My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 509 Qin Yue is not a good person

Chapter 509: Qin Yue is not a good person

After ending the call with Xiao Qinghe, for some reason, Jian Ran always felt uneasy today. Xiao Qinghe's hesitant call just now made her feel a little uneasy.

She thought for a while, then picked up her mobile phone and called Xiao Qinghe, but the other party was still on the phone and she didn't know who he was calling.

If only she had a sister-in-law, someone would take care of Xiao Qinghe, and she wouldn't have to worry about him so much.

She wanted to tell Qin Yue about Xiao Qinghe's situation, but Qin Yue was busy working in the study and probably didn't have time to pay attention to her.

Taking a deep breath, Jian Ran looked at Xiao Ranran who was lying next to her. The little guy didn't sleep very peacefully. It seemed that her strong brother was still deeply in her heart.

These days, Qin Yue also asked people to help them keep an eye on them, but there are currently no satisfactory children, so they can only let Xiao Ranran wait.

I hope that after the arrival of the new brother, Xiao Ranran can regain her previous liveliness and cuteness and become a happy little princess.

After sitting next to Xiao Ranran for a while, Jian Ran still couldn't sit still. She wanted to ask her Mr. Qin and get some advice from him.

When Jian Ran came to the study, Qin Yue was on the phone, talking about the scenery or something.

After a while, Qin Yue finished the call and looked up at Jian Ran: "Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

Jian Ran walked up to him, patted his back, squeezed his shoulders, and said, "What did you say to my brother today?"

Qin Yue said: "Things between men."

Jian Ran said: "I can't know?"

Qin Yue took Jian Ran's hand, kissed it, and said with a smile, "You will know soon."

Jian Ran rolled her eyes at him: "Qin Yue, let me tell you, if you dare to lead my brother astray, I will never be done with you."

"Am I leading him astray?" Qin Yue raised his eyebrows, slightly dissatisfied, "You may not know that your brother used to be a nightclub guy. He spent 360 of the 365 days in a year in nightclubs. , I don’t know how many women I’ve had sex with, who do you think led who?”

"Mr. Qin, you suddenly gossiped so much. Do you want to tell me how messy my brother's private life is? Or do you want to tell me how clean your private life is?" Jian Ran suppressed the joy in her heart and said.

Qin Yue's life routine was ridiculously regular. He was like this the first year he was with him, and he was still like this when he returned to him a few years later.

Jian Ran often wonders, is her Qin Yue really a human? Or maybe he's just a robot that looks too much like a real person.

Or the kind that never short circuits or malfunctions.

Qin Yue smiled and said, "You can understand it however you want."

Jian Ran pursed her lips and said, "Don't speak ill of my brother again in the future."

"Okay, whatever my wife says is whatever she says." Qin Yue raised his hand to pinch her face and said, "I have a small meeting to hold. You go back to sleep with Xiao Ranran first. I will come to accompany you in a while."

Jian Ran nodded: "Then you're busy, take a rest early when you're done."

Qin Yue responded lightly: "Yes."

In fact, Qin Yue was not busy with work, but communicating with the people on the Aegean Sea who were organizing the wedding scene.

The wedding venue, wedding dress, all preparations are going on smoothly, and soon he will be able to fly to the Aegean Sea with his little Ranran.

He wanted to make up for the wedding he owed Jianran for several years and announce to the world that Jianran was his Qin Yue's wife and she was Mrs. Qin!

Thinking of Jian Ran's likely expression when she saw all this surprise, Qin Yue couldn't help but raise her sexy thin lips and smiled.

His Jian Ran will definitely be very happy.

Xiao Qinghe drove the car without missing a moment and rushed to the location designated by the kidnappers as quickly as possible.

But when he arrived at Huangtian Pier, there was no one around, not to mention anyone.

The busy pier during the day is eerily deserted at night, with no other sounds except the sound of the waves.

This place seems to be the road to hell, which makes people feel creepy.

He couldn't see anything in the darkness. Xiao Qinghe turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and looked around, but still found nothing.

"I'm here, you little people, come out!"

He yelled several times, but no one answered him, but he sensitively smelled the smell of blood from the salty sea breeze.

The smell of blood made Xiao Qinghe's spirit tense instantly. A feeling called panic attacked him, making it difficult for him to breathe.

With trembling hands, Xiao Qinghe raised his mobile phone and looked forward. Wherever the light shined, it seemed that there was a person lying down.

Xiao Qinghe rushed over immediately. When the light of his mobile phone clearly illuminated the person lying on the ground, he knelt down with a thump.

"Dad——" Xiao Qinghe's voice became hoarse as soon as he said the word.

My father's body was covered in scars, and every scar was bleeding, as if all the blood in his body had been drained.

"Qing, Qinghe..." Xiao Yuanfeng opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to call out Xiao Qinghe's name.

"Dad, don't be afraid. I will take you to the hospital now. It will be okay. It will be okay." Xiao Qinghe wanted to pick up his father, but his father was covered with injuries. He didn't know how to pick up his father. Only in this way can he avoid being hurt a second time.

"Qinghe..." Xiao Yuanfeng grabbed Xiao Qinghe's hand, gritted his teeth, and said with his last breath, "Qinghe, I hurt Qin Xiaobao, I deserve to die, I have no complaints... But of course, she is innocent Yes, don’t let her get hurt..."

"Dad, don't talk yet. Let's go to the hospital first. When you're well, we'll talk slowly." Xiao Qinghe helped Xiao Qingfeng up.

"No, if you don't say it, I won't have a chance to say it." Xiao Yuanfeng held Xiao Qinghe's hand tightly and said, "Qinghe, save Ranran, find a way to rescue their mother and daughter, Qin Yue is not a good person ,he……"

"Dad, is the person who did all this really Qin Yue?" Speaking from Xiao Yuanfeng's own mouth, this news almost stunned Xiao Qinghe.

"Qinghe, save Ranran..." After saying these words, Xiao Yuanfeng took his last breath.

His eyes widened and his mouth opened... He had too many unfulfilled wishes, a lot of unwillingness and reluctance.

He had committed evil and he was willing to bear it, but he had not yet recognized his daughter and had not heard her call him father.

This time, he really left, going to a place where he could never come back and never see his children again.

"Dad, don't... Dad, please don't leave... Dad, no, please don't leave..." My father had just come back, and not long after he returned, he was brutally killed again.

Xiao Qinghe grabbed his father's hand tightly, held it tightly in his palm, and called his father repeatedly.

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