My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 363 Sort out the reasons (a key chapter)

Chapter 363: Clarifying the Reason (Key Chapter)

"If you want to live, you can live a good life. No one is stopping you. Why do you want to kill innocent people?" Qin Xiaobao shook his head and said bitterly.

Since she was a child, she has a strong personality, often fights, and often scolds people, saying that she is a little witch, but she has never thought about harming other people's lives.

Everyone's life, whether poor or rich, is a living life, and no one has the right to control the life and death of others.

And this grandfather she always thought was the kindest grandfather in the world, he could say so righteously when he killed people, as if those people deserved to be killed by him.

In the past, he would take her to release her every year, to donate money to orphanages, and to visit children in impoverished areas... A saying he often said was that the more blessings you accumulate in life, the only way you can go to heaven after death.

It is such a person who is full of benevolence and morality, and he hides such a vicious face under his disguised mask.

Not only did he kill people, but he killed more than one person, and now he doesn't even spare a little child.

Qin Xiaobao couldn't even imagine what would happen to her brother and sister-in-law if something happened to Xiao Ranran, and I'm afraid it wouldn't be enough to apologize for her death.

"Do you think I can live well if I want to live well? Those people don't give me a chance at all." If he wasn't cornered, why should he replace others?

Qin Xiaobao wiped away a tear, and suddenly she was not so sad. What else can she say to such a person whose conscience has already been wiped out?

No matter how much she said, he wouldn't listen, but how could she figure out where Xiao Ranran was from his mouth?

"Xiaobao, I'm grandfather, your own grandfather..." As he spoke, Shen Wenyuan burst into tears, "You are the only bloodline left in our Shen family."

"Grandpa? Are you my grandpa?" Qin Xiaobao laughed bleakly, tears streaming down his cheeks, "I don't want a murderous grandpa like you."

If he was still the loving grandfather in her heart, she would definitely go crazy when she heard him say that, but at this time, she just felt so cold, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

Shen Wenyuan stood up, grabbed Qin Xiaobao's hand, and said excitedly, "Xiaobao, everything grandpa does is for you, for you to live better. Do you understand?"

"It's all for my good? It's all for my good?" Qin Xiaobao shook him off with force, and laughed bleakly.

She was obviously laughing, but tears fell down, so Xiao Ranran would be taken away. Is it all because of her?

How many people did she kill before she knew it?

She wiped away tears and gritted her teeth: "The Qin family adopted me and raised me up, they are my relatives, and you have taken their children now, you still say it's for my good? If you really If I'm fine, you can give me Xiaoran. Don't let me become the snake in the farmer and the snake. "

"Little Treasure—" Shen Wenyuan was also angry, roaring, "Do you know why you became an orphan who no one wanted?"

"I don't know. I don't want to know." No matter the reason, he shouldn't kill anyone, let alone take Xiao Ranran as a hostage.

Qin Xiaobao didn't want to hear it, but Shen Wenyuan wanted to tell her, maybe she had to let her know the truth of everything, so that she would know who is a good person and who is a bad person.

"Xiaobao, your mother is the sister of the president of country A, and she is the princess. Your father, my son, who is from Jiangbei, immigrated to country A and married your mother. The two of them, how wonderful A pair of immortals who are envied. However, Xiao Yuanfeng and the Zhan family, these executioners, destroyed everything that was originally beautiful and made you an orphan."

"It was Jian Ran's father Xiao Yuanfeng, who forged evidence to wrongly accuse your parents of being spies from country A. It was Xiao Yuanfeng who gave the false evidence to the Zhan family in the Jiangbei Military Region, and it was Zhan Nianbei's father who secretly executed your parents. The Xiao family and the Zhan family are all murderers of your parents. I did those things to avenge my son and daughter-in-law. Is there anything wrong with me?"

Shen Wenyuan roared out all the resentment in his heart in one breath, regardless of whether Qin Xiaobao could bear it for a while.

Every time Shen Wenyuan said a word, it was like a heavy bomb, which made Qin Xiaobao confused, and he didn't even know who he was.

Her mother is the princess of country A, and her father is Shen Wenyuan's son... Zhan Nianbei's father executed her parents...

Zhan Nianbei's father executed her parents!

Zhan Nianbei's father executed her parents!

Zhan Nianbei's father executed her parents!

At this time, Qin Xiaobao couldn't think of anything else in her mind, only this sentence buzzed in her mind.

No, no, it must not be like this, these are not true, it is Shen Wenyuan who is deceiving her... She is about to go crazy, she really wants to disappear from this world immediately and never face this terrible thing again.

"Little Treasure—"

"Don't call me, you don't call me." Qin Xiaobao held his head and shook it desperately, she didn't want to listen, she didn't want to hear anything, she would rather not know anything.

But she also understood that she was Shen Wenyuan's granddaughter, a child of his Shen family, her parents were executed by Zhan Nianbei's father, and Shen Wenyuan killed those who killed her parents.

These are all facts, which she cannot afford but must bear...

At this moment, she knew that she didn't grow up very well.

Not grown up, you can hide under the wings of your family forever, not to face these cruel truths.

After a long time, Qin Xiaobao found his voice that had been muted: "you are my grandfather, and I will take care of what you do. As long as you hand over Xiao Ranran safely, I can ask my brother to let you go, you can go. Far away, never appear in front of their eyes."

"Xiaobao, how can you be so stupid? I'm your relative, Qin Yue is nothing." Up to now, Shen Wenyuan still hasn't woken up.

Qin Xiaobao smiled sadly and said, "don't you know that I'm living in this world now, and I think it's a waste to take a breath of air."

"Xiaobao, I don't allow you to talk nonsense." Shen Wenyuan flashed his eyes and said again, "that child is Qin Yue's most fatal weakness. I managed to hold her in my hand. She is a very useful hostage. How could I have handed her over?"

Hearing this, Qin Xiaobao could be considered to have completely lost her heart to Shen Wenyuan. She said in tears, "please, please let that child go."

"Come with me. After we are safe, I will consider returning the child to Qin Yue." Since Qin Yue already knew everything, he could no longer pretend to be the old man Qin, and he had to move his position immediately.

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