My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 355 Do you believe in love?

Chapter 355: Do you believe in love?

Time flies so fast, but today, for most of the day, Jane feels like a century has passed.

She thought of many ways to distract her attention, but nothing worked. She thought about Ling Feiyu in her mind.

Ling Feiyu is not alone now, she still has a child in her womb, in case...

As long as she thinks of Ling Feiyu's emergency, Jian Ran can't help taking a cold breath, and can't wait to find Ling Feiyu immediately.

But she knew very well that she couldn't be impulsive at this time.

She ignored Qin Yue's advice and rushed to find someone. Not only could she not be able to save Ling Feiyu, but she might even send herself into the hands of her opponent.

She has experienced how cruel the fake old man pretending to be Grandpa Qin is, and she should know better than anyone.

If she has something to do, Qin Yue is the most anxious.

Qin Yue is so busy every day and has so many things to worry about. She can't help with other things. She tries her best not to cause trouble for him, so let's take it as a help.

After a long wait, Jian Ran finally saw Qin Yue's car arriving home slowly.

Jian Ran ran to Qin Yue at a sprint speed of 100 meters. Because she ran too fast, her feet were swollen and she had to pounce forward. Fortunately, Qin Yue responded quickly and hugged her waist in time to save her from hitting the ground. Come for an intimate encounter.

Qin Yue rubbed her head and said amusedly, "How old are you, do you still want to learn Xiaoran and fall?"

She was in his arms, very close to him, she could feel his scorching body temperature and hear his steady heartbeat.

Today's worries were all erased when Qin Yue returned to her side, which made Jane see hope and warmth again.

She rubbed in Qin Yue's arms, and was about to speak when she heard Qin Yue's low and sexy voice ringing above her head: "Jian Ran, don't worry, Ling Feiyu is fine."

"Have you found her?" But why can't she get through to Ling Feiyu's cell phone? Will Qin Yue deceive her in order not to worry her?

"She's been fine all the time, but the surname He is lying to you." Qin Yue hugged Jian Ran, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, "Jian Ran..."


"Do you believe in love?"

believe in love?

Isn't the relationship between them love?

Jian Ran suddenly didn't understand, why did Qin Yue ask such a question?

She blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at Qin Yue with doubts, hoping that he could make her words clearer.

Qin Yue opened his thin lips and said in a low voice, "Jian Ran, if I'm not by your side and Xiao Ranran someday, you will be able to live well, right?"

"Qin Yue, what are you trying to say?" Could she be worried if he didn't know what to say to her?

Qin Yue shook his head and said bitterly, "After listening to that recording, I always thought that my grandfather once loved me so much, but I didn't even notice that he was replaced by someone."

"Qin Yue, no one would have thought that such a thing would happen. Grandpa couldn't have imagined it, and neither can you... Grandpa won't blame you. " Jian Ran stretched out her arms and hugged Qin Yue's waist tightly, wanting to give He supported him with a little strength.

Jian Ran felt the pain in Qin Yue's heart.

After she regained her memory, she thought of living with her mother-killing enemy Jian Zhengtian for so many years, deceived by him for so many years, and kept calling him to call his father for so many years... Every time she thinks of this, Jian Ran is like taking a bite as uncomfortable as the flies.

And Qin Yue called the bad guy who replaced grandpa Qin called grandpa for more than 20 years, respected him, honored him... In the end, he got the truth.



Qin Yue held Jian Ran's face and stared at her with burning eyes: "this matter makes me understand that people are very strong, no matter how important you lose someone, you can still live a good life. it is good."

"Qin Yue, I can't live without you. Xiao Ranran can't live without my father." No matter what Qin Yue said today, Jian Ran didn't like it, as if he was saying his last goodbye to her.

"Father, mother, of course here."

Mentioning xiaoranan, xiaoranan's soft voice suddenly sounded.

When they looked down, the little Ranran was standing beside them, looking at them curiously with their little heads raised.

She had appeared for a while, but because she was too small, her father and mother could only see each other's existence, so she was naturally ignored by her parents.

"So Ranran is here." Qin Yue picked up Xiao Ranran and kissed her pink face, "However, do you miss Dad?"

"Of course I miss my father, and my mother misses my father more than Ranran." Xiao Ranran lay on her father's shoulder and said softly.

Today, my mother has been looking at the gate, looking at her, and ignoring her so completely. She must be thinking of her father.

Hearing Xiao Ranran's words, Qin Yue raised his eyebrows and said with a big smile, "Well, my size is so cute. I'm very happy. "

Xiao Ranran held his father's face, gave him a sip on his face, and said happily, "Dad, my mother said that she would take Ranran to the amusement park together, but Ranran wanted her to go."

Qin Yue asked patiently, "however, do you mean to let your father accompany you and your mother to the amusement park?"

Xiao Ranran nodded her head vigorously, waved her little hands, and danced and said, "Dad and mother go with Ranran!"

"Okay." Qin Yue agreed and thought about it. It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun, so they will set off today.

He looked at Jian Ran: "Let's go today, okay?"

Their husband and wife have long agreed to take Xiao Ranran out to play, but they haven't acted. Since Qin Yue brought it up, Jian Ran has any reason to disagree.

The key is that she feels that Qin Yue has endured too much recently, and he needs to let him relax and decompress so that he can have the energy to deal with the next fierce battle.

Don't look at Xiao Ranran's young age, but she has a lot of ideas. She has a destination for a long time. She hopes that her parents will accompany her to a large theme amusement park that has just opened.

Their departure time was in the evening, and it was late when they arrived at the park, so they stayed at the theme hotel in the park, and then took Xiao Ranran to play the next day.

Living in a theme hotel and seeing those decorative dolls only on TV, Xiao Ranran felt like she was in a fairy tale world, and she didn't want to sleep until the middle of the night.

"However, if you don't sleep, if you don't get up tomorrow, you won't be able to play. Are you really still not sleeping?" Jian Ran rubbed Xiao Ranran's head and asked gently.

"However, I still want to play, and I also want to go to the paradise..." Xiao Ranran scratched her hair, looking tangled and sad.

Dad is playing with her. She still wants to play with her, but tomorrow she wants to go to the park to see many children.

What should she do?

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