My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 620 There is only mother and daughter in his world

Chapter 620: There are only mother and daughter in his world

On December 24, 2013, Jian Ran suffered double betrayal from her boyfriend and sister. She was abandoned by her family and became a homeless abandoned child.

On December 24, 2013, on the same day, she met Qin Yue, the person who had the deepest imprint on her life.

On the same day, two completely different lives, one is extremely bad, the other is the beginning of a new life.

Therefore, whether something is good or not cannot be seen at the moment.

If she hadn't been betrayed by those who didn't care about her that day, it would have been impossible for her to go to the bar to drink, let alone vomit on Qin Yue, and it would have been impossible for her to leave a deep impression on Qin Yue.

Then a few years later, Qin Yue would not recognize her when she went on a blind date, and would replace another man with her.

It was a one-time encounter that year, because she was so drunk that she didn't even know who she was when she woke up, so naturally she couldn't remember Qin Yue.

Qin Yue, on the other hand, was such a cold man. Not only did he remember her, he also set the date of their first encounter into various passwords.

When thinking of this, Jian Ran only felt distressed one after another. Qin Yue had done too much for her, but she had never done a thing for him.

Just when Jian Ran was so moved, a folder on the computer desktop caught her eye - my Jian Ran!

The name of the folder is my Jian Ran.

Jian Ran clicked on it and found a WORD document and a PPT document in the folder.

Jian Ran took the lead in clicking on the PPT document. After clicking on it, her photos appeared. Each photo played automatically, with text next to each photo.

For example, on such-and-such day of such-and-such month, under what circumstances was Jian Ran photographed. Her design draft was highly praised by the client. She was very happy. She cooked two dishes herself.

For example, on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, Jian Ran was not in a good mood today. She was silent and unwilling to say anything.

For every photo, whether she is happy or sad, the person who created the PPT document has written it clearly, and you can see the intention of the person who created it.

Photos were played one after another, and the photos were gone, leaving only a simple sentence - today is the thirtieth day since Jian Ran left, and my heart has also been gone for thirty days.

Looking at this sentence, Jian Ran clicked back on the previous photo to check, and the date was indeed thirty days before this sentence.

In other words, after she disappeared, Qin Yue did not touch this folder for thirty days... What is important is not that he did not touch this folder, but how did Qin Yue survive these thirty days?

Jian Ran clicked further, wanting to see more news. However, regarding her disappearance, Qin Yue only had this sentence in his record, and nothing else.

The documents at the back were all photos of Xiao Ranran, and the captions on the photos were no longer written in Qin Yue's tone, but in Jian Ran's tone.

The last sentence of each paragraph is the same - baby, even if your mother is not with you, her love for you will not be less.

From the first photo of Xiao Ranran to the last photo of Xiao Ranran, that sentence is indispensable in every caption.

Seeing this, Jian Ran already felt indescribable heartache and shock. Qin Yue did far more to her than she imagined, but he never said anything.

Many people had told her that Qin Yue had a very hard time during the three years since she disappeared, but someone as powerful as him almost followed her away because of her departure.

Jian Ran heard all this from others. Qin Yue never said anything to her. In the memorial book he made with his own hands, there were only her and Xiao Ranran, and there was no description of him at all.

No, there is him too, but he will always be a supporting role, either standing behind her or behind Xiao Ranran.

In front of the mother and daughter, he will always be the most inconspicuous existence.

The more she thought about it, the more Jian Ran's heart ached.

From now on, she never wants Qin Yue to feel pain because of her. She wants to protect him, not to avoid him, but to stand by his side and protect him.

She wanted to tell him that in this life, he was her man and she would not let anyone hurt him.

She wanted to rush to Qin Yue's side and tell him loudly that no matter how difficult the road ahead was, she would never give up on him again.

She wants to work with him to raise their two children together and let them know that they are the happiest children in the world.

Jian Ran stood up, but because she was so excited, her legs softened and she almost knelt down, but she couldn't care less, she just wanted to return to Qin Yue.

She opened the door to the study and ran into a warm and thick embrace without any preparation.

She didn't know that after she was locked up in the study, Qin Yue was guarding the door, worried that she would make a mistake.

Looking at the man in front of her, Jian Ran reached out and hugged him tightly with both hands: "Qin Yue, I'm sorry!"

Qin Yue hugged her, his body a little stiff: "I'm the same as Xiao Ranran, I don't want to hear you say sorry."

When she said sorry to him, she just wanted to tell her that she couldn't understand, so she still insisted on leaving.

This is not what Qin Yue wants to see, so he doesn't want to hear her say sorry!

"From now on, I will never say anything about leaving you or leaving Xiao Ranran. You two are my dearest and dearest people. How could I leave you." She was really stupid, Qin Yue made it clear to her , but she still doesn’t know.

"Jian Ran, what did you say?" Qin Yue really couldn't believe what his ears heard. Only when facing Jian Ran would he feel so unconfident.

Jian Ran shed tears in his arms, but said firmly: "I said that even if you drive me away from now on, don't try to drive me away from you. I want to stay with you and Xiao Ranran. Don’t be separated from you either.”

In fact, she has always understood her own heart very well, but the things that happened scared her and left her without the courage to face it head-on, so she became such a timid and cowardly self. But please believe her, she will never do it again. .

Qin Yue was still a little unsure: "Have you figured it out?"

Jian Ran replied: "No!"

"No?" Qin Yue had plans to tear her apart. He wanted to tear her into pieces.

Jian Ran nuzzled into his arms and wiped away her tears: "I haven't figured it out. I only know that I want to stay by your side. No matter what happens, we will face it together."

Jian Ran's sudden change of attitude did not make Qin Yue very happy. He even thought that this woman was playing tricks with him to make him relax his vigilance against her, so she ran away secretly.

"Qin Yue, aren't you willing?" Finally, Jian Ran realized Qin Yue's attitude, and he seemed unhappy.

Qin Yue said in a deep voice: "Jian Ran, I mean everything I say to you. If you dare to mess around, I will never let you go."

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