My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 580 Escort to the Airport

Chapter 580: Escort to the airport

The destination written on the ticket is New York, USA. It takes about sixteen hours to fly directly from Jiangbei to New York.

A few days ago, Jian Ran called Ling Feiyu and said that she wanted to visit the United States. She was not allowed to apply for such a difficult visa by herself, so someone helped them get it and the air tickets were arranged.

Qin Yue's unintentional approach helped her save a lot of trouble.

Xiao Qinghe drove the car, looked at Jian Ran in the rearview mirror, and said worriedly: "Jian Ran, are you okay?"

Jian Ran looks fine, as if her divorce from Qin Yue has no impact on her at all. The more she acts like this, the more worrying she becomes.

"What can I do?" Jian Ran smiled and said, "Brother, if you don't want to go to New York, just send us to the airport."

"You are pregnant with a child, two children and a dog. Do you think I can let you go to the United States alone?" Xiao Qinghe glared at her from the rearview mirror, regardless of whether she could see him or not. .

Jian Ran hugged a child with one arm and said with a smile: "Oze and Ranran are both grown children. They won't worry me too much."

Ozawa is a very sensible child. Although he looks small, he is very considerate and takes good care of his sister.

"Mom, Ozawa will take care of you and your sister in the future." Ozawa patted his little chest like a little man.

He didn't know where they were going. Anyway, he would go wherever his father arranged for him to go, just follow his father and mother.

"Well, my mother and sister will be relying on you from now on." Jian Ran rubbed Ozawa's head and was already thinking about how to find a way for Ozawa to go to school in the United States and what kind of school he would attend.

Ozawa was born into not very good conditions. He suffered a lot as a child and was very tired. Even at the age of eleven, he had not yet learned English.

Unlike their family's Xiao Ranran, because her parents have lived in the United States for a long time, even the servants at home were brought back from the United States. At only four years old, she can switch between the two languages ​​freely. After arriving in the United States, she does not have to worry about the little one's language communication. aspects of the problem.

"Of course I have to take care of my mother." Xiao Ranran looked at Ozawa and said unyieldingly, as if she didn't want Ozawa to steal her limelight.

"Okay, with you two taking care of mom, mom can sit back and enjoy the happiness in the future." Jian Ran pursed her lips and smiled softly.

It would be very painful to lose someone. She could not imagine that kind of pain, but she had many more, including Xiao Ranran and Ozawa.

The road ahead may be difficult, but it doesn't matter. As long as the children are by her side, she can still walk wonderfully.

Can it really be exciting?

She smiled self-deprecatingly, and the divorce procedures were completed simply, thus cleaning up the relationship between her and Qin Yue.

But the imprint of that man on her heart cannot be erased no matter what. Qin Yue has taken root and sprouted in her heart.

Jian Ran's attention was all on the children beside her, and she didn't notice at all that there was a car following them behind their car.

They got onto the airport expressway from the city road, but the car still followed closely about a hundred meters behind them.

Not long after they got on the highway, when the car was following them closely, several military off-road vehicles caught up with them, and several cars quickly surrounded the car that was following Jian Ran and the others.

Just after several military off-road vehicles hit the highway, the highway entrance was closed and no vehicles were allowed to enter for the time being.

It wasn't until Jian Ran's car was far away that several military cars forced the car to stop.

"Commander, the target vehicle has been blocked, please give instructions!" People in a car asked their leader for instructions.

"Don't they want to cause trouble? Then take them back and serve them well, let them know who can and cannot touch." Zhan Nianbei took the walkie-talkie and issued the order.

After the instructions were given, he threw away the intercom and casually leaned on the back of the car seat: "Xiao Jiang, drive and follow Mrs. Qin's car."

"Yes." After receiving the commander's order, the driver immediately started the car and shot out.

Zhan Nianbei then looked at Qin Yue, who was sitting next to him and kept silent, and said angrily: "I said Mu Zhi, what do you want to play? You asked me to call in my special forces. , just to help you escort your wife to the airport?"

He was busy with something big in the military area today. Qin Yue called and said that he needed help and asked him to send a team of special forces over.

It must be a big deal to be able to use the men of his special forces. He left his work and came in a hurry with others. Who knew that he was just helping Qin Yue escort his wife and children to the airport.

Zhan Nianbei had the urge to tear Qin Yue to pieces on the spot. Did he think that his Jiangbei Military Region was opened for their Qin family?

How could he use his most capable subordinates for such a small matter?

Zhan Nianbei's voice was so loud that the car they were sitting in was about to jump, but Qin Yue remained calm and sat quietly, looking at the car in front of him with deep eyes.

"I just want you to escort them to the airport. What do you think?" Sitting in the car were the people Qin Yue valued and cared about the most. This was worthy of him using the greatest power in the world to protect them, even if it was not necessary at all.

"Of course I have an opinion!" Zhan Nianbei almost shouted.

Look, who is this person? If it weren't for the fact that Qin Yue was his nephew, it would be strange if he didn't chop Qin Yue.

However, after all that, if Qin Yue hadn't been his nephew, he wouldn't have asked him for help. Zhan Nianbei was dissatisfied because he felt that he was overqualified.

"I didn't let you express your opinion, shut your mouth!" Zhan Nianbei shouted, and Qin Yue gave him another cold word.

"What? You tell me to shut up?" Zhan Nianbei said and was about to hit someone.

"Do you believe that I will throw Qin Xiaobao back to the United States?" With this threat, Qin Yue successfully silenced Zhan Nianbei.

Zhan Nianbei glared at him fiercely, daring to threaten him. He was very courageous. He had only been threatened by his nephew in his life.

Zhan Nianbei picked up the walkie-talkie he had just thrown aside and ordered, "Take the man you just caught back and give him a good beating."

If he can't bully Qin Yue, he can still bully others for fun.

"Muzhi, you should just talk. You two are divorced and running away. What kind of trouble are you going to make?" Thinking about it, this matter is quite exciting. Zhan Nianbei is sure that his sister and brother-in-law don't know.

Qin Yue was silent.

Zhan Nianbei slapped Qin Yue on the shoulder, feeling a little excited: "Logically speaking, a quick marriage and divorce should happen to me. I have never done it in my life, but you seem to be incapable of doing such a thing. The one who did it first.”

In the eyes of others, Zhan Nianbei is the kind of deviant person who never cares about the rules and regulations when doing things.

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