My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 293 Don't Bully My Daughter

Chapter 293: Don't Bully My Daughter

After coming out of Grandpa Qin, Qin Yue immediately instructed Liu Yong: "Go check it out, no matter how much manpower, material and financial resources you spend, you will find it for me."

Liu Yong nodded again and again and said, "Mr. Qin, I have already sent people out. According to your order, I will first check with Mr. Xiao, the wife's biological father, and Jian Zhengtian."

Qin Yue nodded: "Check from several lines. Old Xiao's side, Jian Zhengtian's side, Zhan Family's side, and the old man's past, all together, and not a single clue can be missed."

The old man has been ruthless against Jian Ran. He just heard that the old man mentioned Jian Ran's father. Qin Yue should have no problem to check it from here.

But for the sake of security, the clues on the Xiao family and Jian Zhengtian's side were not enough. He had to cast some nets, and not a single fish that slipped through the net could be spared.

Liu Yong replied, "Yes."

Liu Yong and Xu Huiyi are Qin Yue's most trusted subordinates, they are often by his side, and their division of labor is different.

Things like finding secrets are handled by Liu Yong, and Xu Huiyi is mainly responsible for logistics.

The two people have different divisions of labor, but for Qin Yue, they are both right-hand man and whoever is very important to him.

The sky that had just been scorched by the scorching sun was suddenly covered with dark clouds and thunder, and it seemed that it would soon rain heavily.

Qin Yue's mood at this time was like the dark clouds in the sky. It was so dark that he couldn't breathe. It also indicated that there would be a storm in his life.

No matter how violent the storm is, what he has to do is to protect his wife and children. No matter how long Grandpa Qin's minions stretch out, he will not let the old man succeed.


When Jane returned to Nuoyuan, she learned that Xiao Ranran was taking a nap at home instead of going to kindergarten.

She went upstairs and saw Lie standing at the door of Xiao Ranran's room, a tall and thin man standing upright, but just looking at his back would always make people think that he didn't look like a child born to an ordinary family.

Jian Ran walked over and smiled softly at Lie: "is it Xiao Ran Ran who pesters you to accompany her again and doesn't let you go back to the room to sleep?"

Hearing Jian Ran's voice, Lie turned around and nodded to her as a greeting, then turned and left.

It's not that Xiao Ranran is pestering him to accompany her, but that he is worried about leaving Xiao Ranran alone in the room.

What happened yesterday is still vivid in his mind, and he can't take it lightly until the matter is completely resolved.

Jane went back to the room, sat down beside Xiao Ranran, and saw the cute little guy again, and Jane's heart was filled with emotion again.

She caressed her abdomen unconsciously. She used to feel that the scar on her abdomen was too ugly, and she didn't dare to wear sexy clothes.

When I was designing underwear in Milan before, sometimes the model didn't arrive in time. Someone suggested that she go to the catwalk. She really wanted to go, but when she thought of the scar on her abdomen, she immediately dismissed the idea.

Now that I know that this scar was left because of taking Xiao Ranran out, Jian Ran doesn't feel ugly at all, but feels extremely proud, which proves that she is Xiao Ranran's mother, and that Xiao Ranran was born by her laborious pregnancy.

Xiao Ranran on the bed slept soundly and didn't notice that her mother was sitting next to her and watching her.

Jian Ran couldn't help but stretched out her hand and pinched her little cheek. How could she tell Xiao Ranran that she was her mother?

Thinking of the previous days, Xiao Ranran was crying and begging her mother not to let her approach, and Jian Ran felt sad in her heart.

So now she tells Xiao Ranran, will Xiao Ranran believe that she is her mother?

Thinking that I have missed the growth of my child for so many years, and thinking that the child is by my side but I don't know it, is really uncomfortable.

But I'm still very glad, glad Qin Yue didn't give up on her, glad Qin Yue got her back so that she could participate in their father and daughter's future life.

Just thinking about it, Xiao Ranran blinked her eyelashes and opened her eyes. Seeing her dazed and cute appearance, she probably hadn't turned her head around yet.

She blinked again, confirming that she was seeing big sister Da Ranran, smiled sweetly, and said softly, "sister."

"Well, of course I woke up." Jane lowered her head to kiss her, and said, "Sister will hold you to wash your face, okay?"

"Okay." Xiao Ranran opened her arms and asked Da Ranran's sister to hug her obediently.

When you open your eyes, you can see Da Ranran's sister. It seems that brother lie is really powerful.

Brother lie said that he would change Da Ranran's sister in front of her. When she woke up, she saw Da Ranran's sister, and she saw Da Ranran's sister as expected.

Xiao Ranran doesn't know how much she admires brother lie in her heart at the moment.

Xiao Ranran is particularly stinky, and she learned her stinky skills from her little aunt. She always feels that she is the prettiest and cutest child in the world.

When Jian Ran was washing her face, she opened her eyes wide to look at herself in the mirror, and squeezed her face on purpose, making a grimace.

Jian Ran seemed to understand her inner thoughts and couldn't help but say, "Our little Ranran is the prettiest and cutest."

"Sister is as beautiful as Ranran." Xiao Ranran looked at sister Da Ranran in the mirror, and the more she looked, the more she felt that she was as beautiful as herself.

"Well, my size is just as beautiful."

When the big and small were chatting vigorously, a deep, sexy and gentle voice reached the ears of their mother and daughter.

Suddenly hearing Qin Yue say "my Da Ranran", Jian Ran couldn't help blushing and whispered, "Who is your Da Ranran?"

Qin Yue came over and pulled up her hand wearing the wedding ring: "I've been stuck by me, what's not my Da Ranran?"

"Ranran is my father's Ranran, and Da Ranran is my father's Da Ranran." Xiao Ranran nodded, expressing his satisfaction.

"Well, my daughter is the most caring." Qin Yue hugged Xiao Ranran from Jian Ran's hand, kissed her, and said, "However, do you miss your father?"

"Think! Of course, I miss my father, and my teeth hurt." While talking softly, Xiao Ranran reached out and touched the small front teeth, "Look, Dad."

"Okay, Dad, take a look." Qin Yue leaned over to Xiao Ranran to take a serious look, pretending to be surprised, "Of course, your teeth don't hurt because of your father's desire, but because of being bitten by bugs. There are two little bugs."

"Dad, of course, don't be bitten by insects."

When she heard that her teeth were bitten by a worm, Xiao Ranran was so shocked that she wanted to cry, but she didn't want to lose face in front of sister Da Ranran. Her little face was flushed with suffocation, and crystal tears rolled in her eyes.

Qin Yue teased Xiao Ranran like this a lot. This little guy would be fooled every time, and then he always spent time coaxing her.

But with Jian Ran here today, how could he tolerate him bullying her daughter, grabbed Xiao Ranran and hugged her, and glared at Qin Yue: "Don't bully my daughter."

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