My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 368 Poison into the bone marrow

Chapter 368: Poisoned into the bone marrow

This gunshot shocked everyone present.

Rather than saying that everyone present was shocked because Assistant He was shot, it is better to say that the shocking person who shot was Jian Ran.

So a woman who seemed so weak that she might have weak legs without Qin Yue, could actually fire a shot at a critical moment and hit Assistant He with one shot.

Not only other people were shocked, even Jian Ran herself was shocked. She didn't even know how she grabbed the gun or how she shot it.

At that time, there was only one thought in her mind, she wanted to protect Qin Yue and not allow anyone to hurt Qin Yue.

It was with such a firm belief that a person who had never shot before could shoot before Assistant He, and hit Assistant He at the key point with one shot, killing him on the spot.

After a moment of silence, Jian Ran realized that she had shot someone, and the hand holding the pistol kept shaking.

She was so scared that she wanted to throw away the gun, but she wanted to protect Qin Yue, so she still held the gun tightly in her hand.

Even though the palms of her hands were sweating, she was so frightened that she was sweating coldly, but she still didn't let go, she only knew that she wanted to protect Qin Yue...

"Jian Ran..." Qin Yue handed Shen Wenyuan to Liu Yong, walked towards Jian Ran with a timid pace, walked to her side, grabbed the pistol from her hand and handed it to Liu Yong.

Qin Yue took Jian Ran into his arms, pressed her head to her chest, and gently patted her back, comforting her like a child.

"Qin Yue..." Jian Ran suddenly raised her head from his arms and saw his pale lips and pale face.

Her nose was sore, and she almost burst into tears, but she forced the tears back into her eyes. She took a breath and said, "Qin Yue, hold on for a while, we'll go to the hospital right away."

"Okay." Qin Yue's sexy thin lips curled slightly, raised a smile, and rubbed her head gently, "Don't worry, it will be alright."

Again, don't worry, it'll be alright.

Jian Ran yelled at him angrily: "is it because you can't move and can't see Xiao Ranran and me again? That's what's wrong?"

Qin Yue looked at her delicate facial features and smiled incomparably doting. Compared with the docile and well-behaved Jianran, he still liked the petite Jianran.

That kind of Jane is more energetic and charming, like a little sun that shines, making the surrounding stars lose their luster.

Jian Ran bit her lip angrily, and said, "Come on, get in the car with me, we'll go to the hospital immediately, we can't delay any longer."

"Okay." Qin Yue smiled again, but his eyes, which always seemed to be filled with Xinghai, lost their former light, which made Jane feel as if he couldn't see her anymore.

His eyes were so godless. In the past, she could always see her own shadow in his eyes like the sea of ​​stars, but suddenly she can't see it today.

"Qin Yue..." Just as Jian Ran was about to say something, the center of gravity of Qin Yue's sturdy body suddenly fell on her.

Jian Ran stood up straight and supported him with gritted teeth: "Qin Yue, Qin Yue—"

"I'm relieved that you're safe." These were the last words Qin Yue said before he completely lost consciousness.

He was shot in the body and lost a lot of blood. If he were an ordinary person, he would have fallen long ago, and he can hold on until now, until Jian Ran is no longer in danger. Self-control ability.

He has lost Jian Ran once and hurt her so badly. This time, he will protect her no matter what, and will not let her hurt again.

As soon as Qin Yue fell, all the bodyguards under his hands panicked for a while.

Seeing this, Jian Ran immediately said to Liu Yong, "Liu Yong, I'll trouble you to deal with it here. I'll take Qin Yue to the hospital first."

"Don't bother going to the hospital, he's dead... Hahaha..." Shen Wenyuan laughed, "It's a good feeling to see Qin Yue fall before me."

"Liu Yong, seal his mouth with tape for me to stop him from talking nonsense." Jian Ran glared at Shen Wenyuan.

If it wasn't for her to take Qin Yue to the hospital, she would definitely cut off the old thing's flesh piece by piece with a knife and feed it to the dog. In order to avenge his revenge for killing his father, excising his child, injuring Qin Yue and kidnapping Xiao Ranran.

"You can seal my mouth, but you can't change the fact that the poison in him has soaked into his internal organs. So don't waste any more time, get him the coffin as soon as possible." Shen Wenyuan said again with a smile.

He was really happy. He didn't feel so uncomfortable when he saw Qin Yue fall before him, and his freedom was controlled by others.

"Liu Yong, seal his mouth." Jian Ran shouted sharply, staring at Shen Wenyuan with ruthless eyes, "Wait, you owe us, I will find you to settle the bill."

"Yes." The mouth of the gag could not be found at the scene. Liu Yong had a clever idea and took off the smelly socks on Shen Wenyuan's feet and stuffed it in his mouth.

Jian Ran struggled to support Qin Gao's strong body with her slender and thin body, and probed his forehead. His body had already started to have a fever, and he had to be sent to the hospital as quickly as possible and take out bullets for rescue, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. .

But the farm is located in the suburbs. There are only small community hospitals nearby, and there are not enough medical facilities. The nearest large hospital is at least an hour away by car, not counting the time in traffic jams.

Just when Jian Ran was extremely worried, there was a rumbling sound in the air. Everyone looked up and saw five helicopters hovering and descending in the air.

Five helicopters landed in the open space next to them, dressed in green military uniforms and military boots, the majestic Zhan Nianbei led a small group of people to come together.

He swept the scene like a falcon, and finally landed on Qin Yue. He strode towards Qin Yue, took his hand to take a pulse, and then shouted, "Zhang Junyi."

Hearing Zhan Nianbei's call, Zhang Junyi immediately stepped forward and gave a military salute: "here."

Zhan Nianbei added: "take a team of personnel and send the injured to the hospital as soon as possible. If there is any delay, they will be dealt with by military law."

Zhan Nianbei's voice was loud, and the birds parked on the surrounding trees fluttered their wings and flew away when they heard his voice.

"Yes." With Zhan Nianbei's order, Dr. Zhang Jun and another soldier acted immediately.

There are military doctors and helicopters... To save Qin Yue, this is the best way at present, but Jian Ran is worried that if someone else takes her Qin Yue away, she will not return it to her.

Zhan Nianbei saw Jianran's worry, and he said, "Let me handle it here. You can go with Muzhi, watch him well, and don't let him have any trouble."

Jian Ran nodded, gave him a grateful look, and accompanied Qin Yue to the hospital first.

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