Chapter 282: Returning to the old house again

Jian Xin smiled at Jian Ran: "Of course, we are all sisters, why should you be so estranged and polite to me?"

After the plastic surgery, Jian Xin's facial expression was a little stiff, and she smiled unnaturally. It was not as good-looking as those old photos that Jian Ran found on the Internet.


Are they really good sisters?

What Ling Feiyu said, Jian Ran thinks it's true, but Jian Xin's expression looks quite sincere, and Jian Ran doesn't think it's fake.

By now, she really didn't know who to trust?

Jane Xin said again: "Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner."

Jian Ran said: "I am looking for you for something, I should treat you to dinner."

Jian Xin thought for a while and said, "That's fine."

Jianxin drove Jianran to a restaurant far away, and she said: "This restaurant has a bit of history. We used to come here often when we were in school. You can see that the restaurants around have changed one after another, and only the diners from it It’s still going on.”


Maybe when they were in school, they often came here to eat, but Jian Ran couldn't remember anything, she didn't feel like she belonged at all.

Jane Xin said a lot about the historical development of this restaurant.

Although she wasn't interested, Jian Ran still listened carefully. It's good to catch even the slightest clue.

So after the whole meal, it was Jian Xin who was talking, and Jian Ran just nodded occasionally to show that she was listening to her.

After Jian Ran paid the bill, Jian Xin said again: "I heard from Jian Zhengtian that you have lost the memory of the past, and I also know the purpose of your visit this time, so if you need my help, just say it."

Jian Xin is so straightforward, but Jian Ran has some hesitation.

If what Ling Feiyu said is true, Jian Xin should hate her to the bone, and would not receive her with such a friendly attitude.

When Jian Ran approached Jian Xin, she was prepared for the possibility of being rejected, but she never thought that Jian Xin would have such a friendly attitude when she saw her.

Did Jane Xin change? Is it Jane Xin who is acting? Or did Ling Feiyu deceive her?

Jian Ran didn't know the past, so she couldn't give answers to these questions. If she wanted to prove their authenticity, then she had to work hard to find the past.

Jian Ran thought for a while and said, "I want to go back to the place where we lived before, can you take me there?"

Jianxin once again responded boldly: "Of course there is no problem."

They came out of the hotel together, Jianxin went to pick up the car, and Jianran stood at the intersection where people came and went, waiting for Jianxin.

Just as Jian Ran was looking around, a familiar tall and straight figure appeared not far from her eyes.


Jian Ran panicked a little, quickly pulled off the peaked cap on her head, turned around and hid behind a big tree beside the road.

After hiding in the big tree, she took a closer look, and saw clearly that the man in the crowd in front of her was Qin Yue.

His clothes are still the same as before, a white shirt with black trousers, an ordinary dress.

But because he was too dazzling, when he was in the crowd, even though there was still a distance, Jian Ran recognized him at a glance.

Qin Yue's face looked calm, but Jian Ran could tell that it was different from his usual calm.

He seemed to be in a hurry, but he controlled him very well, and no one could see it unless he observed carefully.

How did Qin Yue come here?

Did he come after her?

Do you want to help her find her past memories?

Or were you worried about her safety so you followed?

If he can't find her all the time, will he be in a hurry?

But she can't rely on him for everything. If she wants to get back her past memories, only she can do it, and Qin Yue can't help her.

Just as Jian Ran was watching Qin Yue engrossed in her thoughts, Jian Xin drove and stopped beside her: "Jian Ran, get in the car."

Jian Ran glanced at Qin Yue again, bit her lip, and ruthlessly got into Jian Xin's car.

Qin Yue is good to her, but she can't rely on Qin Yue all the time, she has to grow up, so that he has a shoulder to lean on when he is tired.

In more than half an hour, Jianxin drove Jianran to the destination.

In the place where Jian's family used to live, two people died in just a few months. One committed suicide by jumping off a building, and the other was killed. The deaths were very horrific.

After Gu Nanjing was killed, the police found out all about Jian's mother committing suicide by jumping off a building.

After these news got out, and the servants hired by Jian's family added some embellishments, so this place was rumored to be a haunted house.

People became more and more mysterious. It is said that every night there will be a woman standing on the roof and jumping down, repeating every night.

After the news of these nihilism spread, there was a sensation for a while, and pedestrians and vehicles would rather go around for a long time than pass by their door.

Because it was rumored to be a haunted house, the house was empty, unable to be sold, rented out, or hired to take care of it.

No one had visited their house for three years before, and the yard was full of weeds. It really looked like a haunted house described in ghost movies.

Standing outside the courtyard gate, looking at the gate.

Jian Ran's feet suddenly became as if they were worth a lot of gold, and her mood suddenly became inexplicably depressed.

Jane Xin said: "This is where we used to live, do you remember?"

Jane shook her head, then nodded again.

She couldn't remember it, but it felt so familiar, and her heart felt inexplicably uncomfortable, probably because she still remembered it in her subconscious.

In a daze, Jian Ran saw a middle-aged woman standing in front of her and looking at her with a smile: "Of course, you are back, do you know how long Mom has been waiting for you?"


"Of course, mom misses you so much."

"Mom, of course I miss you too."

Jian Ran rushed over, trying to grab the woman, but she didn't catch anything, and there was nothing in front of her eyes.

Jianxin said: "Did you see your mother? Did you imagine it? Or is it that your mother died in peace, and the ghost has been guarding here all this time?"

Jian Ran didn't answer, but she could vaguely see some images in her mind, the woman sometimes looked at her and smiled, sometimes hid in the room and cried, and saw the cold ice coffin...

These images were obviously swaying in her mind like so many times before, but when she tried to think clearly, everything disappeared from her mind.

Jian Ran took a deep breath, shook her fist by her side, pretended to be calm, and said, "Can I go in and have a look?"

Jianxin hesitated and said: "If you want to go in, you can go in by yourself, I can't accompany you."

When Jian Ran's mother committed suicide by jumping off a building, Jian Xin witnessed the tragedy with her own eyes.

Gu Nanjing was killed by her own hands again, she knows how miserable it is. Normally, she doesn't want to come.

Come here with Jian Ran today, Jian Xin has her own calculations in her heart, and she will know in a while whether Jian Ran has really forgotten the past.

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