My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 356 The body is very honest

Chapter 356: The body is very honest

Xiao Ranran looked at her father, looked at her father with her innocent and beautiful big eyes, stretched out her little hand and pulled the corner of her father's clothes, and asked her for help.

Receiving Xiao Ranran's distress signal, Qin Yue held her in his arms and said softly, "Then Ranran will play with Dad. We will get up later and go to the amusement park tomorrow."

"Mmmmm..." Xiao Ranran is so happy that she can continue to play with her father and go to the amusement park tomorrow.

Dad is the best. Dad loves her the most, and the person she loves the most is still Dad. As for Mom...let's rank second.

However, if my mother is ranked second, will my mother be sad when she finds out?

In order not to make her mother sad, Xiao Ranran decided that she still loves her father and mother!

In the past, it was hard for Jane to imagine what Qin Yue would be like as a father?

Gao Leng, talk less... Such a man, if the child is with him, he will probably suffocate the child.

Now back at his side and seeing how he spoiled her daughter with her own eyes, Jane realized that she didn't know this man very well.

Qin Yue loves Xiao Ranran. He is afraid of falling when he holds it in his hand, and he is afraid that it will melt when he holds it in his mouth. He wants to give her the whole world.

No matter how tired he is from work, after returning home every day, he will find time to talk and chat with Xiao Ranran, and enjoy the two-person world of their father and daughter to the fullest.

At this time, it was almost midnight. Xiao Ranran wanted to play hide-and-seek. Qin Yue didn't say a word and played with Xiao Ranran.

Xiao Ranran hid behind a bear doll. Qin Yue could see it as soon as he looked up. He pretended not to have seen it when he saw it, and exaggeratedly said, "However, where are you? Dad couldn't find you for so long. "

"Dad, Ran Ran is here." Xiao Ranran smiled unhappily. Dad was so stupid that he couldn't find her for so long.

"Wow, but it turns out to be here." Qin Yue walked over, hugged Xiao Ranran, and held her for a circle.

After just turning around, Qin Yue suddenly felt that his eyes were dark, his eyes were blurred, and Xiao Ranran's pink face also became blurred.

Qin Yue shook his head and closed his eyes again, calmly, the situation was not much better than before. He knew what caused it, and he was not in a hurry, just worried that Jian Ran would see something abnormal.

"Dad, of course you have to go around in circles."

"Okay, Dad, let's walk around with Ranran."

In order not to worry Xiao Ranran, Qin Yue didn't show any abnormality at all. He played with Xiao Ranran as he should.

"Okay, you father and daughter are enough, it's time to play all night." Looking at them, Jian Ran's heart is warm.

She and Qin Yue don't have high requirements. That's it, the family is like now, living a warm little life that ordinary people would live.

"Well, it's time to go to bed." Jianran hugged Xiaoran and returned to Jianran, and shoved Xiaoran to Jianran, "at night, the mother will take the baby to sleep."

"However, I want my mother to hold her to sleep." Xiao Ranran climbed onto her mother's body and stuck to her body comfortably.

Jian Ran patted her on the back and hummed softly, "Little baby, go to sleep...My little baby, go to sleep quickly..."

Without humming a few times, Xiao Ranran, who was tired from playing, wriggled twice on Jian Ran's body and fell asleep.

Qin Yue lay down next to Jian Ran, hugged their mother and daughter together, and said in a low voice, "I found that Xiao Ranran in our family is more and more like your childhood."

Jian Ran leaned against Qin Yue's arms and said with a light smile, "Mr. Qin, have you seen what I looked like when I was a child?"

Qin Yue shook his head: "I haven't seen it before, but I can imagine it. It must be the same as Xiao Ranran, naughty and cute, a very attractive kind of child. "

Jian Ran pursed her lips and smiled: "Mr. Qin, do you want me to praise you? In fact, you are so excellent and good-looking, and the rate of turning your head on the road is enough to explain everything. There is really no need for others to praise you. "

"It doesn't matter if others praise me or not." Qin Yue kissed Jian Ran's face and said, "Mr. Qin only needs Mrs. Qin's praise."

Jian Ran: "don't make trouble, it's time to go to sleep."

In fact, Jian Ran admitted that Qin Yue had a point, and she liked it very much.

Jian Ran has heard people say that when love arises, you can't help but magnify the other party's advantages and narrow down the other party's shortcomings.

Now Qin Yue is in Jian Ran's eyes, um, no longer the so-cold president when he first met him.

In Jian Ran's eyes now, he is just her child's father, her husband, her lover, relative, and someone who wants to spend a lifetime together.

The night passed so quickly, as if just closing my eyes, the day dawned.

When Jian Ran opened his eyes, Qin Yue woke up early. He sat by the window and looked at the paper quietly as before. Hearing that Jian Ran woke up, he immediately looked back and smiled softly at her. Laughing: "Wake up."

"I slept so late last night, aren't you sleepy?" This man is really like a biological clock. Except for being sick and unable to get up, she has never seen him get up late.

"It's hard to change the habit of 20 to 30 years." Since middle school, Qin Yue has developed the habit of getting up at five o'clock in the morning, and it has never changed for many years, no matter how windy or rainy it is.

Jian Ran worried: "Xiao Ranran, this little pig has not woken up yet, so you also come to lie down and sleep for a while, otherwise you won't have the energy to play with her in the afternoon."

"You underestimate your husband again." Qin Yue put the newspaper aside and beckoned, "Come here."

"I don't want it." She was not so stupid when she sent it to him to bully her.

However, the mouth says no, but the body is very honest...

I don't know why, but Jian Ran just couldn't resist his gentle and somewhat domineering gaze, so she walked to his side honestly. When she arrived, he stretched out his long arms and dragged her into his arms, letting her sit on his lap. .

Holding Jian Ran in his arms, Qin Yue leaned over and kissed her fiercely. He would tell her with practical actions whether his physical strength was good or not?

Jian Ran held his hand and looked back: "Don't mess around, Xiao Ranran is still here."

"Jian Ran... I really want to..." He called her, his voice hoarse and sexy, indescribably seductive.

"Huh?" Jian Ran subconsciously pursed her lips that were swollen and swollen by Qin Yue's kiss, but she didn't know how attractive this unintentional action was to Qin Yue.

"Damn it!" Qin Yue growled hoarsely, got up with Jian Ran in his arms, and quickly rushed to the bathroom...

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