Chapter 508: Could it be Qin Yue?

The doors and windows at home were intact, but someone broke in and took my father away.

These two possibilities.

One is that the father opened the door to let the kidnappers in. Another possibility is that the kidnappers had the keys to their house and unlocked the house themselves.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qinghe raised his head and glanced at the pinhole camera installed on the wall. His father asked him to install it in order to record every bit of Jian Ran's life when she came.

I never thought that this camera would come in handy in a special situation like today.

Xiao Qinghe immediately returned to the study and turned on the computer.

Surveillance cameras recorded everything that happened during his absence.

At 13pm after 8pm, two men disguised as water delivery workers rang the doorbell of the house.

Because their father's appearance was ruined, they had discussed that Xiao Yuanfeng would ignore anyone who rang the doorbell when Xiao Qinghe was not at home.

Xiao Yuanfeng heard the doorbell, walked behind the door and looked through the peephole. It was someone he didn't recognize. He didn't say anything and returned to the study.

The two men waited at the door for a while, but no one opened the door for them. They picked out a key and successfully unlocked their home.

Hearing the sound of the key opening the door, Xiao Yuanfeng thought it was Xiao Qinghe who had returned. He walked out of the study and called "Qinghe". As soon as the words came out, he immediately realized that the person who opened the door with the key was not Xiao Qinghe.

Seeing that something was wrong, Xiao Yuanfeng wanted to retreat to the study, but was held hostage by two men before he could take action.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Xiao Yuanfeng struggled and asked.

"Why do you know so much?" One of the men knocked Xiao Yuanfeng unconscious.

Seeing Xiao Yuanfeng fainted, one of the men worried: "You hit him so hard, what if you hurt him? Assistant Liu specially explained that after all, he is also my wife's biological father, we can't go too far. ”

Assistant Liu?

Liu Yong?


These keywords refer directly to Liu Yong and Jian Ran.

Could it be them?

Liu Yong has been with Qin Yue for more than ten years and is loyal to Qin Yue. Everything he does is instructed by Qin Yue.

So that means the person behind this incident is Qin Yue?

Could it really be Qin Yue?

Would Qin Yue really pretend to be a good person while letting others kidnap their father?

Xiao Qinghe didn't know. He was not sure about the situation, and he didn't dare to call Qin Yue to confirm.

If Qin Yue really did this, and Qin Yue knew that he had installed surveillance cameras here and recorded the process of his father's kidnapping, his father would definitely be silenced by Qin Yue's order.

The kidnappers didn't have much time left for Xiao Qinghe to think about it. In a short period of time, Xiao Qinghe was also confused. He didn't know what to do next.

I can’t find anyone!

Not even calling the police!

In short, he can't find anyone until he determines who kidnapped his father.

Just when Xiao Qinghe was thinking, his cell phone rang. When he saw that the call was from Jian Ran, Xiao Qinghe was as excited as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

He answered immediately: "Of course..."

He wanted Jian Ran to question Qin Yue, but he swallowed the words back.

Now the thing is just his guess that it is related to Qin Yue, and there is no definite evidence that Qin Yue asked people to do it.

As Jian Ran's brother, he still hopes that the person beside Jian Ran is reliable and truly loves Jian Ran.

He hoped that Jian Ran, who had suffered so much, could live peacefully and happily in the future.

"Brother, are you home safe?"

Jian Ran's voice was very low. Xiao Qinghe guessed that she had just put Xiao Ranran to sleep and didn't want to disturb her.

"We're already here. You..." After a slight pause, Xiao Qinghe still couldn't ask, and then said, "It's getting late, you should go to bed early."

"Brother, you are older than Qin Yue."

"Why did you mention this suddenly?"

"You see Qin Yue is younger than you, but the child is more than four years old. Looking at you again, you are still an old bachelor."

"He is him and I am me. Don't compare the two of us."

"Brother, I want to tell you that every time I see you alone, I have to go to the street to grab a beautiful woman to be my sister-in-law. There is someone by your side, and the two of you take care of each other. I don’t have to worry about you anymore.”

"Just take care of your Qin Yue and Xiao Ranran. Don't worry about me."

"Brother, please find me a sister-in-law as soon as possible. Really, if you have someone by your side to take care of you, your father and aunt in heaven can rest assured."

Xiao Qinghe: "..."

He really wanted to tell Jian Ran that their father was not dead and was still alive and well, but he didn't know who took him away at this moment.

But he couldn't say.

Xiao Qinghe took a deep breath and said, "Okay, after this period of time, I will find you a sister-in-law."

As long as he can safely rescue his father and take him abroad for plastic surgery, when their family recognizes each other, he will find a girlfriend with all his heart and stop letting Jian Ran worry about him.

"Brother, come on, I'm waiting to drink your wedding wine. When you hold the wedding, I can also lend our Xiao Ranran to you for free as a flower girl."

Xiao Qinghe nodded: "Well, I will work hard."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Qinghe dialed Xiao Yuanfeng's mobile phone number again.

After a beep, the person over there answered the call, and the man's sinister voice came from the receiver of the phone: "Master Xiao, have you thought about it?"

"Think about it. I will do whatever you ask me to do." With his father in their hands, he could only compromise first and ensure his father's safety before thinking of other ways.

"I'm warning you, don't play tricks on me, or you won't be able to bear the consequences."

"Can I have a word with my father?"

"Qinghe, leave me alone, Qiuran, don't let her stay with the devil..."

"Dad, what do you mean?" Xiao Qinghe wanted to ask more information, but Xiao Yuanfeng was covered by someone and could not answer them anymore.

Don't let Jian Ran stay with the devil?

What did his father want to tell him?

Did his father want to tell him that the person next to Jian Ran was a demon, and that his father was captured by that demon's men?

"Master Xiao, take your passports and rush to the Huangtian Cargo Terminal in Jiangbei City immediately. Someone will pick you up."

After leaving the words, the person on the other end of the phone hung up again, letting Xiao Qinghe listen to the busy tone of the phone again.

Xiao Qinghe immediately found his ID card and passport, took his bank card and set off immediately.

Even if there is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den ahead, he will go through it for his father's sake.

His father had suffered for more than 20 years and lived a life that was neither human nor ghost. He must rescue his father and let his father see the sunshine again and enjoy life.

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