My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 283: Remembering the Past

Chapter 283: Recalling the Past

Pushing open the rusty door, Jane walked in carefully.

"Of course, you're back!"

In a trance, that familiar, gentle and kind voice rang in Jian Ran's ears again.

Jian Ran stopped and looked around, but she didn't see anything, and there was no sound in her ears.

Jian Ran continued to walk inside, came to the main house, opened the door, and there was a thick and pungent musty smell, and spider webs could be seen everywhere in the house.

Jian Ran stood at the door, and what she saw in front of her was no longer a house full of cobwebs, but a young woman hugging a little girl and joking.

The pink little girl's face was covered in mud, as dirty as a small cat, but the woman didn't dislike it at all, she took a towel and gently wiped the little girl's face.

"Of course, Auntie just wiped the floor, where did you bring back all the mud?"

"Of course, mom will take you to look in the mirror and show you how dirty your cat face is."

"Of course, girls, be quiet and don't be naughty."

"Ran Ran……"

The woman's gentle voice poured into Jian Ran's ears, which warmed her heart.

My mother loves cleanliness. I used to help the servants to clean the house together. I wiped the floor over and over again, and the wooden floor was so bright that it could be used as a mirror.


Unconsciously, Jian Ran thought of these things, her mother, and her mother's love for cleanliness.

Thinking of her mother always holding her in her arms when she was young, she told her with a smile. Girls should be gentle, girls should be beautiful, and girls should love cleanliness...

Jane can hear her mother's voice clearly, and she can gradually see her mother's young face clearly.

Many familiar scenes poured into Jian Ran's mind. She remembered that her name was Jian Ran, and her mother always called her Ran Ran gently.

But she only retrieved the memories of her mother when she was young and when she was a child. She still can't remember how her mother passed away.

"Mom..." Jane closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "Of course she's back. I'm back to see you."

Jian Ran continued to walk inside. She went upstairs to her mother's room by feeling. The room was already occupied by cobwebs and dust, and it still looked like when her mother lived there.

It was also a long time ago that her mother was hiding in the room and crying. It was a memory deep in Jian Ran's mind. Now her mother is gone.

But how did the mother leave? Is it really related to Jian Zhengtian as Ling Feiyu said?

Jian Ran still can't remember, but she is not in a hurry. She has already remembered some bits and pieces. This is a good start.

She believed that as long as she worked harder, she would definitely remember all her past memories.

Jian Ran continued to wander in this house full of spider webs and dust, and continued to search for her memories, but to no avail.

At the end of the corridor on the second floor is a utility room.

The door was tightly closed, and Jian Ran knew from the three words on the door that this was the utility room.

She stood in front of the door for a while, and after thinking for a while, raised her hand and twisted the doorknob, pushed the door and walked in.

The room had no windows, the room was dark, filled with all kinds of debris, and the musty smell was heavier than outside.

Jian Ran pressed the button on the wall to turn on the light, but I'm sorry, because the place has been abandoned for so long, the water and electricity have been out for a long time.

Taking advantage of the light from the door, Jian Ran walked here and looked there. After a while, the door suddenly closed, Jian Ran heard the sound of the door being locked, and there was no light left in the room. .

Since being trapped in the elevator of the hospital for one night, the claustrophobic and dark space has become a fear in Jian Ran's heart.

She rushed to the door almost immediately, trying to open the door and rush out, but the door was locked from the outside and she couldn't open it.

The door couldn't be opened, the room was dark, and Jian Ran couldn't get out. The terrible experience in the past stimulated every nerve in Jian Ran's brain.

She slammed on the door, screaming for help: "Is there anyone, open the door and let me out..."

She shouted for a long time until her voice was hoarse, but no one opened the door for her.

It was as if she went back a few years ago, back to the night when she was trapped in the elevator, no one came to rescue her no matter how much she shouted, leaving her in the small and claustrophobic elevator for nearly half the night.

If those people had found her later, she might have died because there was no oxygen in the elevator.

After experiencing a similar thing again, there is no one around, and Jane's fear can be imagined.

She curled up in the corner, holding her legs with both hands, her body was trembling, her upper teeth were knocking on her lower teeth, and she had already lost the ability to think.

I don't know how long it took, the door was kicked open, the door slammed to the ground, the dust flew wildly, and the room was light again.

"Jian Ran-"

Jane heard someone calling her name, a very familiar and warm voice, the deepest voice she had ever heard in her life.

She opened her mouth, wanting to respond to him, but found that she had already been so weak that she couldn't even call out his name.

Qin Yue entered the room and took a quick glance, walked to her side in two steps, and hugged her trembling body: "Jian Ran, don't be afraid, it's alright."

Being held in Qin Yue's arms, Jian Ran found that she had already softened into a pile of mud, but she was no longer afraid because of him.

She couldn't recall many memories of the two of them, but she would no longer doubt his intentions for her, nor her feelings for him in her heart.

If he had ulterior motives for her, he would never have given her such a great sense of security.

Even if she couldn't remember her identity as his wife before, it was understandable that her heart was approaching this man again.

Such an excellent, considerate and gentle man, how could a person not be interested in him?

After a long time, Jian Ran raised her head from her arms, and when she met Qin Yue's worried and distressed eyes, her heart also ached.

She said, "Qin Yue, I'm sorry! I won't let you worry about it in the future."

No matter whether she can remember their past or not, Jane wants him to be his wife, let him hold her hand and never let go.

"It's okay, let's go back first." Qin Yue kissed her forehead, hugged her by the waist, and strode out.

Sitting in the car, Jane looked back at the place where she once lived.

The sky gradually darkened, no one lived for a long time, and it was overgrown with weeds. This small building gave people an indescribably desolate feeling.

Stuffing Jian Ran into the car, Qin Yue told the driver to drive without saying a word, his eyes were gloomy, and he seemed to be angry.

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