My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 292 I'm the only one

Chapter 292: She is the only one

The development of Shengtian Group was very good in that year, but after Qin Yue took over, it developed faster and became a world-renowned group enterprise.

He has held Shengtian tightly in his hand for so many years. He has worked hard for so many years to manage it. How can the old man say that he can get it back if he takes it back.

For a long time, Qin Yue was not a person who would obey the rules at work. If the old man dares to mess around, there is nothing he can't do.

"Qin Yue, you have to be mad at me, so are you willing?" Grandpa Qin roared, coughing in anger, shaking his body twice, and calling Qin Yue's name again, instead of "Mu Mu" The word "".

Qin Yue was unmoved, and continued to ask in a cold voice: "I'm still saying that, what's the secret between you and Zhan Nianbei? In order to protect Xiaobao, in order to put Xiaobao to me, you can Willfully hurting my wife?"

Only by finding the crux of the problem can Qin Yue know why the old man wants to deal with Jian Ran.

Jian Ran is just a weak woman. If it was just because her mother had her under such circumstances, it would not have caused Mr. Qin to be so cruel.

"Secret? Do you want to know that secret?" Grandpa Qin patted his chest and said after he breathed, "I'm afraid that after you know it, you'd rather not know it."

"If you don't tell me, I'll know, and I'll tell you for the last time." Qin Yue looked at Grandpa Qin as if he was looking at a stranger, "if you dare to move Jian Ran or Xiao Ranran again. A strand of hair, and I'll let you know what kind of person I am."

Compared with the cruel and cruel methods, he Qin Yue has not done less in these years, and he thinks that he will not be worse than Grandpa Qin in doing it.

Qin Yue has always been the most sensible child in the hearts of his elders since he was a child, and he has never done anything to disappoint them.

After taking over Shengtian, all his energy was devoted to taking care of Shengtian, and he never took a day off of his own.

His purpose is to develop Shengtian better, so that grandpa, father, mother and sister can live in peace.

It was definitely an accident to meet Jian Ran.

He decided to marry Jian Ran without much consideration, which was the most impulsive thing he had ever done in his life.

However, he never imagined that the grandfather who admitted Jian Ran on the surface, the grandfather he had always respected, would do such a thing in private.

The old man took Jian Ran away from him and injected Jian Ran with the kind of medicine that might kill her.

At that time, did the old man think about what would happen if his grandson lost his wife? Have you ever thought that taking out the preterm Xiao Ranran from the mother's body, she may die at any time?

If the old man had his grandson in his heart, if the old man still had a little family affection in his heart, then he would never choose such a brutal path.

Even if you take 10,000 steps back and say that Jian Ran has nothing to do with the old man, what about Xiao Ranran?

Xiao Ranran is the bloodline of the Qin family. She is only over three years old. She is just a child who doesn't understand anything, but the old man's clutches reached out to Xiao Ranran when he was not paying attention.

"Why do you have to have her? As long as it's not him, you can have any kind of woman you want. And Xiaobao, you grew up together, she's not as good as that woman?"

After speaking, Mr. Qin coughed violently again. He only felt that he was angry with Qin Yue, but he could not understand how much his heart was hurt after his words were spoken.

Qin Yue smiled and said, "Jian Ran has many shortcomings. She may not be as energetic and sunny as Xiao Bao, but she is the most special one in my heart."

Sometimes, Qin Yue would even vomit blood because of Jian Ran's stubbornness and stubbornness, and would like to catch her up and beat her, but he still wanted to be with her.

When he is with her, he will feel very relaxed, many things don't have to be explained by him, and she can understand that she will stand by his side and give him a hug.

To all, he was powerful, so powerful that he was invincible, as if he was destined to play the role of protector.

Only Jian Ran is different. She is so weak, but she still wants to protect him.

Not only did she want to protect him, but when she was in danger, in order to save him, she injured herself so badly that all the scars on her legs have not disappeared.

Thinking of the scars, what made Qin Yue more distressed was the scar on Jianran's abdomen. When he was with Jianran that night, he suddenly saw the scar on her abdomen. At that moment, his heart was like being penetrated by thousands of arrows, and his flesh was blurred.

Such a long ugly scar almost cut through Jian Ran's entire abdomen.

At that time, they took Xiao Ranran from her belly and injected him with the almost deadly potion. They never thought about giving her a way to survive.

If it wasn't for Jian Ran's fate, he would not even be able to see Jian Ran's ashes.

Thinking of Jian Ran's injuries again, Qin Yue still finds it difficult to breathe, and still wants to shred the corpses of those who hurt her.

But the person who hurt her was the grandfather of his blood relative...

Knowing that he couldn't get any news from the old man's mouth, Qin Yue stopped wasting his time.

He looked at the old man for the last time, and this was also the last time he looked at him as his grandson. In the future, the old man is no longer his, and if he hurts the people he cares about again, he will not be polite.

"Muzhi, you want to leave your grandfather behind for a woman? Abandon your identity as the heir of the Qin family?"

Grandpa Qin's old but still loud voice came from behind, Qin Yue didn't turn his head back and continued to stride away.

If a person wants to gain the respect of the younger generation, he must first look like an elder. If Mr. Qin can do those things, in Qin Yue's heart, he is no longer his grandfather.

Watching Qin Yue walk away without looking back, Mr. Qin beat his chest with anger. He did all this for his own good and to protect the children he raised since childhood. Is he wrong?

"Master, don't be angry, don't get angry." Assistant He, who had been waiting in the distance, ran over, quickly supported Master Qin, and comforted, "Young master was also blinded by love for a while, wait for him to think about it. When he understands, he won't blame you."

Grandpa Qin said angrily: "a moment? It's been three years, and he hasn't figured it out yet. What's that called a moment?"

Assistant He looked at the old man's appearance and couldn't help being a little excited. He couldn't help but say, "Old man, young lady..."

Hearing Assistant He's mention, and thinking of what Qin Yue had just said to Xiao Ranran, the old man suddenly thought of something.

He looked at Assistant He and said, "Are you going to beat that kid?"

Assistant He immediately explained: "Master, I didn't want to hurt the young lady, just..."

Grandpa Qin was trembling with anger: "Go away!"

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