My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 516 If you mess around again, I’ll be rude to you

Chapter 516: If you mess around again, I’ll be rude to you

"Jian Ran -" Henry suddenly called Jian Ran again.

Jian Ran was startled, looked up at him, and heard him say in a pleasant voice: "Do you have any suggestions or proposals for the case we just raised?"

Jian Ran was startled again.

It's over. She was distracted by other things just now and didn't notice the case that Henry and the team members put forward at all.

"If you have no objection, then we will make this decision for the time being." Henry clapped his hands and said, "Everyone goes back to work first. If you have any questions in the future, you are welcome to ask them at any time."

Jian Ran was in a daze, but Henry spoke in time, which relieved Jian Ran. She didn't know if he was kind enough to help her.

No matter what he had in mind, Jian Ran never thought of thanking him because she had a deep grudge against this man.

"Henry, if I don't understand something in the future, can I come to your office to see you anytime?" A female colleague asked him with starry eyes. What she wanted to express was reflected in her eyes.

Henry has good looks, a great figure, and a pair of charming peach blossom eyes. The reason why he was so quickly accepted by his colleagues is not only his excellent work ability, but also his appearance.

In this era of beauty control, whether you are a man or a woman, there are always some advantages to being good-looking.

Henry nodded and used the smile he was good at: "Of course. If you have any questions, you can come to me to communicate."

Henry said this very appropriately, not only indirectly rejecting the female colleague's hint towards him, but also without losing the demeanor of a chief designer.

The female colleague said oh and left the conference room with the large team of people, but looked back reluctantly as she walked.

Jian Ran also packed up the documents and left with the large army. However, just as she stood up, Henry handed her another document: "Jian Ran, take a look at this."

Jian Ran had no choice but to stop, took the document he handed over, opened it and looked at it carefully.

Seeing this design draft, Jian Ran suddenly looked up at Henry, with a look of disbelief and surprise on her face.

The design draft Henry handed her was for her to design a wedding dress for herself. How could he have her draft?

Does he also know Iavn?

It's not impossible, Henry also came back from Milan.

Living in the same city and in the same field, there is no chance that he and Iavn will get to know each other.

Iavn is a super-famous designer who values ​​originality more than anyone else. He would not hand over her work to another person casually.

Meeting Jian Xin's surprised and doubtful eyes, Henry smiled slightly: "Jian Ran, I want to hear your opinion."

Jian Ran calmed down and said, "Did you really draw this manuscript?"

Henry shrugged: "If I didn't draw it, then who else would have drawn it?"

"Did you draw this manuscript?" Jian Ran still didn't believe it. She subconsciously clenched the manuscript in her hand and pursed her pink lips.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Henry walked to Jian Ran's side and suddenly reached out to lift the broken hair on Jian Ran's forehead.

Jian Ran was so frightened that she immediately stepped back, distanced the two of them, and stared at him angrily: "What do you want to do?"

Henry smiled and said: "I am a Virgo boy, and I hate messy things. I happened to see your hair messed up, so I instinctively wanted to help you deal with it."

"Henry, I didn't know you before, and I don't want to know you in the future. If we insist on having a relationship, it can only be a relationship between colleagues. And I am married and my children are how old. I care about my husband very much. I love my children very much and I don’t want anyone to disturb our lives.”

From the bottom of her heart, Jian Ran didn't want to have anything to do with this person, so she never liked talking about private matters in front of others, so she revealed her private life in one breath.

"You're married, you have children..." Henry narrowed his charming peach blossom eyes slightly, shrugged, and said, "Does it have anything to do with me?"

She's married and has a child...but so what?

It has nothing to do with him, and it will not affect his determination to do something at all.

But as the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. You have to take your time and implement his plan step by step.

What does it have to do with him?

There is an ambiguity in this sentence, and Jian Ran can't guess what Henry meant by it.

Is he saying that her personal life has nothing to do with him and that they are just colleagues and partners?

Or does he not care whether she is married or not? He only does things based on his mood anyway?

Jian Ran couldn't argue with him and turned to leave. Henry blocked her way as soon as he took a step. He said, "I want you to give me some advice. I don't want to know about your private life."

Jian Ran's face turned red, feeling embarrassed and helpless. She added, "Can you tell me clearly where your design draft came from?"

"Huh?" Henry said he didn't understand.

"This design draft is the wedding dress draft I designed for myself. How did it get into your hands?" Henry pretended not to understand, and Jian Ran stopped beating around the bush with him.

"Jian Ran, are you making a mistake somewhere? This is a manuscript designed by me, how could it be yours?" Henry showed an extremely surprised expression, but his bright black eyes were full of smiles. With a little bit of banter.

The manuscript drawn by Jian Ran was only shown to Qin Yue and designer Iavn, and they would not release her manuscript.

But how could Henry have her design draft?

Is it really just a coincidence?

The two of them had the same design concepts and ideas, so they designed almost the same draft.

Jian Ran didn't want to believe that there really was such a coincidence in the world. Maybe she really knew him in the past, but she just forgot about him and didn't remember him?

For a long time, she lost her memory, and she didn't even recognize Qin Yue when he was by her side.

During that time, she forgot many people who were very close to her.

She once lost a memory, but she has slowly recovered it. She can remember everything before. Could she still miss something?

Jian Ran thought hard, tried hard, but still couldn't remember a man named Henry in her memory.

Could it be that she recalled her past memories and forgot all about the time she lived in Milan?

If she really forgot, then she shouldn't remember the three years that Jian Zhengtian lived with her, nor would she remember that she once won such a new designer award.

"Ran Ran--"

Jian Ran, who was deep in thought, suddenly heard a pleasant voice. She suddenly raised her head and bumped into Henry's face, which was suddenly approaching.

He held her head in his hands and lowered his head to kiss her, but this time Jian Ran was faster than him.

She stretched out her hand in time to block his approaching mouth, and roared: "Henry, if you mess around again, I won't be polite to you."

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