My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 294 Mother and daughter recognize each other

Chapter 294: Mother and Daughter Recognize

There was thunder from time to time outside the house, and the heavy rain came as expected, and the sound of rain seemed to fill the whole world.

However, in Nuoyuan, the owner's mood was not affected by the weather at all, and the Qin and Yue family were extremely warm together.

Jane said something like "Don't bully my daughter" so naturally.

Qin Yue was overjoyed, does Jian Ran mean to recognize Xiao Ranran?

Xiao Ranran blinked her big eyes. She didn't understand what Da Ranran's sister just said, but she seemed to understand what Da Ranran's sister just said.

Jian Ran was even more uneasy in her heart. She blurted out such words without thinking about it.

This incident happened so suddenly, without any psychological preparation for Xiao Ranran, will Xiao Ranran be willing to admit that she is her mother?

Qin Yue's attention was on Jianran's body, and Jianran's attention was on Xiaoranran's body. Xiaoranan looked at his father and Daranran's sister, and suddenly hugged Jianran's face and slapped him twice, leaving behind Circle of mouth watermarks.

She said softly, "Of course I have a mother."

In the kindergarten, other children had mothers, but she was the only one without a mother. Now she also has a mother. She is very happy and happy, and she feels that there are colorful bubbles around her.

"Of course, I'm mother." Jian Ran looked at Xiao Ranran and said carefully and carefully.

"Mom." Xiao Ranran danced and said, and after speaking, she slapped Jian Ran's face again and giggled.

Suddenly, I feel happier. I have a father who loves me, my sister who has been growing up with her, brother lie, and now my mother.

"Well, Ranran." Jian Ran kissed Xiao Ranran, tears couldn't stop falling from her eyes, "Of course, mother loves you."

"However, I love my mother." Xiao Ranran wiped away the tears on Jianran's face with her small hand, and said, "If my mother doesn't cry, my father will feel distressed, but I will also feel distressed."

"Well, baby, mother doesn't cry." Jian Ran hugged Xiao Ranran tightly. Her tears were not sad, but happy.

She was glad that she finally recognized her daughter, and that she had returned to their father and daughter as Qin Yue's wife and as Xiao Ranran's mother.

Qin Yue hugged their mother and daughter together, kissed Jianran, and kissed Xiaoran. The heart that had been frozen for three years was finally thawed at this moment.

His wife, his daughter, are all in his arms, life is like this, what can a husband ask for.

At this moment, Jane only knew what true happiness was and what it meant to feel at home.

In the past, Jane Zhengtian was also kind to her, but she always felt that the concern was too deliberate. He always talked about being nice to her, saying that she was his only relative.

She was also touched, but when she was alone, in the dead of night, she always felt lonely, as if she was the one who was abandoned by the world.

But beside Qin Yue and Xiao Ranran, Qin Yue never said that he wanted to be nice to her. He always cared about her with practical actions, accompanied her, and let her know that she was not alone, she still had him, and them 's daughter.

"Dad, you hug Ranran in pain."

Xiao Ranran's soft voice broke the atmosphere and let Qin Yue know that he was indeed too hard to hold Xiao Ranran in his arms.

"Dad is sorry."

"Of course I forgive Dad."

"Well, we forgive Dad."

Their mother and daughter unconsciously formed the same front again, Qin Yue shook his head helplessly, it seems that in the future, he has no right to speak in this family at all.

Xiao Ranran said again: "Mom, let's go to see my sister, but we have to tell her, but Ranran and my sister have a mother."

"Okay, let's go see my sister." Jian Ran hugged Xiao Ranran and went to see Mianmian's sister, completely ignoring the big man beside them.

Qin Yue shook his head helplessly again, and once again felt that he was not as important as a dog.

Not long after she married Jianran, after Mianmian moved into the house, all of Jianran's focus was on Mianmian, and she ignored him completely.

Now, he once again made him feel that feeling, but he was happy and content in his heart. It was better for Jian Ran to dislike him than to let him spend countless lonely nights without her being by his side.

Xiao Ranran held Xiao Mianmian in her arms, patted Xiao Mianmian's head, and introduced it seriously: "Sister, we have a mother."

"Wang wang wang..." With a few barks, he shook his head and waved his tail, expressing his love for "mother" in his unique way.

"Mianmian is so cute!" Seeing Mianmian, Jian Ran seemed to have seen another snow-white Pomeranian through it.

Seeing it revolving around her, and seeing it coquettish in her arms, those pictures were definitely not what she imagined. Did she keep the same snow-white Pomeranian before?

When in doubt, Jian Ran instinctively looked at Qin Yue who was sitting beside her. Without her opening her mouth, Qin Yue already understood what she was thinking.

He put her in his arms and said softly, "I'll tell you more about Mianmian later."

Jian Ran nodded: "Okay."

She doesn't have to doubt anything, she just needs to believe him, and believes that he won't hide anything from her, even if he hides something, it's for her good.

"Mom, Ranran and my sister want to hug." Xiao Ranran hugged Mianmian and rushed into Jianran's arms, rolling in her mother's arms to their heart's content. The feeling of having a mother is different from the feeling of having only a father.

"Okay, mom will hold Ranran and Mianmian every day in the future." Jian Ran gently caresses Xiao Ranran, the corners of her lips rise slightly, and she smiles gently.

"Okay, Ran Ran will be responsible for taking her mother to learn Taekwondo in the future, and see who can learn faster." Qin Yue carried Xiao Ranran over, not wanting her to continue tossing Jian Ran.

"Okay, Ranran will teach her mother and make her as good as Ranran." Xiao Ranran replied softly.

"You family of four, and you abused me again."

Qin Xiaobao's voice came over suddenly, they looked back and saw that she went downstairs with messy hair, and she didn't seem to wake up.

"Little aunt, Ranran and my sister have a mother, and my mother flew back." Xiao Ranran proudly introduced to her little aunt that Da Ranran's sister is not her sister, but her mother.

"Congratulations to Xiao Ranran, little aunt." Qin Xiaobao came over and pinched Xiao Ranran's blushing face, and then said hello to Jian Ran, "sister-in-law, welcome home."

Not only is the person in this home, but the heart has also returned, appearing here as the hostess of Nuoyuan.

Go back to brother and xiaoranran.

Qin Xiaobao is also really happy for their family, and at the same time wishes them to be well in the future, and no bad things will happen again.

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