My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 369 Calling Your Grandpa for the Last Time

Chapter 369: Calling Your Grandpa for the Last Time

When Zhan Nianbei came with a team of people, Liu Yong's men and Shen Wenyuan's men had already lost both.

With the arrival of Zhan Nianbei, it is natural that which side he is on will be the winner.

With a wave of Zhan Nianbei's hand, he instructed the people under him: "take all the lying and standing ones away to me, and check their identities to see if they have entered the country illegally? Put people in a separate place. , wait for me to go back and take care of it."

After instructing his subordinates, he looked at Liu Yong again and said, "Leave this to me, and you will take your brothers back to deal with the injury."

Zhan Nianbei is Qin Yue's uncle, and his reputation has always been there. The relationship between him and Qin Yue is also good. They have cooperated before. Liu Yong still trusts him. The injury should be brought back and treated properly.

After Liu Yong led his men away, Zhan Nianbei tore off the socks stuck on Shen Wenyuan's mouth, smiled, and said, "if you have anything else to say, just say it. I'll give you ten minutes."

"Zhan Nianbei, don't forget what you promised me?" Shen Wenyuan roared impatiently when he got a chance to breathe.

Seeing Zhan Nianbei, he also seemed to see a trace of hope. As long as Zhan Nianbei has affection for Xiaobao, he can't be as cruel as Qin Yue.

Zhan Nianbei smiled and said, "excuse me, what identity do you use to speak to me? Is it the in-law of my Zhan family? Or is it a wanted criminal who has stolen military secrets and sold it to other countries and has been wanted by the country for decades? ?"

Without giving Shen Wenyuan a chance to quibble, Zhan Nianbei continued: "Shen Wenyuan, Shen Wenyuan, my father has been looking for you for many years, and I have been looking for you for many years, but I never thought that you would be by my side."

Shen Wenyuan said in a hurry: "Zhan Nianbei, it's been so many years. Now there are probably no one who remembers the name Shen Wenyuan, so why bother to force you. "

Hearing Shen Wenyuan's words, Zhan Nianbei got upset, raised his brows, and said, "Shen Wenyuan, who the hell is forcing you, you have done too many abominable things yourself, it's time to repay you."

"Zhan Nianbei, I'm Xiaobao's grandfather! You have killed their parents, don't you even spare her last relative? " Shen Wenyuan knew that Zhan Nianbei cared about Qin Xiaobao, and he talked about Xiaobao at a critical time. should be useful.

But Zhan Nianbei has always been unselfish, and he does things in a businesslike manner. The more you get along with him, the worse it will be for him.

Zhan Nianbei raised his voice and said: "in my Zhan Nianbei, there has never been an affair to talk about. I don't care if you are Xiaobao's grandfather or someone from Xiaobao, as long as you fall into the hands of my Zhan Nianbei. , you don't want to go out again."

Zhan Nianbei is a man who really doesn't play cards according to the routine. Shen Wenyuan is a little uneasy in his heart, and he doesn't know how to persuade him.

Just as Shen Wenyuan was racking his brains to think of a way, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Qin Xiaobao, who was restless, walking from the yard to their side step by step.

An idea was immediately generated in Shen Wenyuan's mind.

Xiaobao is his own granddaughter, a treasure that he has loved for many years in the palm of his hand, and the only remaining bloodline of their Shen family.

He definitely couldn't let his granddaughter marry the Zhan family who killed his son and daughter-in-law, but Xiaobao was relentless.

She identified Zhan Nianbei, and ten cows couldn't pull her back.

Even if she knew that Zhan Nianbei's parents secretly executed her parents, she might not give up on Zhan Nianbei.

Shen Wenyuan coughed lightly and said again: "Zhan Nianbei, I'm Xiaobao's only relative, and you are the person she always wanted to marry. You have to deal with me, don't you worry that she will be sad? "

"Old Shen, don't fuck me. Qin Xiaobao is Qin Xiaobao. Whether she is the adopted daughter of the Qin family or your granddaughter, it has nothing to do with me, Zhan Nianbei." How could he not be worried, but he took this A worry was hidden in the bottom of my heart.

His father, who executed Xiaobao's biological parents, would definitely blame him if Qin Xiaobao knew the truth.

At that time, Shen Wenyuan told him Xiaobao's real life experience as an old man Qin, so he avoided her, avoided her, hid her, and pushed her away from him again and again.

He thought he could watch her marry another man, and even congratulate her with a smile, wishing her and her husband a hundred years of happiness.

But those were all his own thoughts. The last time he saw the surnamed Pei kissing him, his reason collapsed instantly, and he rushed to her house impulsively, almost taking her for himself.

Zhan Nianbei's answer was what Shen Wenyuan wanted to hear, and he said, "don't you like Xiaobao?"

"Like her?" Zhan Nianbei's body suddenly froze and tensed. He clearly had mixed feelings in his heart, but he said in an indifferent tone, "I've never had it, so don't think too much."

Shen Wenyuan pressed on: "Then do you admit that it was your father who executed Xiaobao's parents without finding out the truth?"

"Shen Wenyuan, what the hell are you trying to talk to me?" Zhan Nianbei had run out of patience and didn't want to spend more time with this wanted criminal, he added, "they were spies back then, the evidence is conclusive. My father executed one Military spies, is there anything wrong?"

"Evidence? The so-called evidence was forged by Xiao Yuanfeng. Your father, who is in charge of the Jiangbei Military Region, convicted them and dealt with them in secret based on Xiao Yuanfeng's words." Your Zhan family is also a famous family, don't you dare to do it?"

Zhan Nianbei said angrily, "Xiao Chen, tie this old thing back. If he can talk like this, you can starve him for two days to see if he can talk."

Shen Wenyuan said loudly: "Zhan Nianbei, you have a guilty conscience. You dare not pay for what your father did, so you will be a tortoise. How could our little treasure fall in love with a man like you who has no responsibility. "

"Xiao Chen!" Zhan Nianbei roared fiercely, "Give his mouth for me and tie him back."

"But, can I have a word with him?" Suddenly, Qin Xiaobao's voice came from behind.

Her voice reached Zhan Nianbei's ears, and his whole body was instantly stiff when he heard it, and he forgot all the reactions for a while.

Shen Wenyuan said anxiously: "Xiaobao, you should have heard what he just said. It's time to give up on this man."

"Grandpa..." Qin Xiaobao clenched her fists and bit her lip so hard that she bit her own lip, "this is the last time I will call you grandpa, and I will never again."

Qin Xiaobao told himself more than once in his heart that that person was her kind and amiable grandfather, not a murderer at all.

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