My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 535 Selling oneself for money

Chapter 535: Selling oneself for money


Xu's headquarters building.

The assistant rushed to President Xu's office. He was so anxious that he didn't even knock on the door, but banged the door and entered.

"Mr. Xu..."

As soon as the two words were spoken, he fell weakly to the ground. He wanted to say something, but he was too nervous to say a word.

He didn't finish his words, but Mr. Xu knew what he was going to say.

Looking at the panicked assistant, Mr. Xu sat down weakly on the office chair. It took a long time before he heard his voice: "Is this the end?"

He worked hard, contacted many people, and used many methods to push Gu down and replace him.

However, he never thought, never dreamed... that the person who helped him the most back then was also the person who pushed him into the abyss.


Qin Yue!

The words pounded into his mind.

In a daze, he seemed to see Qin Yue standing in front of him, so high up, looking down at him like a god.

"It's over? It's over like this?"

No no no!

He didn't believe, didn't want to believe that the Gu family, which he had worked so hard to manage for so many years, would end so easily.

But the facts were before his eyes, and he had no choice but to believe it.

Yes, the Xu family that he had worked so hard to manage, before he managed it to a level he was satisfied with, Qin Yue moved his fingers lightly, and the Xu family was over.

Qin Yue just moved his fingers lightly. No, maybe it was not Qin Yue who moved his hands at all. He only needed to give an order, and all kinds of talents under his hands could trample Xu to death.

At this moment, when facing the Xu family with no hope of recovery, Mr. Xu realized clearly and profoundly that he had never been Qin Yue's opponent.

Back then, Qin Yue could secretly help him, allowing him to easily overthrow the Gu family and replace him.

Today, a few years later, it was so easy for Qin Yue to destroy his Xu family, and he had no power to fight back.

These days, Shengtian never said anything about what he wanted to do to his Xu family. He didn't even know the reason?

Mr. Xu only knew that Xu's stock price plummeted every day when the market opened, and it hit the limit less than two hours after the market opened.

In just a few days, this happened every day, and within a few days, Xu's family had fallen to the point of bankruptcy...

He could only watch as Xu's stock price plummeted, unable to do anything.

He had seen such a situation a few years ago. At that time, the head of Gu's family also watched helplessly as Gu's shares plummeted, complaining that the sky was not responding, the earth was not working, and could not do anything.

In just a few years, just a few years, all the situations that happened to the Gu family back then have come back to him one by one.

Back then, the reason why the Gu family failed so quickly was not only because Gu Shian had done so many shameful things behind his back, but also because Sheng Tian had made it clear that he would never cooperate with the Gu family.

As soon as the companies that cooperated with Gu heard the news, those who could break the contract came to the door one after another. They would rather lose money than have anything to do with Gu anymore, because they all wanted to embrace Shengtian's lap.

However, this time, Sheng Tian did not openly speak out against the Xu family, but only operated secretly, which also caused his Xu family to be completely defeated in such a short period of time.

Qin Yue, Qin Yue!

What kind of person is he?

Or maybe he's not human at all!

After he took over Shengtian, Shengtian's development speed was unmatched.

Over the years, no one's development speed can compare with Shengtian.

Or perhaps, he shouldn't have thought that he could get rid of Qin Yue or replace him.

In the past few months, he didn't know what happened to him or what he heard. He was confident that he could get rid of Qin Yue.

In the end, not only did he fail to get rid of Qin Yue, but he also caused a catastrophe for himself.

"Mr. Xu...what should we do?"

The secretary who fell to the ground took a long time to get up and asked in fear.

"What to do? What to do? You ask me what to do? If I knew what to do, would I sit here and wait?"

If he knew what to do, he would have done it long ago instead of sitting in the office waiting for bad news one after another.

"Mr. Xu, could we..."

Mr. Xu suddenly laughed, with tears in his smile: "It's over, everything is over, Xu's is over, and so am I. Let's go, you guys, let's all go."

The Xu family went bankrupt, just like the Gu family a few years ago. In just a few days, they were ruined and lost everything.

The Xu family is finished, but Mr. Xu knows that his affairs are not finished yet. How could Qin Yue let go of someone who wanted to kill him.

So when he learned that Qin Yue had left the uninhabited island alive, at that moment, Mr. Xu clearly realized that he had no way out.

It was only when he knew he had no way out that he would believe a phone call, believe that the person was Ye Yichen's subordinate, and believe that the person might help him get rid of Qin Yue...

He is really confused.

Not only did Qin Yue not get rid of him, but he was used by others.

This time Sheng Tian would kill Xu with one move. He knew that Qin Yue must have thought that he had killed Xiao Yuanfeng.

Who is the murderer?

Why should he be asked to take the blame?

"You go. I'm here to accompany Mr. Xu."

Jian Xin came in, sent the assistant away, and then slowly walked to Mr. Xu's desk and stood there.

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Xu recovered his emotions, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Jian Xin indifferently.

It was said that he was indifferent, but his eyes were not indifferent. There were too many complex emotions in his eyes, but he hid them quietly.

"I came to see you." Jian Xin chuckled.

"Look at me?" Mr. Xu looked at her.

Jian Xin smiled softly, with a hint of invisible desolation in her smile: "Come to see your jokes, otherwise why did you come to me to see you?"

Mr. Xu stood up suddenly and grabbed Jian Xin: "Don't forget, we are in the same boat. If the boat sinks, no one can fucking escape."

"Escape?" She shook her head and smiled again, "Escape, I have never thought about it. Although the world is big, there seems to be no place for me."

Before she finished speaking, Mr. Xu carried her to the desk. Without giving Jian Xin time to prepare, he began to plunder her forcefully.

"Jian Xin——"

Unlike many times in the past, this time he kept calling her name, as if to burn his voice into her memory.

Let her remember that there was once a man who was so crazy about her.

After a long time, when Jian Xin was covered with bruises again, he pushed her away.

Looking at her naked body and covered with scars, Mr. Xu's eyes flashed with pain, but he turned his back to prevent her from noticing.

He tugged on his slightly messy suit, took out a bank card from the drawer of his desk and threw it at her: "This is the money for selling yourself, take it and get away as far away as possible, don't show up in my future In front of you."

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