Chapter 362: Who are you to me?

Over the years, he did everything without the knowledge of Qin Xiaobao, and never thought of letting her participate. He hoped that she could live a carefree life forever and never see the ugliness in the world.

However, damn Qin Yue, he actually destroyed all this...

The old man clenched his fists and said sternly, "Xiaobao, get up first, and tell grandpa if you have anything to say."

Qin Xiaobao knelt up straight, handed the DNA comparison test form Qin Yue gave her to the old man, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Shen Wenyuan, please tell me, what is our relationship?"

Shen Wenyuan!

These three words hit the old man fiercely. Even though he was fully prepared, Qin Xiaobao's heart throbbed when these three words came out of Qin Xiaobao's mouth.

Others doubted his identity, and he could dispose of it without mercy, but this person in front of him was the only bloodline of his Shen family, his only relative.

The panic that flashed in the old man's eyes did not escape Qin Xiaobao's eyes. She was even more certain that the person in front of her was Shen Wenyuan, who was related to her by blood, not the respected patriarch of the Qin family, Grandpa Qin. .

"Xiaobao, listen to grandpa, you should get up and talk first. Grandpa will treat your wound." The old man looked at Qin Xiaobao with his thief's eyes, not letting go of any slight change in her expression.

Qin Xiaobao was still kneeling upright, unable to hear anything, and insisted on getting the answer: "please tell me, who are you? What is our relationship?"

"Xiaobao, what are you talking about? Grandpa doesn't understand." He couldn't admit it. Once he admitted it, he admitted that he was an impostor.

It is good to admit that he has replaced the old man of the Qin family, but he must not admit that he is Shen Wenyuan, otherwise he will face not only Qin Yue's pursuit of him, but also the pursuit of him by the whole country.

If he wasn't forced, if he hadn't been forced into a corner, how could he live in this world as someone else.

In this world, everyone is an independent individual. Everyone has their own path and life. No one wants to be a substitute to live someone else's life.

Qin Xiaobao burst into tears and sobbed: "Shen Wenyuan, please stop pretending, you are not my grandfather at all, you are a bad person, you are a murderer. You kidnapped Xiao Ranran. You can do such a small child. With a ruthless hand, do you still have a little bit of humanity?"

The old man said angrily, "Xiaobao, I'm your grandfather, how can you say that about grandpa. Hasn't grandpa loved you enough all these years? Everyone can doubt grandpa, but you can't."

"How I wish you didn't love me so much over the years." If he didn't love her, then he was a stranger to her who had nothing to do with her, and she wouldn't feel sorry for him because of him.

"Xiaobao, how can you say such a thing. Grandpa has hurt you in vain all these years." The old man shook his head with a painful expression of being misunderstood and wronged.

"I know you won't admit it." Qin Xiaobao threw another document to him, wiped his tears, and said, "see for yourself. The things you've done are unbearable. After so many years, why can't you? Be safe? Xiao Ranran is not yet four years old. You tie her up to threaten her parents, but if you still have a little bit of humanity, you won't do it. "

"Little Treasure—"

"Don't call me by my name." Qin Xiaobao said very excitedly, and his tears fell even more after he said that.

"Anyone can accuse me and scold me, but you can't, because you are mine..." The words almost blurted out, but Shen Wenyuan stopped it in time.

Once he admits the relationship between them, that is to admit that he is Shen Wenyuan, which is definitely not the result that he has worked hard for many years to see.

Qin Xiaobao bit his lip and said, "you can deny your identity, then please hand over Xiao Ranran and return her to her parents."

Since Shen Wenyuan is unwilling to admit her identity, then she should take the next step. The most important thing is to find Xiao Ranran back now.

"Xiaobao, Xiaoran is my great-granddaughter. I can't love her too late, how can I hide her." As long as he kills her and doesn't admit it, and Xiaoran is not with him, who knows that Qin Yue is lying , or he is lying.

Qin Xiaobao roared anxiously: "Shen Wenyuan, you should have children of your own, right? You should be able to understand how parents are worried about their children."

It's okay not to mention the child. When he mentions his child, the old man's body is instantly surrounded by layers of anger and resentment.

Of course he had his own children, but his children were killed at a very young age, not only his children were killed, but his children's wife was also killed, leaving only a baby child. .

Whenever he thinks of this matter, Shen Wenyuan's teeth itch with hatred.

Since Qin Xiaobao has already determined that he is Shen Wenyuan, she still won't believe him if he pretends to be, so she simply tells her everything to let her know who is her relative and who is her enemy.

"Xiaobao, if you want to know, then get up first. Grandpa will tell you everything." Shen Wenyuan sat back on the couch again, took a sip of the tea that had already cooled down.

Qin Xiaobao stood up on the ground, but because she knelt for too long, her legs were numb, and she almost fell back, but she bit and stood up and stood up straight.

Shen Wenyuan stared at her for a long time, and after a long time said slowly: "Yes, my name is Shen Wenyuan, I killed the old man of the Qin family, had plastic surgery in his appearance, and continued to live in his place."

For this plan, he planned for a full five years before it had to be implemented.

He lurked beside the old man Qin, figured out his living habits, learned his words, imitated everything from him... He didn't take action until everything was ready.

It was because he had been preparing for so long and had a face that was almost exactly the same as that of the old man Qin, that Qin Hao and Qin Yue and their son did not find any abnormality.

"Why, why? Why did you do this?" Qin Xiaobao's voice trembled, and it took him a long time to ask a complete sentence.

"Why?" Shen Wenyuan snorted coldly, killing intent flashed in his eyes, "Because I want to live. I want to be reunited with my children, and I want to hug my grandson."

Back then, he had just replaced old Qin and became a brand new old Qin.

He informed his son to come to Jiangbei to meet, but he didn't expect him to be a step late. By the time he arrived, their husband and wife had already been dealt with in secret.

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