My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 579 Don’t appear in front of me again

Chapter 579: Don’t appear in front of me again

Forget it, don't think about what is there and what is not. Anyway, Qin Yue has already gone through the divorce procedures with her according to her wishes.

Thinking about it now, Qin Yue would agree to whatever she asked for over the years, so this divorce was no exception.

Standing on the roadside, Jian Ran looked at the clear and cloudless sky. The world was so big, but suddenly, she didn't know where to go?

go home?

But where is her home?

She no longer has a home!

After marrying Qin Yue, for her, as long as Qin Yue is there, that place is her home.

Now that she is separated from Qin Yue, where is her home?

Where can she settle down in the future?

"Baby, where can mommy take you?" Jian Ran asked silently, stroking her belly.

It’s a question to the baby, but also to herself.

By the way, Xiao Ranran was given to her to be raised. She had to go back to Nuoyuan to pick Xiao Ranran out, and take Xiao Ranran with her to build a home for them, mother and son.


Jian Ran was thinking about her baby Ran, and Xiao Ranran's soft voice sounded in time. For a moment, Jian Ran thought she was having an auditory hallucination.

"Mom!" When she didn't get a response from her mother, Xiao Ranran called out sweetly.

When she saw clearly that Xiao Ran was really standing in front of her, Jian Ran suddenly saw a new hope.

Yes, Qin Yue is gone, but she still has two children, Xiao Ranran and the child in her belly... and Xiao Ze who is following Xiao Ranran.

Behind Xiao Ranran was not only Ozawa, but also Xiao Qinghe... and the white ball-like Mianmian held in Xiao Qinghe's arms.

"Woof woof woof..." Mianmian also made appropriate sounds to attract attention, strongly expressing its sense of existence.

There are brothers, children, and Mianmian... Qin Yue has been lost, but Jian Ran still has many, many things.

But why, even though she had so much use, her heart still felt empty, as if no one could make up for what Qin Yue lacked.

"Ranran wants a hug from mom." Xiaoran ran over quickly. At such a young age, she didn't know that her father and mother had divorced.

Perhaps, she knew that her father and mother were divorced, but she didn't understand what divorce meant. In her heart, her father was still her father, and her mother was still her mother.

So Easy!

Jian Ran hugged Xiao Ranran, kissed her again and again on the face, and said with a gentle smile: "Of course, luckily mom still has you."

Fortunately, Qin Yue did not want Xiao Ranran. When she was most helpless and hesitant, she still had Xiao Ranran by her side, giving her the motivation and strength to move forward.

"Let's go home." It was Xiao Qinghe who spoke.

He stood a few steps away and looked at Jian Ran quietly. He seemed to have a lot of things to say to Jian Ran, but in the end he only said such simple words.

"Brother, thank you!" Jian Ran said with a smile.

She should thank Xiao Qinghe properly. After recognizing this brother, he would always appear so promptly. Whenever she was in need, he would be by her side.

"I'm sorry!" Xiao Qinghe said these three words inexplicably.

Jian Ran was stunned: "Okay, how can you say sorry to me?"

Xiao Qinghe did not explain any more and led Jianran and the children into his BMW car.

He should have said sorry to Jian Ran no matter what.

It was because he didn't find out the reason for his father's murder that he muddleheadedly told Jian Ran the so-called truth, causing her to misunderstand Qin Yue and the couple ending up getting married.

Two days ago, Qin Yue found him and showed him the evidence they found one by one, letting him know that it was just a man who looked exactly like Liu Yong's men who kidnapped his father.

The man had been killed, and the buried body was found, proving Liu Yong's subordinate Xiao Chen's innocence.

What's even more frightening is that the murderer used a human skin mask to make a face similar to Qin Yue... The reason why his father said before his death that Qin Yue was not a good person and asked him to save Jian Ran's mother and daughter from the fire and water must have been seen. With that fake face, he mistakenly thought that the person was Qin Yue.

In vain, Xiao Qinghe graduated with a psychology major and worked as a psychiatrist for so many years. He thought he could see others thoroughly, but when he encountered something, he was played like a fool and was played by others.

Fortunately, he was stupid but Qin Yue was sober. Qin Yue had people find clues and follow the clues to find out the murderer.

It also made him wake up in time, let him know that Qin Yue was wronged, and let him know who was the real murderer of their father.

But the relationship between Jianran and Qin Yue cannot be repaired.

Qin Yue asked someone to hand over Xiao Ranran, Ozawa and Mianmian to him and told him that they were divorced.

When Xiao Qinghe received this news, he couldn't believe it for half an hour. How could Qin Yue divorce Jian Ran so easily?

He called Qin Yue, and Qin Yue only said one thing to him, asking him to take good care of their mother and daughter, and not to worry about other things.

He didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but Jian Ran was his biological sister and he couldn't ignore her. But no matter how he inquired, he couldn't get any information.

Jian Ran hugged Xiao Ranran and just got into Xiao Qinghe's car. Tang Yi came over, handed a bag to Jian Ran and said, "Miss Jian, here are four air tickets and your passports, and the visa has been processed. The plane takes off in three hours, and you have to rush to the airport to get there."

"Ticket? Passport? Visa? The plane will take off in three hours?" Jian Ran was confused. She hadn't figured out where to go yet.

"That's it." Tang Yi coughed lightly and imitated the cold tone of their president, "I don't want to see her in Jiangbei again. Let's get them out of the country. The farther away the better."

Don't want to see her in Jiangbei again?

Qin Yue was indeed a ruthless man, and he was ruthless in what he did. It was just that she was glad that she didn't see his ruthless side in the past.

Jian Ran took the ticket, endured the heartache as if it was being cut by a knife, smiled and thanked: "Tang Special Assistant, please thank your Mr. Qin for me."

Anyway, we have parted ways, and we will feel like strangers when we meet again in the future. We have gone far away, and there is nothing wrong with never meeting each other again in this life.

"Ms. Jian, thank you for your cooperation. Your luggage has been delivered to the airport. If you need anything in the future, you can call me at any time." Tang Yi said respectfully.

Although Jian Ran had divorced their boss Qin, Mr Qin also said something so unpleasant that he told her to get out of his sight.

But everyone knows that their boss Qin has no way to ignore them.

It's not like their President Qin didn't tell others to get out. When he really asked others to get out, he didn't see their President Qin and asked people to prepare visas and send luggage.

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