My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 515 Sensational Murder Case

Chapter 515: Sensational murder case

Jian Xin was unwilling to give in, so Mr. Xu teased her even more vigorously. Every time, he seemed to burst out with all his physical strength and conquer her completely.

However, no matter what he did, it was of no use. The woman Jian Xin bit her lip and shed tears silently, just unwilling to give in.

"Jian Xin——" Mr. Xu used force again, roaring her name, "Respond to me, call my name!"

Jian Xin bit her lip that had been bitten by herself and showed a sad smile: "Mr. Xu, I have always been responding to you."

Mr. Xu grabbed her chin, forced her to look at him, and said harshly: "Damn woman, I want you to call me by my name!"

"Your name?" Jian Xin clenched her fists and smiled again.

I'm really sorry!

They have known each other for so many years, and she has always called him Mr. Xu or Mr. Xu, but never her name. For a while, she really couldn't remember what his name was.

"I asked you to call my name, couldn't you hear me?" When he didn't get a response from Jian Xin, Mr. Xu seemed to have gone crazy and grabbed her neck, wishing to strangle her to death.

Mr. Xu used a lot of strength, and Jian Xin felt that it was getting more and more difficult to breathe, and her mind was confused.

She clenched her fists and pinched herself tightly, her eyes tough and stubborn.

Even though she was bruised all over by Xu, Jian Xin still didn't beg for mercy. Even if she couldn't bear it anymore, she could only hear a whining sound coming from her mouth.

"You're so unwilling to call me by my name?" Mr. Xu let go of her, pushed her to the desk, and started a new round of torture on her.

Jian Xin didn't know when this torture would end, so she could only grit her teeth and get through it.

Everyone looked down upon her and thought she was just a bitch who could be played with by others, but she couldn't look down on herself.

She is also a person, a person with independent thoughts.

She also wanted to live a good life, live a normal and peaceful life, but she had no chance.

Every day of her life seems to be undergoing dramatic changes. The person who controlled her life when she was a child was Jian Zhengtian.

When she grew up, the person who controlled her life was Gu Nanjing.

Later, she smashed Gu Nanjing to death and beat him to pieces. She thought she would be free from then on, no matter life or death.

Who could have expected that the god of fate would push her to this man named Xu again, and he would pull her together on a road of no return.

What is the point of no return?

Qin Yue who offended Shengtian was the point of no return.

Later, no matter how long it took, Jian Xin's consciousness gradually faded from the pain. Slowly, she didn't know anything anymore, as if her soul had been separated from her body.

It seemed like she was really going to die!

"Did you see the Weibo post about the Huangtian Pier murder code on Weibo this morning?"

"The Huangtian Pier Murder Case has been so popular this morning, how could you not see it?"

"Yes, yes, I saw it too."

"The strange thing is that the Weibo post was trending for two hours and then suddenly deleted. There is no trace of that Weibo post on the Internet."

"Speaking of this, it's really strange, why was it deleted so quickly?"

"Does the murderer have a good background? Otherwise, who would have the ability to suppress such big news in an instant."

When Jian Ran went to the tea room and bathroom, she could hear her colleagues discussing the murder case at Huangtian Pier. When she returned to the office, her colleagues were still discussing the murder case at Huangtian Pier.

Everyone was frothing at the discussion, as they all seemed to have seen with their own eyes how the deceased was killed last night and his body was thrown to the beach.

Jian Ran didn't see this on Weibo, but she saw it in the company's internal chat group. Someone saved the photo they saw this morning and sent it to the group.

In the three photos, you can clearly see the injuries on the deceased. Each of those injuries is so deep, and each one may be fatal.

Jian Ran only glanced at it and was about to delete it manually. But at this moment, something strange happened. The picture was deleted by the Internet police. The reason was that it was a bloody and violent picture.

As soon as the photo was deleted, the friends in the company started a heated discussion again. They all wanted to know who the deceased was, who the murderer was, and who could suppress such a big news?

Jian Ran's temperament has never been gossipy, but she also became curious about this matter.

A human life is just gone, and people can't discuss it online. Everyone can see that there is something wrong with this matter.

While Jian Ran lowered her eyebrows in deep thought, she suddenly felt an unusually hot gaze staring at her. She looked up and met Henry's extremely hot gaze.

Seeing her looking over, Henry waved to her and smiled very frivolously. The way he looked at Jian Ran made Jian Ran feel as if she was naked in front of him.

Jian Ran felt nauseous when she saw his smile, and she almost vomited her breakfast.

Her stomach churned again, causing her to retch again.

The baby in her belly had not tormented her for several days. It seemed that the baby was also disgusted by Henry.

When the baby's father kisses them, the baby will not toss the mother.

It seems that although the baby is still very young, he recognizes his father and only accepts kisses from his father.

"Jian Ran!" Henry walked quietly to Jian Ran's side. When she heard him calling her name, Jian Ran got goosebumps all over again.

Jian Ran immediately stood up and instinctively took two steps back to widen the distance between the two.

Henry smiled and said: "Mr. Cheng gave us two the lead designs for the Feng Lian series of dresses. Now that the team members are all here, let's discuss it together."

Henry's attitude was serious and his words were well-behaved. There was nothing wrong with it, as if the suggestive action he made to Jian Ran just now was not his doing.

Henry has a work attitude. If Jian Ran still cares about him, then she may have neglected her duty.

Jian Ran pursed her lips and nodded: "Okay."

Henry is extremely serious about his work, and his design experience is indeed good. It cannot be said that it is not good, but it is excellent.

Every time he put forward an idea, he mentioned it to the point. The team members were very satisfied with this designer who suddenly came from the air.

If she puts aside her personal grudges, Jian Ran is still willing to work with someone who is serious, responsible and talented.

Just when she first met Henry, he pushed her down in the elevator and kissed her forcefully. The grudge in her heart may never be eliminated in her lifetime.

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