My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 582 Don’t even think about escaping in this life

Chapter 582: Never escape in this life

"Muzhi, we're here, why don't you get out of the car and take a look?" The car had stopped for a while, and Qin Yue still didn't respond, so Zhan Nianbei called him.

Qin Yue looked up and saw Jian Ran holding Xiao Ranran in one hand and Xiao Ze in the other, smiling gently.

She had just gone through a divorce, but there was no trace of depression on her face. Qin Yue knew that it was not that she was not sad, she just habitually hid her true emotions.

This damn woman!

He wished he could rush over, carry her home and clean her up, and pour a few basins of cold water on her to make her sober up.

There were things that she couldn't tell him, and she had to resort to divorce. Did she think that she could get rid of him after divorce?

Not only in this life, but also in the next life, she would never escape from his grasp.

"I admire..."

Qin Yue ignored him, took out his mobile phone and made a call, asking coldly: "Are you ready for everything that needs to be prepared?"

I don't know what the person on the other end of the phone said. After hearing this, Qin Yue hung up the phone without saying anything. He turned to Zhan Nianbei and said, "You are responsible for sending them to board the plane safely. Your driver will send me back to Shengtian." .”

"Me?" Zhan Nianbei pointed at his nose. He was the commander of the Jiangbei Military Region. When did he start working as a follower?

And looking at Qin Yue's appearance, he really didn't have a chance to say "no", but forget it, he was Qin Yue's uncle.

After getting out of the car and closing the door, Zhan Nianbei tugged on his military uniform and followed Jian Ran and others.

At the same time, Qin Yue also ordered the driver to drive away.

If Jian Ran wants to fly, he will let her fly for a while. When she is tired of flying, she will know which place is the real harbor where she can anchor.

"Uncle!" Zhan Nianbei was about to say hello to them, but Xiao Ranran spotted him first.

"Baby Ran, I heard that you are going to the United States, and my uncle and grandpa came here to see you off." Zhan Nianbei picked up Xiao Ranran and squeezed her pink cheeks.

"Uncle, Ranran is going to play for a few days and will be back soon." In previous years, Xiao Ranran would go to the United States twice a year for about a month, and this time she thought she would come back after going for a while.

Her father took her there before. This time she was a little uncomfortable without her father, but luckily she had her mother this time.

"Well, then, baby, you have to have fun. When you come back, uncle and grandpa will prepare a dusting banquet for you." Zhan Nianbei knew it and wouldn't expose it. He should keep the good things in the world of children.

"Uncle, let's do Gou Gou!" After doing Gou Gou, uncle will keep his word and will not lie to her just because she is still a child.

"Okay, just pull Gou Gou." With Xiao Ranran, Zhan Nianbei, who had always been impatient, was also very patient.

"Little...Mr. Zhan, thank you for coming to see us off." Jian Ran said. She originally wanted to call her uncle, but realized that she had nothing to do with Qin Yue, so she changed her usual title.

Zhan Nianbei said: "They are all from our own family, so why are you so polite? Although you and Mu Zhi divorced and you are no longer from the Qin family, the baby will always be of the Qin family's blood. No one can change this fact. .”

"Zhan Nianbei, what are you talking nonsense here? My sister-in-law has been a member of our Qin family all her life, and this is a fact that no one can change." After Qin Xiaobao inquired about the news and learned that Jianran had come to the airport, she rushed to the airport without stopping Hurry, I finally got there before they left.

Who knew that when she arrived, she heard Zhan Nianbei talking nonsense here, and she wanted to kick this man to the sky.

Her wooden brother acts impulsively. He doesn't try to persuade her, but actually adds fuel to the fire. What kind of person is he?

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

Today, he put aside military and national affairs and came to help. Unexpectedly, he was not even thanked, but was bombarded by the Qin family brothers and sisters.

Qin Xiaobao rushed over and hugged Jian Ran. He was so anxious that he almost cried: "Sister-in-law, my brother is just a piece of wood. Don't be angry with him. Can you take baby Ran home with you?"

"Xiaobao, I'm sorry!" Jian Ran's apology was not to say she was sorry that she couldn't go back with Qin Xiaobao, but to say it on behalf of her father, Xiao Yuanfeng.

Although such serious harm cannot be erased by saying sorry, there is only so much that Jian Ran can do.

She also wanted to save some face for her father who died tragically, so there were some things she didn't want to say directly.

Qin Xiaobao said anxiously: "Sister-in-law, what are you saying to me that you're sorry? You don't think about yourself, but you also have to think about the baby. She is only four years old, can you bear to have her without a father in the future? "?"

"Sister-in-law, you know, my brother has always been a piece of wood. He has never been able to say nice things since he was a child. If you leave like this, he will definitely be sad."

"Sister-in-law, you haven't seen how my brother came here in the years after you disappeared. If baby Ran hadn't been by his side, he might not have been able to survive."

"You two have gone through so many ups and downs, why do you want a divorce now?"

"Sister-in-law, please! I beg you! Can you take Baby Ran back with me? If you can go back, my brother will be very happy."

Jian Ran shook her head and said, "Xiaobao, please stop talking. There is no possibility for me and him."

Putting aside Qin Yue's attitude towards divorce, she would never go back.

It was precisely because she knew that Qin Yue had paid too much for her. He had taken bullets for her and escaped from the uninhabited island with her. She had thought about these things carefully these days.

It's just that she knows too well that Qin Yue has paid so much for her that she can't bear it. She doesn't want him to stand in front of her in everything. She hopes that she can do a little bit for him. .

If she stayed with him, it would bring endless disaster to him. For his own good, she could leave him.

Even though her heart hurts, as long as he is well, she just wants him to live well.

Her parents died violently, her brother was arrested, Qin Yue and Xiao Ranran both suffered different injuries, and each of them was the person closest to her.

Everything that happened had something to do with her. Who would believe that she had nothing to do with their deaths or injuries?

If she stays, she doesn't know what kind of misfortune it will bring to Qin Yue, so it is the best choice for her to leave, which is good for both of them.

So it was obvious that what she said would hurt Qin Yue, but for his own good, she would still do it.

In this life, she doesn't ask for much. She just wants Qin to be better and her children to be well. That's enough for her.

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