My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 581 She Never Remembered

Chapter 581: She never remembers

He found a woman to get married without discussing it with his family, and then divorced his wife without notifying his family. How could someone like Zhan Nianbei do such a thing?

I never expected that Qin Yue, a man who made all the changes in the business world but kept to the old rules, would do such crazy things.

Although Zhan Nianbei felt that his people were being overused, he was not that angry. Instead, he was curious about what happened between Qin Yue and his wife.

Qin Yue still said two words indifferently: "As you can see, we are divorced."

Didn't Jian Ran want a divorce? Then he would grant her permission.

She said she was going to find the happiness she wanted, so he let her go. As long as she wanted it, he would make it happen. Would she still despise a husband like him who was unqualified?

"You're angry!" In his impression, Zhan Nianbei rarely saw Qin Yue angry. To be more precise, Qin Yue controlled his emotions very well when he was angry and never let others notice.

"Mu Zhi, you are really angry!" Zhan Nianbei seemed to have discovered something strange. He felt that it was worth it to see Qin Yue angry after being overqualified today.

Qin Yue turned around and gave him a fierce look, which was full of warning.

[Zhan Nianbei, answer the phone quickly, I am Qin Xiaobao, the invincible beauty in the world...]

Zhan Nianbei was in high spirits when his cell phone rang very inappropriately. As soon as he heard the ringtone, he knew it was from that wild girl Qin Xiaobao.

Listening to Qin Xiaobao's voice, a hint of softness appeared on Zhan Nianbei's usually resolute face, and he answered: "What's the matter?"

"Zhan Nianbei, I just received news that my brother is divorced. My brother's mobile phone can't be reached. Can you go back for me to see what's going on?" Qin Xiaobao's anxious voice came from the phone.

"It's true that we are divorced. There's no need to go see it." The client sat next to him, and he and the client sent one of the clients to the airport. It can be said that he was involved in the whole process, and there was no need to confirm with anyone.

"Zhan Nianbei, do you want to die?" Qin Xiaobao yelled angrily, "Why are you so unwilling when I ask you to do something?"

If she hadn't been filming and couldn't leave, she would have gone to Nuoyuan to confirm the news. How could she let this stinky man do things for her.

"Qin Xiaobao, I haven't dealt with you for a day. Are you feeling itchy?" This girl is getting more and more arrogant and savage. It seems that she should be dealt with properly.

"Zhan Nianbei, remember, we don't know which one of us is itchy!" Qin Xiaobao hung up the phone.

The little woman who used to insist on pestering him for a long time actually hung up the phone on him. Zhan Nianbei was so angry that he wanted to smash the phone out. After raising his hand, he remembered that there was another person beside him.

His eldest nephew could really bear it. He didn't say a word for such a long time. If he continued to hold it in for a long time, he was really worried that he would get sick.

"Muzhi, I know you always have your own considerations in everything you do, but you'd better call your family and tell them. Your parents and sister, they are all your relatives, you don't care about their feelings, but they will worry about you."

"Also, you, Qin Yue, are not the only one in this world, and you are not the only one in the Qin family. Let go of many things when you should, and don't let yourself live so tiredly."

"I don't know why you two divorced, but I know you don't feel good about it, and I believe Jian Ran doesn't feel good about it either."

It was rare for Zhan Nianbei to act as a psychological counselor in a decent manner, but Qin Yue still sat upright and looked forward, not knowing whether he was listening to him or not.

Zhan Nianbei patted him on the shoulder: "Mozhi, all those who are obsessed with the authorities can see clearly. Although the matter between the two of you is only a matter between the two of you, if you talk about it, I may be able to help."

Although he has very little love experience and is still unmarried at a good age, he...he really doesn't know how to deal with the relationship between husband and wife.

So as he spoke, Zhan Nianbei kept his mouth shut. It was better for them to resolve the matter between Qin and Yue themselves.

They, including Qin Xiaobao and his parents, wanted to help, but they really couldn't do much.

Over the years, Qin Yue has been responsible for the affairs of Shengtian and the Qin family alone. He has taken care of everything at home and in the company in an orderly manner.

Just as she was talking, Qin Xiaobao's call came in again, and she shouted: "Zhan Nianbei, are you with my brother?"

Zhan Nianbei nodded: "Yes."

Qin Xiaobao: "Let my brother answer the phone."

Zhan Nianbei said: "Girl, you are busy with your business, don't cause trouble for yourself."

Qin Xiaobao: "I asked you to give your phone to my brother."

Zhan Nianbei looked at Qin Yue: "Will you answer the call from Qin Xiaobao?"

Qin Yue remained silent, like a lifeless sculpture.

Zhan Nianbei shrugged and said, "You heard it, he doesn't care about you at all. If you really want to persuade someone, just call your sister-in-law and ask."

Qin Xiaobao yelled: "If I could contact my sister-in-law, I would call you, you bastard? Zhan Nianbei, did you grow up eating tofu? Is all your brain filled with tofu?"

Zhan Nianbei was so angry that the corners of his eyes twitched. This time he hung up the phone with a snap: "Fuck, you have to deal with it!"

After these two people made such a loud noise, Qin Yue suddenly felt that it was a good thing for the two of them to be noisy, instead of keeping everything in their hearts and not telling each other.

No matter what happens, yell out loudly and face it together.

At the same time, Xiao Qinghe's car had passed the expressway toll station, paid the money and exited the expressway, followed closely by Qin Yue and Zhan Nianbei's cars.

After getting off the overpass in front, you will find Jiangbei Airport. From the beginning of this airport to today, there has been an endless stream of passengers coming and going every day.

Qin Yue has come to this airport countless times, and every time he doesn't want to get to the airport quickly, so that the plane can take off quickly and rush to the next destination city.

Only today, he even hoped that due to sudden weather changes or air traffic control, Jian Ran and their flight would not be able to take off on time, so that he would stay with her for a little longer.

He was even looking forward to it childishly, hoping that Jian Ran could figure it out and come back to tell him what others had threatened her with.

Thinking of this, Qin Yue also felt funny. When did he laugh at himself to become so naive and childish.

Even if Jian Ran had considered telling Ye Yichen about threatening her, then Jian Ran would never file for divorce so easily.

After all these years, she couldn't remember what he said to her.

No matter what happens, don't break up easily!

No matter what happens, don't be afraid, He is here!

He told her more than once, but she never remembered.

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