Chapter 536: Get out of my world

Jian Xin picked up the gleaming bank card, raised it and looked at it again and again: "It's the platinum card, thank you to Mr. Xu for looking at it. Thank you for your support."

Mr. Xu looked at Jian Xin, his eyes as sharp as a sharp arrow. He clenched his fist and shouted: "Bitch, get out!"

"But I'm so tired. My legs are weak. How can I get out?" Jian Xin didn't care that she was naked in front of Mr. Xu and tried her best to make her smile look better.

After all, when she took the money from the donor, she had to make it worthwhile. As a "bitch", she should also have her own professional ethics.

Mr. Xu's hands hanging by his sides were clenched and loosened, then loosened and clenched again. He repeated this several times before somewhat calming down the turbulent emotions in his heart.

His eyes quickly swept over her body, and he quickly walked away. When he reached the door, he stopped for a moment. He had something to say in his heart, but he didn't know what to say.

He was worried, worried that if he looked at her one more time, he would be reluctant to let her go, and he would drag her to hell with him.


The office door was slammed shut, causing Jian Xin's body to tremble, and her heart seemed to fall into the cold abyss with a bang.

Jian Xin held the bank card that Mr. Xu threw to her with such strength that it seemed as if she wanted to embed the card into her palm.

Money for selling oneself!


Yes, he was absolutely right, this was what she got for selling herself to him.

She told him personally that "bitch" only talks about money and not feelings, so this time, he used the most direct way to "deal" with her.

One spends money, the other sells his body, a very reasonable transaction.

But I don’t know why, it feels like there is a hole somewhere in my heart. The cool breeze is whistling, it’s so cold, it’s like something is broken.

Jian Xin supported the table, gritted her teeth and sat up. She raised her eyes slightly and saw herself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror in front of her.

His hair was messy, his clothes were not covering his body, and his body was all covered with traces left by the surname Xu... He was so embarrassed that even he couldn't bear to look at it.

In this life, from childhood to adulthood, she has never lived as she pleased... Maybe there will be good days in the future.

As long as Xu dies, she will be free and no one will take care of her anymore.

As she was thinking about it, Jian Xin suddenly smiled, but when she smiled, tears welled up in her eyes. Even she didn't know whether she was happy or sad.

She could take the bank card given to her by Xu... but the world is so big, where can she go?

She didn't know, she didn't know anything, and her mind was blank.

After sitting blankly for a long time, Jian Xin dragged her weak legs and staggered to the bathroom with weak steps to clean herself up.

All the clothes she was wearing were torn into pieces by Mr. Xu, and each piece was hanging on her body, as if to tell the story of Mr. Xu's violent behavior.

She can no longer wear bottom-layer clothes. Fortunately, the long coat she wore today can cover all the places on her body that should be covered.

She wrapped herself tightly in her coat and walked out step by step. After walking a few steps, she thought of something. She walked back and picked up the platinum card she had left behind.

The reward for selling her body, the heartbreaking pain, and the injuries she received, this is what she deserves... why not take it?

Outside Mr. Xu's office, it used to be a busy office area, with people coming and going, so lively.

Nowadays, the building has long been deserted, and there is no one in such a spacious place. All across the floor, the only sound she could hear was the clucking sound of her high heels.

When she reached the elevator door, she stopped, turned back, and looked around...the corners of her lips raised, and she smiled softly...Goodbye!

Never see you again!

Jian Xin didn't know that when she walked out of the office, a pair of eyes fell on her.

The two eyes moved as she moved, until she entered the elevator and watched the elevator door slowly close. The man came out of the darkness, still staring at the closed elevator door.

For a long time, Mr. Xu still looked at the elevator door, thinking of Jian Xin's thin back when she left, and was reluctant to look away.

From now on, they really can't see each other again, never see each other again.

Well, at least she's still alive!


An old man with gray hair appeared in the empty office area, wiped his tears and looked at Mr. Xu who said nothing.

"Uncle Cheng, she has never had a few comfortable days in her life. From now on, I ask you to help me watch over her and let her go as far as possible." The woman Mr. Xu mentioned was naturally referring to Jane who had just left. Xin.

"Master, please come with us." Uncle Cheng wiped his tears and said.

"Uncle Cheng..." It's not that he doesn't want to leave, but that he can't leave.

If he leaves, then none of them can leave. If he stays, at least the people he cares about in this world will still be alive.

Taking a deep breath, Mr. Xu continued: "Uncle Cheng, you have taken care of your mother for so many years, and you have taken care of me for so long, but I can't even let you enjoy your old age."

Looking at the old man, Mr. Xu's always shrewd eyes also had a different kind of sadness, as if he had turned into another person in the blink of an eye.

He is no longer the man who is good at calculations and scheming, but a man of flesh and blood with his own feelings.

His mother's surname was Xu, and she was born into the Xu family, a very famous family in Kyoto at that time.

My mother was born well and well-educated. After eighteen years of carefree life, she happened to meet the man named Gu at the coming-of-age ceremony.

Gu Shi'an, who was engaged, concealed the fact that he was engaged, made a promise to his mother, and even had a relationship with her. Later, her mother became pregnant out of wedlock.

In that era, it was not tolerated to be born into such a big family and be exposed to the scandal of being pregnant out of wedlock.

The grandfather forced the mother to abort the child, but it was Uncle Cheng who escaped with the mother and went to find Gu Shi'an who had made a promise to the mother.

The mother went to Gu Shi'an with high hopes, thinking that as long as she found him, she could marry him and give birth to their child.

But he never expected that on the day his mother found Gu Shi'an, Gu Shi'an was holding a wedding.

At that time, my mother realized that she had been deceived, not only emotionally, but also physically. She felt like the sky was going to be ruined.

Betrayed by his lover and abandoned by his family...but his mother did not give up on him. She gave birth to him under tremendous pressure.

Because there was no money to go to the hospital at that time, Uncle Cheng delivered him when he was born.

Because of that birth, there was no one to take care of her after the birth, and her mother contracted the disease at a young age and left this world when he was a teenager.

Before her mother took her last breath, the person she kept talking about was still the man who betrayed her - Gu Shi'an!

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