My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 621 Because I’m afraid

Chapter 621: Because I’m afraid

Qin Yue can guarantee that if Jian Ran dares to play tricks with him, he will definitely hang her up and beat her to let her know that he, Qin Yue, is not someone to be trifled with.

"Qin Yue, I know you are serious about everything you say to me." Jian Ran bravely met Qin Yue's deep gaze, bit her lip, and said, "I am serious too."

She looked at him with clear and firm eyes: "You said you like me and want to keep me by your side. Why don't I want to stay by your side all the time? It's just that I have too many things to worry about. I’m afraid that we won’t be able to hold hands and grow old together.”

Just thinking about not being able to grow old with Qin Yue, Jian Ran's breathing stagnated and her heart ached: "Qin Yue, from the time I agreed to marry you, I also made up my mind to live a good life with you. I have never thought about divorcing you."

She sniffed, holding back tears and continued: "A few days ago, the reason why I filed for divorce from you was because Ye Yichen threatened me that he would be bad for you. I was afraid, afraid of losing you, so I Will do what he wants."

"Qin Yue, do you know?" Jian Ran asked Qin Yue, and at the same time gave her own answer, "You definitely don't know. When I saw you signing the divorce agreement, I felt like I was going to die."

"Even back then, I didn't know that people like Jian Zhengtian were not my relatives. When they betrayed me together, I never felt as uncomfortable as I did this time."

"But the moment you signed the divorce agreement, I thought I was dead. But I still have our child in my belly, and I have to keep telling myself, nothing can happen to me, nothing can happen to me, I must Give birth to our child well.”

"Because the child is the only treasure you left to me. The child is the only connection between you and me."

Jian Ran held her breath and said a lot, telling him everything she had never said to Qin Yue before, to let her know that he was actually in her heart and that he was her life.

He said that she was not with him and her heart was empty.

So why isn't she?

When he was not by her side, her heart was not only empty, she even felt that every breath of air was filled with piercing pain.

Without him by her side, she never had a peaceful night's sleep or a good meal.

If it weren't for the children supporting her, she might not be able to survive now.

After saying that, Jian Ran didn't hear Qin Yue's answer for a long time. She tugged on Qin Yue's clothes with some anxiety: "Qin Yue?"

What does he want?

Say something back to her, give her an answer, don't keep asking her to guess like this, okay?

"Jian Ran, I'm sorry!" Qin Yue rubbed her head and held her in his arms, "I know all about Ye Yichen's threats to you."

In the past, Qin Yue always felt that he was a qualified husband if he had done everything he could to help Jianran.

In fact, he didn't do enough. He never thought about her from Jian Ran's point of view, because she was not him after all.

She only knew that he was the leader of Shengtian and that he made a lot of money every day, but she didn't know the way he managed Shengtian.

He never mentioned many things to her because he felt that it didn't matter whether Jian Ran knew about it or not.

Precisely because he didn't say anything, Jian Ran didn't know his true power. She was suddenly threatened and the matter was related to him, so she panicked and was scared.

When a person is panicked and scared, the brain will always react slower than usual, so she made that choice.

And he knew clearly that Jian Ran was threatened by Ye Yichen, but instead of taking the initiative to tell her not to worry, he had a way to deal with Ye Yichen, he instead waited for her to think about it and make her own choice.

"You know everything?" Jian Ran thought she was doing it without anyone noticing, but she didn't expect that Qin Yue actually knew everything.

Qin Yue already knew it, but when did he know it?

Was it before their divorce or after their divorce?

Just when Jian Ran was confused, she heard Qin Yue say: "Jian Ran, I have told you many times that you are my Qin Yue's wife, and I am the man you can rely on for the rest of your life. So when someone threatens you Why don’t you discuss it with me? Why do you want to make a decision privately?”

Jian Ran lowered her head: "I..."

Qin Yue raised her head and kissed her forehead: "I didn't know you were afraid before, but now I know."

Qin Yue didn't understand it before, but after hearing what Jian Ran said just now, he understood it.

Divorce was a big deal for him. He had been waiting for Jian Ran, waiting for Jian Ran to figure it out, waiting for her to find him and tell him.

He thought she would figure it out, but he didn't expect that she would actually propose to divorce him, so in a fit of anger, he agreed to Jian Ran's divorce.

In the final analysis, both of them thought they were thinking about each other, but they were not understood by the other party, resulting in a lack of timely communication, which led to such a situation.

Jian Ran didn't understand again: "What do you know?"

Qin Yue held her face and said, "Jian Ran, promise me that no matter what happens in the future, no matter big or small, you will discuss it with me and you can no longer make decisions on your own."

Jian Ran nodded lightly: "I promise you. You must also promise me that you can no longer do everything for us quietly, and you must discuss with me if you have anything."

"Well, let's work hard together in the future." After saying that, Qin Yue lowered his head to kiss Jian Ran, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the little guy standing aside. She blinked her big, watery eyes and looked at it with great curiosity. them.

"Ranran!" Qin Yue called her.

"Of course I didn't see anything." Xiao Ranran covered her eyes with her small hands, but deliberately opened her fingers and looked at her parents through the gaps between her fingers.

Mom and dad are playing and kissing again, which proves that they have reconciled and will not quarrel again, and she doesn't have to worry about becoming a motherless child again.

"Come here!" Qin Yue said.

"Dad, don't bully Ranran, just don't look at it." Seeing that her father's expression was wrong, Xiao Ranran quickly said something nice. What if her father was angry and spanked her little butt?

"Come here!" Qin Yue slightly emphasized his tone.

"..." Xiao Ranran's little mouth moved. If her father was cruel to her again, she would cry to him. She thought of doing it.

"Qin Yue, what do you want to do? Don't scare our baby Ran." Before Xiao Ranran could cry to her father, her mother stepped forward to help her.

So Xiao Ranran feels that children who have a mother are really happy. When they are bullied by their father, they have their mother to help them.

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