscrapers everywhere.

After getting out of the taxi, Jian Ran was completely confused about the south, east, and north. She couldn't imagine that she grew up in this city.

Streets, buildings, pedestrians, no matter how strange they looked, it was as if she had never lived in this city.

Jian Ran took a deep breath, raised a smile and told herself: "Jian Ran, it doesn't matter."

Just because she doesn't have memory today doesn't mean she won't have memory tomorrow, as long as she works hard, she will be able to remember the past.

This time when she came to the capital, Jian Ran's goal was very clear, to find the poor and hateful elder sister Jian Xin who grew up with Ling Feiyu.

Before coming to the capital, Jian Ran managed to contact Jian Xin. She said that she wanted to meet, and Jian Xin readily agreed without any hesitation.

"Jane Xin..."

Jian Ran silently read the name several times, and seemed to have some impressions, but she still couldn't remember anything about Jian Xin.

Jian Ran learned from Ling Feiyu's mouth and some information found on the Internet that Jian Xin was disfigured and had a mental disorder.

Later, Jianxin recovered from her mental illness and had plastic surgery. She stood up again and started a new life. She is currently working in a slowly rising company in Kyoto and holds some shares.

If she hadn't heard too many bad things about Jianxin before, but just listened to the story behind, Jianran would still think that Jianxin is a very inspirational girl.

Jian Ran shook her head, no longer thinking about what Jian Xin did in the past, but only hoped to get some information from Jian Xin.

Every building around looks similar in appearance. Jian Ran followed the mobile phone's navigation and turned around but couldn't find Xu's company where Jian Xin works.

As a last resort, Jian Ran had no choice but to send a message to Jian Xin - I've arrived, but I can't find your company.

After the message was sent out, Jian Ran soon received a call back from Jian Xin. Jian Xin's voice was similar to what Jian Ran had imagined, very gentle and pleasant to hear.

She said, "Where are you, I'll find you."

Jian Ran looked around, reported the name of a more prominent shop on the left, then hung up the phone and waited for Jian Xin at the same place.


After hanging up the phone, Jian Xin didn't leave immediately, but walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office and looked at a convenience store downstairs opposite.

On the right side of the convenience store stood a tall woman wearing a peaked cap, white shirt and jeans. She was looking around, presumably to familiarize herself with the surrounding environment.

A few years later, that woman is still so good-looking, with a tall and slender figure, and her skin looks good. She still looks like a girl who just came out of school, and she can't tell that she is the mother of a child of a certain age.

The woman who should have passed away three years ago, the woman who had won her countless times... Jianxin thought that she would never see her again in this life, but she didn't expect that she would come back alive and contact her.

Start a new life again, and make some achievements at work. Jianxin is gradually forgetting those unbearable things in the past.

As long as no one reminds her, she will almost forget what she has experienced in the past.

But just when she was about to forget these things, the absconded Jian Zhengtian came back with Jian Ran who was supposed to die.

Today's Jianxin, the person she doesn't want to see the most is Jianran. Seeing Jianran will remind her of how badly she failed in front of Jianran in the past.

She obviously didn't want to see Jian Ran, but she agreed to see Jian Ran again. She wanted to see what would happen to Jian Ran who had no memory of the past?

Lost all memory?

Jian Xin narrowed her eyes slightly, expressing some doubts.

Jian Ran's mind is clever, maybe she hasn't lost the memory of the past at all, she's just acting. As for who she's acting for, she can't guess.

Three years ago, Jian Ran died in a car accident, saving the fetus in her womb.

When she heard the news, Jianxin was still in the mental hospital, so she felt so happy at that moment.

The woman who has always been favored by the god of luck, who has always been much luckier than her, has also been favored by the god of death.

At that time, she looked up to the sky and laughed for half an hour.

But besides being happy, she also felt extremely sad. A certain tense nerve suddenly loosened, and her heart became empty.

Gu Nanjing, Jian Ran, and her, the three of them grew up together, and now they are all gone, leaving her alone.

At that time, she felt that she realized the meaning of the saying that people often say, that life is short, and you should enjoy yourself in time.

Life is only a few decades, no matter how much you strive for, you will end up with nothing in the end.

After understanding this truth, Jianxin felt that God treated her well, ruined her appearance, but still left her a life.

Gu Nanjing and Jian Ran are young, but they are both dead and reduced to ashes. Only she is still alive, and only those who are alive can continue to change the world and live the life they want.

Why did Jian Zhengtian bring Jian Ran back when she felt that everything was getting better and better? Why did they come to destroy her peaceful and stable life?

That Jian Zhengtian who ruined her life, still shamelessly contacted her, called her a good daughter over and over again, and asked her to come back to him. Together, they, father and daughter, would glorify the lintel of Jane's family.


It's really ridiculous, and only that old guy who is inferior to a beast has such a thick skin. He may have forgotten the scandalous things he did, but she never forgot.

However, she didn't reject Jane Zhengtian, but agreed to Jian Zhengtian's request. She just wanted to see how long Jian Zhengtian could dance.

I want to see with my own eyes that Jane Zhengtian has exhausted all means, but in the end nothing can be redeemed.


Jian Ran waited for a long time before she finally got Jian Xin.

Jian Ran did not find any photos of Jian Xin after plastic surgery on the Internet, but as soon as Jian Xin appeared, Jian Ran recognized her at first sight.

Jian Ran learned from Ling Feiyu's mouth that she and Jian Xin grew up together and lived together for so many years, and they got to know each other to the core. No need to look at the appearance, as if she could sense in her heart that the other party was the one she was looking for.

"However, I haven't seen you for so many years, you are still the same, you are still so good-looking, you haven't changed at all."

Jian Xin greets Jian Ran like a sister she hasn't seen for many years. She hides her true emotions very well, and most people can't see it.

Jane nodded: "Hello!"

She wasn't sure if the relationship between her and Jian Xin was what Ling Feiyu said before, so she kept a certain distance from everyone before her memory recovered.

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